When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 36 Meeting an old friend in a foreign land

Next, Tang Zifeng, accompanied by Zhang Jianyang, inspected small restaurants, family-owned factories and other units. After receiving various promises from Tang Zifeng, family-owned workers in these units also burst out with enthusiasm for work and made many improvements. Many of the business suggestions are feasible.

Zhang Jianyang wrote them down one by one and began to implement them step by step after preparation. In the constant collision of ideas, Zhang Jianyang's ideas were also rapidly broadening. He was gradually able to keep up with Tang Zifeng's ideas and understood what he should do to truly bring the labor service company out of the quagmire.

When it was time to get off work, Tang Zifeng and Zhang Jianyang agreed to continue the inspection the next day, and specifically talked about Yu Xiaohui's affairs, saying that he decided to keep Yu Xiaohui as a part-time worker for him, and he would be paid 60 yuan a month. The remuneration is borne by him personally and does not need to be paid by the labor service company, but the labor service company still needs to be paid on his behalf.

Zhang Jianyang explained for a long time, but was finally retorted by Tang Zifeng. What Tang Zifeng said was: "You don't want Director Zhou to remove me from my position, do you?"

When Tang Zifeng returned home, Yu Xiaohui had already prepared dinner for him. It consisted of two dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, which tasted very good. The amount of food Yu Xiaohui cooked was only equivalent to one person's portion. Tang Zifeng symbolically invited her to eat together, but she firmly refused, so Tang Zifeng stopped forcing it. It's okay to treat the little girl to a meal every once in a while to give her some nutrition. But if she eats with her every meal and develops a habit, it won't be appropriate.

While Tang Zifeng was eating, Yu Xiaohui stayed in the north room and read the novels brought by Tang Zifeng with gusto. Tang Zifeng chatted with her from time to time about study, life, etc., and she answered fluently without any timidity. This little girl is relatively simple-minded and feels that Tang Zifeng treats people well, so she is not afraid.

Tang Zifeng was a little uncomfortable with Yu Xiaohui calling him "uncle" one after another at first. His own sister is a senior in high school in his hometown. She is 17 years old this year and is only 3 years older than Yu Xiaohui. It seems a bit contrary to him to be an "uncle" in front of Yu Xiaohui.

However, he then thought about it, he was a single young man, and Yu Xiaohui came over to do housework for him every day. He was considered a man and a woman alone, so it would be less awkward to keep some distance.

After Tang Zifeng finished his meal, Yu Xiaohui helped him wash the dishes and put away the garbage, then said goodbye and went home. Tang Zifeng turned on the TV and changed several channels, but couldn't find anything worth watching. Out of boredom, he decided to go out for a walk.

Throughout Linyiji, Tang Zifeng knew very few people. Apart from Zhang Jianyang, Zheng Bin, and a group of factory leaders who he met because of work, there were only two people left who could be considered friends. One was Zhou Heng. , the other is Han Weichang.

Dragging Zhou Heng to go shopping, Tang Zifeng thought to himself that he was not that stupid yet. As for going shopping with Lao Han, Tang Zifeng might feel very happy, but Lao Han would definitely not be happy. Lao Han now has a bit of PTSD towards Tang Zifeng. Why would Tang Zifeng do such a thing that benefits himself at the expense of others?

Unable to find company, Tang Zifeng had no choice but to wander around alone. He passed through the family area and exited Linyiji's factory through a corner door. What hit him was a visual and auditory impact of feasting and feasting, mixed with various fragrances and odors wafting from roadside stalls. He turned back to look at the quiet factory area of ​​Linyiji, and couldn't help but have a thought in his mind.

This is already an era of market economy, and within the thick walls of Linyiji, it is still the reserved land of the planned economy.

What I did at the market and store during the day could be regarded as introducing market concepts to Linyiji, but this was not enough.

In fact, Linyi Machinery has far more resources than just a few markets and small shops. For such a large factory area in a busy city, the land alone is a priceless treasure.

When Linyi Machinery was built, it was in the early 1950s. At that time, this area belonged to the suburbs of Linhe City. It was said that there were some riverbanks and random graves. It took Linyi Machinery's cadres and workers several years to completely level it out. After decades of development, the size of Linhe City has expanded more than 10 times, and Linyiji has been surrounded by the city. Outside the walls are residential areas, which are very prosperous.

In recent years, with the expansion of Linhe City's urban construction scale, the Linhe City Government has become increasingly dissatisfied with Linyiji occupying such a large piece of land in the downtown area, and has also discussed with Linyiji's original leadership team , hoping that Linyi Machinery can be moved out from its current location and the city government will allocate another piece of land for resettlement in the outer suburbs.

The real estate industry in Linhe City has developed rapidly in recent years, and land prices in urban areas have risen rapidly. Where Linyiji is located, the price of one acre of land has risen to more than 300,000 yuan. Linyi Machinery owns 1,350 acres of land worth 400 million yuan, so there is no reason why Linhe City Government will not be interested.

The original team of Linyi Machinery also understood this and proposed relocation. However, the Linhe Municipal Government must provide no less than 300 million yuan in cash as compensation, and also provide an equally large piece of land for the construction of a new location. factory area.

The city government believes that it is completely unreasonable to allocate this land to Linyiji, but Linyiji did not pay a penny, and now it is asking for 300 million, out of various considerations such as revolutionary friendship and so on. , the city government can provide up to 50 million yuan to compensate.

The price differences between the two parties were huge, so of course it was impossible to reach an agreement. After much wrangling, when the city government agreed to increase the amount of compensation to 100 million yuan, Linyiji's team all went to have tea, and Zhou Heng and others came to take over. Since the new team had just taken office and had not had time to communicate with the city about this matter, the matter was put on hold.

Fan Caihong had reported this situation to Zhou Heng, and Tang Zifeng heard about it at that time.

According to Fan Caihong's analysis, the city's bottom line is estimated to be raised to 150 million. If it is higher, it may not agree. In other words, Zhou Heng actually has a trump card in his hand, which is to hand over the land in the factory area to the Linhe Municipal Government in exchange for a compensation of no less than 150 million yuan. With this money, the factory's current difficulties can be easily solved.

After learning about this situation, Zhou Heng discussed with Tang Zifeng privately to discuss whether this plan could be considered.

Zhou Heng's idea is that this plan should only be used when there is no other choice. Theoretically, you can get 150 million yuan in compensation for replacing the land, but it will cost a lot to rebuild the factory buildings and dormitories at the last opportunity. At least 100 million yuan will be invested. In the end, the factory will only be left with a mere 50 million yuan.

The 50 million yuan in funds can enable the factory to survive the current difficulties, but it cannot sustain it for long. If the factory itself has no hematopoietic function and relies solely on selling land to survive, it will go bankrupt sooner or later. The Machinery Department sent Zhou Heng and Tang Zifeng down not to sell land.

We won’t sell the land, or we won’t sell the land for the time being, but we can rent out the land. To be precise, we can rent out the building. When a labor service company rents out a vegetable market, it can earn more than 300,000 yuan in rental income a year. If we rent out those luxurious office buildings in the factory, how much can we earn back?

That's right, I will present this plan to Zhou Heng tomorrow. At this critical moment, the factory needs to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and any opportunity to make money cannot be missed.

Tang Zifeng thought excitedly, and his steps became more relaxed. He admired the street scenes on both sides and arrived at the People's Square in Linhe City.

Linhe City People's Square has always been the busiest place in Linhe City. In the early days, there were two of the city's largest department stores and several high-end hotels here, making it the city's commercial center. In recent years, several small commercial streets have been built around department stores and restaurants, some specializing in selling small commodities, and some specializing in supplying various delicacies. There are more than a dozen karaoke parlors here from the south, and two have the words "KTV" written on their doors, which are said to be upgraded versions of karaoke.

From Tang Zifeng's point of view, this place is equivalent to the level of eighth-tier cities in later generations, but for today's new people, this place simply represents the highest state of fashion. The young men in Linhe are dating. If they don't bring their girlfriends to the People's Square every three days to spend money, I'm afraid they will be doomed to be alone for the rest of their lives.

"Handsome guy, do you want some mutton skewers?"

"Handsome guy, do you want to try the latest fruit smoothie flavor in Hong Kong?"

"Boss, come in and sing. We have the latest video tapes imported from Taiwan..."

As soon as Tang Zifeng walked to the side of People's Square, he attracted the attention of a group of solicitors. Some middle-aged women followed him, and after walking for hundreds of meters, they were still talking about selling the services in their store, which made Tang Zifeng wonder if he had the MT attribute naturally.

"Go away, why am I treating you again!"

"You are the fattest, and you eat the most every time. What's wrong with treating you more often?"

"I have no money. I will have to drink boiled water for the next half of the month."

"Anyway, you are thick, so you can lose weight by drinking boiled water for a few more days!"

"Shit, I only gain weight by drinking boiled water, but I don't gain weight by eating meat..."

The noise of several young men behind him attracted Tang Zifeng's attention. He vaguely heard a familiar tone from the conversation of several quarrelsome people. He turned around and encountered several quarrels walking towards him. Walking in the middle was a fat man weighing about 200 kilograms. Three friends were surrounding him as he walked forward, urging him to He was paying for the treat, and he was arguing loudly, but obviously feeling outnumbered.

"Hey, look what I found?"

When Tang Zifeng met this group of people, he saw the fat man jumping up a foot high on the spot, pointing his finger at Tang Zifeng and shouting happily:

"Tang Shuai, why are you here in Linhe!"

"Ha, Fatty, it's you. I haven't asked you yet, why are you in Linhe?"

Tang Zifeng also recognized the other party and couldn't help but happily agreed.

This guy was his best friend for three years when he was in high school at Tunling Middle School:

Fatty, Ningmo!

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