When will I have a long tassel?

Chapter 41 The considerations behind

It was quite a journey from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to the city government, and it would take some time for Wei Yonglin to get there. While waiting for Wei Yonglin, Lu Zhenghong started chatting with Zhou Heng.

"Director Zhou, how much loan does Linyiji owe to the bank now?" Lu Zhenghong asked.

"The total is more than 40 million," Zhou Heng replied.

"There are so many!" Lu Zhenghong pretended to be surprised.

Lu Wei intervened at the right time and told Lu Zhenghong about Lin Yiji's situation.

Lu Zhenghong tutted and expressed regret, and then asked Zhou Heng: "So, what are Director Zhou's plans after taking over? I don't know much about business management, but I have also heard that corporate production needs working capital support. Linyi Given the current situation, liquidity is probably very tight, right?"

"Indeed," Zhou Heng said, "This is also something I want to ask Mayor Lu for help. Next, we will consider expanding our business scope and developing some marketable new products. I am afraid we will inevitably need to ask banks to provide support."

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult." Lu Zhenghong frowned into a knot.

Lu Wei said: "Director Zhou, as far as I know, the bank's money supply will only be tighter than it is now. It will be very difficult for you to find a bank loan. In fact, the city government has been Director Zhou, who is helping Lin Yiji find a way to solve the problem of fund shortage, has just arrived and may not be very familiar with these situations."

Zhou Heng thought, turned to look at Tang Zifeng, and found that Tang Zifeng was also giving him a knowing look. Zhou Heng knew it well, and it turned out that this was the problem.

"Secretary Lu, you said that the city government has been helping us find solutions in the past, but you don't know what the specific solutions are? I just came here and I really don't know much about these situations." Zhou Heng said.

Lu Wei said: "Actually, Linyiji is a typical beggar with a golden rice bowl. Linyiji's existing factory is located in a busy city. Our municipal government once asked a professional organization to evaluate it. Only Linyiji's 1,350-acre factory area , the current land value is 100 million. If Linyiji is willing to move the factory to the suburbs, and also buys 1,350 acres of land, it will not even be used for 20 million, which will be an extra 80 million in working capital, enough for Linyiji The production transformation has been completed with one machine.”


Hearing what Lu Wei said, Fan Caihong couldn't help but want to interrupt. Damn it, you guys are raising your prices from the ground up. When the original leadership team negotiated with the city government, the price offered by the city government had already been reduced to the free allocation of 1,500 acres of land, and a compensation of 100 million yuan. You are bullying Lao Zhou, who has just arrived, and plans to blackmail the land allocated for free.

Tang Zifeng quickly stopped Fan Caihong, then pretended to be happy and said to Zhou Heng: "Director Zhou, there is such a good plan, how come we have never heard of it? If we can get one With a capital of 100 million, at least Lin Yiji won’t have to worry about running out of money in the next five years. This is indeed a good idea.”

Zhou Heng looked troubled and said, "I'm afraid the ministry may not be able to pass this matter."

Tang Zifeng said: "It all depends on manpower. Now that we can't even pay out wages when we get an opportunity, the ministry is at a loss. If we can come up with such a plan, maybe the ministry will think it is an innovation."

"I'm afraid this matter needs to be considered in the long run."

"Of course, but we'd better submit a report application to the ministry immediately. This will also give the ministry some time for discussion."


Fan Caihong sat next to him and couldn't help but be a little stunned when he saw the old man and the young man speaking enthusiastically.

Please, I told you about this last week, okay? Why do you act like you just knew about it? Tang Zifeng is just pretending to be stupid. You, Zhou, are the director of the factory and an old comrade who has been the director of the department for more than 20 years. How come you were led astray by Tang Zifeng? Or maybe you people from the capital are so sophisticated that I, a Linhe person, can’t understand it?

Lu Zhenghong and Lu Wei were secretly happy. The city government has been coveting this piece of Linyiji for a long time. It had been negotiating with the previous team of Linyiji, but failed to reach an agreement because the other party's price was too high. This time I heard that the previous team of Linyi Machinery had collectively been dismissed, and the ministry had sent a new factory director. Lu Zhenghong discussed this matter with his staff. Some staff members believed that the new team of Linyiji Machinery was likely to accept the relocation. solution for three reasons:

First, Linyiji was at the end of its rope, and there was no other way out except relocating and selling land;

Secondly, I heard that Linyiji’s new team is of a transitional nature and will be transferred back to the ministry as long as it achieves a turnaround. As a temporary team, they are more likely to accept this condition of drinking poison to quench thirst;

Third, the new team does not know the situation in Linhe and may not necessarily know the true value of the Linyiji land. It is easy for the municipal government to reach a deal with the other party at a lower price.

This time, the Municipal Industry and Commerce Branch withheld Jinche's payment to Linyiji. In fact, it was the instruction of one of Lu Zhenghong's staff. After Lu Zhenghong learned about this, he adopted a tacit attitude.

This staff member believes that only by cutting off all hope of Linyiji can the new team of Linyiji be forced to make a decisive decision. If Linyiji gets the 1 million payment and takes a breather to give the new team time to fully understand the situation, it will be more difficult for the city government to force Linyiji to submit.

If the original team of Linyiji were in office, the city would not do this easily. Because the original team had a very close relationship with Linhe City and Dongye Province, there were countless channels to put pressure on the Industrial and Commercial Branch. A subsidiary company is a behemoth. Even if it is debt-ridden, it still has considerable energy. Lu Zhenghong has to think twice before taking action against Linyiji.

Now Linyiji has a new team. Lu Zhenghong doesn't understand this new team at all. This move also means "trying it out", which is to test Zhou Heng's ability and attitude through a small incident in order to decide on the future. Pro-one machine cooperation model.

Now it seems that Zhou Heng and the assistant factory director named Tang Zifeng were indeed impressed by the city government's plan.

They knew nothing about the value of Linyiji's land and seemed unconcerned about its true value. Tang Zifeng's words are very clear. He only cares about Lin Yiji having enough money to spend in the next five years. As for five years later, he will have been transferred back to the capital for promotion. What does Lin Yiji's life and death have to do with him?

Haha, if this is the case, then we might as well give them a face and let the industrial and commercial branch loosen their grip and withhold less of their payment. As for returning all 1 million to them, that is impossible. We have to make them suffer no matter what, otherwise how could they compromise?

Just as I was thinking of this, a staff member outside the door announced that Wei Yonglin, the president of the Industrial and Commercial Branch, had arrived. Lu Zhenghong ordered him to be brought in, and then introduced him and Zhou Heng to each other.

"It turns out to be Director Zhou. Nice to meet you!" Wei Yonglin was quite polite, holding Zhou Heng's hand and greeting him repeatedly, his waist still slightly bent, showing some humility. The leader of Linyiji still had some status in Linhe City, and Wei Yonglin did not dare to appear too unruly in front of Zhou Heng.

When it came time to shake hands with Tang Zifeng, Wei Yonglin's attitude became more arrogant. After shaking hands, he patted Tang Zifeng's shoulder and said, "Young and promising," as if he was in a position of superiority.

As for meeting Fan Caihong, Wei Yonglin almost had the tendency to turn into a strange uncle. He held Fan Caihong's hand for a long time and warmly invited Fan Caihong to come and sit with him when he had time. He had just asked someone to get a few of them. A superb goldfish...

After this exchange of greetings, everyone sat down separately, and Lu Zhenghong took the lead in talking about the topic. He told Wei Yonglin the request made by Zhou Heng, and expressed on behalf of the municipal government that he would actively support loss-making enterprises and hoped that banks would cooperate. After saying this, he changed the topic and said that the government cannot interfere in financial work. After all, tightening money is the central government's established policy. How to deal with this matter in the end should be decided by the banks themselves.

"Our bank must strictly abide by Mayor Lu's instructions." Wei Yonglin first expressed his loyalty, and then made a twist as no one expected:

"However, this year, the head office's requirements for us have been unprecedentedly strict. The loan limit has been reduced by more than half. The loans issued in the past must be recovered in full and on time. We are also under great pressure. This morning, Mr. Ning came to me. Go there, I have already introduced this situation to her. It’s not that we don’t support the operation of the enterprise, it’s actually the national policy that requires it, and as a municipal branch, we can’t go against the national policy.”

When he said this, his eyes kept glancing at Lu Zhenghong's face, trying to get some hints from Lu Zhenghong. Lu Zhenghong's face was expressionless, his eyes looked at his nose, and his nose looked at his heart, showing signs of becoming an immortal. He believed that Wei Yonglin could grasp the balance. He only needed to come out to smooth things over when the two sides could not reach a consensus, so as to give Zhou Heng face while maintaining pressure on Lin Yiji.

Zhou Heng was already mentally prepared for Wei Yonglin’s attitude. He said:

"President Wei, our President Ning has already reported to me the difficulties on the bank's side after he returned today. The country has requirements for tightening monetary policy, and we can understand the responsibilities of President Wei. However, in the face of an emergency, I think President Wei must It is also very clear. The factory has not paid wages for several months, and the original leadership team has collectively been dismissed, which has made the cadres and workers in the factory feel uneasy.

"At this time, if our new team cannot take some measures that are visible to the masses, it will be difficult to restore the confidence of cadres and workers, which will be very fatal for getting out of trouble at the last opportunity. I think the central government's purpose of tightening money is also In order to stabilize the economy. And if large state-owned enterprises like Linyiji cannot achieve stability, then the impact on the economy will probably be greater, right?"

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