When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 11 Borrowing someone’s head

"Did you hear that Zhang Jianyang was raped down?"

"What, Xiao Zhangzi was masturbated, who did it?"

"The new factory director!"

"No way. Could it be that Xiao Zhangzi didn't serve him attentively enough and made the emperor angry?"

"Haha, on the contrary, he flattered the new factory director too hard. The new factory director refused to accept this trick and just slapped him off and made him work as a manager in a service company."

"Wow, from the factory office to the service company, this is a step down to the ground. But it's okay. It's disgusting to see him swaying the leader's back all day long."

"Lao Zhang is quite a good person. He can't help but hang around the leader. That's his job. However, our new factory director is really new. Zhang Jianyang gave him and the new factory assistant two movies. Big Brother, he didn’t want it at all, so he asked Zhang Jianyang to withdraw from Big Brother, and with the money returned, he paid more than 30,000 yuan for the retired worker’s medical expenses.”

"Really? Such a good thing! It's rare to see such a factory director. So, our factory can still be saved?"

"It's hard to say. However, I heard someone say that our new factory director was sent from the ministry. He has been a division chief in the ministry for more than 20 years. His style is quite decent. I don't know if he has any ability."

"Whether you have ability or not is secondary, as long as you have good character. Like those bastards we used to have..."

Zhang Jianyang's head caused countless waves in Linyiji. Zhou Heng used such a popular way to ignite his first fire in Linyiji.

According to Zhou Heng's original idea, he just wanted to remind Fan Caihong and Zhang Jianyang to change their original work style and stop giving special care to the factory leaders. This would not be the case next time. But Tang Zifeng's suggestion made Zhou Heng feel bright. Although it is unfair to Zhang Jianyang to give Zhang Jianyang serious treatment in the name of taking too much care of the factory leaders, it will be of great benefit to calm the resentment of all factory workers against the factory leaders.

There were also considerations in choosing Zhang Jianyang instead of Fan Caihong. On the one hand, Zhang Jianyang handled matters such as buying furniture and mobile phones, so it is reasonable to punish him.

On the other hand, as soon as the new factory director took office, he took away the principal positions in the factory office, which is a bit unjustifiable. The deputy positions are used to carry out thunder. Zhang Jianyang should also have this awareness.

Zhou Heng called Fan Caihong and Zhang Jianyang and told them this idea. Fan Caihong was stunned with shock, while Zhang Jianyang suddenly turned pale, but he didn't know how to defend himself.

In fact, he had dealt with Zhou Heng in the past and knew that Zhou Heng was a relatively honest person. He also hesitated whether his actions were going too far.

However, at that time, he had second thoughts and felt that when the new factory director took office, he would rather overdo it than make the new factory director feel unsatisfied.

Treat him with delicious food and drink, and then give him the most fashionable mobile phone. Even if the other party doesn't accept it, at least he won't hit the smiling person. How can he punish himself for this?

But who would have thought that Zhou Heng was so ignorant. The more you do it, the more it becomes a sin. Zhou Heng's reasoning is also on the table. The factory's operating conditions are so bad. As the deputy director of the factory office, you do not share the worries of the factory or take the initiative to supervise the extravagant behavior of the factory leaders. Instead, you open the door to convenience for the leaders. You are so Isn't that considered malfeasance?

"Director Zhou, Xiao Zhang did something wrong with good intentions. I think it is enough to return the mobile phone and criticize Xiao Zhang internally. After all, Xiao Zhang has been conscientious at work for so many years. This Director Zhou, you also know something." Fan Caihong timidly tried to smooth things over by the side.

She knew that Zhou Heng's thunder blow was only 0.01 millimeter away from her pretty face. If she dared to say more, she might end up with Zhang Jianyang.

Zhou Heng looked at Zhang Jianyang and said: "Jianyang, this matter can only be aggrieved to you. I know you have good intentions, but in the current situation in the factory, every move we make as leaders will affect the public's perception of the situation." Our confidence. By doing this, you are actually putting me, the new factory director, on the fire. If the factory cannot make an explanation for this behavior, subsequent work will not be carried out."

"I understand. Director Zhou, I didn't consider this matter well enough, which caused trouble to both the factory and Director Zhou. I will review this matter to you and I am willing to accept the punishment from the organization." Zhang Jianyang said with a tearful voice.

He is also someone who has read the Three Kingdoms, and knows that Zhou Heng's move is to use his head to win people's hearts, but what can he do? It was very polite for Zhou Heng to talk to him like this.

The previous factory leaders have already entered. How could he, the deputy director of the factory office, not have any stains? If Zhou Heng wanted to pursue the matter further, it would not be an exaggeration to really chop off his head.

Zhang Jianyang's punishment was relatively light. In addition to a warning within the party, he was demoted to the factory labor service company as a manager, and his original deputy director-level salary was retained.

The Labor Service Company was originally an organization used by the factory to place unemployed young people. It managed two small family-owned factories as well as several markets, shops, restaurants, etc., so it was considered a sideline. However, if you don't have any ambitions, it's not bad to work as a manager in a labor service company. At least you can get the daily vegetables and non-staple food at home for free from the small market under the control, which can be regarded as some income.

However, I still have ideals, okay? I am only 38 years old this year and I still want to make progress!

Zhang Jianyang shouted desperately in his heart.

Zhou Heng didn't care what Zhang Jianyang thought. He asked Zhang Jianyang to go to the Post and Telecommunications Bureau to return the mobile phone, and handed the returned nearly 30,000 yuan to the Finance Department, specifying that it would be used to reimburse the medical expenses of dozens of retired workers in the factory who were most in need.

Because there is no money financially, the medical expenses of the employees are very much in arrears. A mere 30,000 yuan is not enough to reimburse all the medical expenses owed in the past few years. Zhou Heng learned from Fan Caihong that some retired employees had very difficult family lives, so he designated that these people's medical expenses should be reimbursed first, and the rest would be postponed a little later.

Prioritizing the reimbursement of medical expenses for retired workers leaves most people speechless. These retired workers are all the masters of current workers, or the masters of their masters, and are veteran figures in the factory.

The factory has a long-standing tradition of respecting teachers. The saying that once you are a teacher, you will always be a father is still very popular in the factory. Every New Year's Eve, the disciples would go to their former masters and give them gifts. No matter how old an official you were, if you didn't respect your master, you would be stabbed in the back.

In recent years, the social atmosphere has changed somewhat, and people no longer respect their teachers so much. But even so, this kind of thought can only be hidden in the heart. On the surface, who dares to say that the teacher is not important?

In addition, older workers are generally relatively idle and are the center of dissemination of various public opinions in the factory. Zhou Heng reimbursed their medical expenses as soon as he came to power. These people must be grateful to Zhou Heng. They publicized this matter on various occasions, which was also of great help to Zhou Heng to gain a foothold in Linyiji.

The effects of punishing Zhang Jianyang and reimbursing medical expenses for some retired workers far exceeded Zhou Heng and Tang Zifeng's expectations.

People who have not experienced severe winter cannot appreciate the warmth of spring. In the past few years, Linyiji's leadership team only cared about their own luxury and self-interest, the middle-level cadres had their own plans, and ordinary workers were completely in a state of being unloved by their fathers and mothers, and could only find their own way out.

But now, a new factory director has come. When he came to power, he demoted Zhang Jianyang, who specialized in licking the leader's buttocks, to a service company. He also reimbursed the medical expenses for retired workers who had difficulties in life, using the money originally given to the new factory. How can the money for a long-term mobile phone not make the hearts of all factory workers warm? Most workers are actually very kind-hearted. As long as someone gives them a little sunshine, they can shine.

Then, Zhou Heng instructed that all the luxury cars in the factory should be sold, and the money received would be used to reimburse more employees for their medical expenses and other arrears. This decision was deliberately publicized by Fan Caihong and once again set off a wave of public opinion in the factory.

Taking advantage of public opinion and the shadow left by Zhang Jianyang's demotion on the minds of middle-level cadres, Zhou Heng asked all departments to immediately report the situation of the small treasury, and stipulated that all the small treasury should be sealed from now on, and the funds in it would be arranged and used uniformly by the factory. If any department dares to commit crimes and privately divide small treasury, the factory will take the most severe measures to punish them, and the most serious cases can be referred to the judiciary.

These measures have been introduced one after another, and they have really played a big role in boosting public sentiment. The sealing of the small treasury was harmful to the interests of many government officials, but most people still gave it very cautious understanding and support.

The fate of the vast majority of people is tied to the company. If the company collapses, can one's own department still exist? What is the little money in the department’s coffers enough for?

If the new factory director can really innovate and eliminate defects and bring the factory back to life, then what's the harm in giving up some of the benefits he got from the small treasury? I remember when the factory was booming, there were year-end bonuses, double half bonuses, May Day National Day, etc. There were also various subsidies, ranging from three to five yuan, which added up to a considerable amount. Also, the factory gives out watermelons in the summer and charcoal in the winter. During the New Year, each person is given 10 pounds of pork and 20 pounds of eggs, which is really cool. With such benefits, who cares about the little money in the department's coffers?

As for those who have never had access to the small treasury in the past, they support this policy with both hands. People working in the same factory agree to share joys and sorrows? I have long been disgusted with those people in the agency sharing money privately!

Facing the praise, Zhou Heng knew in his heart that all this was just a temporary phenomenon. The factory has not paid wages to workers for another two months, and dissatisfaction is building. When everyone discovers that everything they have done is just a "show", they will be disappointed with the factory leaders again, and will launch a new round of wage demands, making the new factory director lose face.

"Old Han, whether Director Zhou can stand firm in Linyiji depends on the results of our trip. If we can't get back the 2 million payment owed to us by Jinyao Vehicle Factory, the factory will be completely destroyed."

Thousands of miles away in Jinyao City, Xiahai Province, Tang Zifeng dragged Han Weichang off the train and said to him with a smile.

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