Whispering Verse

Chapter 253 The Blood Spirit School Appears

"Detective, you did a good job. Your Silver Moon Slash just now was almost more powerful than my Sunshine Spear. The sage-level relic is indeed extraordinary."

After confirming that her opponent was dead, Miss Bayas gasped and praised, taking out a small bottle of holy water from her pocket and taking a sip. She had just used a variety of thaumaturgy in succession, which consumed a lot of money.

Shade looked down at the necklace around his neck, and then at the body of the five-ring warlock. If the opponent had not chosen to transform into Ghost Mist, the three of them would not have won so completely.

"Even among the sage-level relics, this necklace that the detective borrowed from an unknown lady is quite powerful, oh~"

Miss Anat held her chest in pain and groaned, then sat down on the steps. Victory didn't come without a price, and she was hurt.

Neither Shade nor Miss Bayas went to check on Miss Anat. The former quickly walked towards the steps to listen for footsteps outside, while the latter looked alertly at the basement with flying pages, guarding against a second ring warlock. Appear.

"no problem."

After being quiet for a while, Xia De spoke softly.

"It's no problem here, the battle will end quickly."

Miss Bayas said that they are all decisive and reliable people, and Shade admires such girls very much.

The young sorceress continued to observe the surroundings vigilantly, while Shade took out a small bottle of water from his pocket and came to Miss Anat:

"Drink some, not too much, otherwise you will burp. If the injury is serious, you can pour it on the injured area."

The blasphemous silver aura flickered on the water. After Miss Anat took it, Shade turned around consciously. After the lady behind him whispered that it was ready, he turned around and took the empty bottle.

Shade actually has many treatment methods. [Food of Fullness] can treat physical injuries, [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift] can treat mental trauma, and [Eternal Youth Leaves] can be used as a one-time consumable to allow people to directly Complete recovery from serious injury.

In this operation, not to mention his combat effectiveness, just his auxiliary abilities were enough.

"Do you still need treatment?"

Shade didn't forget to ask. Miss Anat stood up and shook her head:

"It's okay now."

Shade asked Miss Bayas again:

"Do you need treatment?"

The latter also shook his head:

"It's not necessary at the moment, detective. Go search the body and leave immediately."

[Relics] are extremely precious, and the total number of recorded relics does not exceed five figures. Not all ring sorcerers have [relics], at least that is the case for ring sorcerers who are not from churches or academies. But this does not mean that the killed scar-faced man did not have any [relics]. Mercury Blood used the power of [The Puppet Operator's Script] to collect a lot of good things for that ridiculous goal.

Although no suspicious items were found on the body after the initial search, Miss Anat simply tossed a coin and concluded that there must be relics on the other party.

"It's really convenient to have a fortune teller by your side."

Shade and Miss Bayas both had this idea.

Searching the body again found nothing, but with the help of the woman's voice in his head, Shade still took out a glass vial with gloves on from the inside of the dissected body. The body of the bottle is approximately round cake-shaped, but only as big as a quarter of a hand. There is no cork, and it is hidden directly in the liver of the corpse.

Ring warlocks can pay a price for strength, Miss Bayas doesn't care about one eye, and this scar-faced man also has the courage to stuff such a big thing into his stomach. There was very little mercury inside the bottle, which only covered the bottom of the bottle. As Shade shook, the remaining mercury also swayed inside the container. However, no matter how much it was poured, the mercury could not be poured out of the bottle.

"Do you know what this is?"

Shade asked his companions, and the two ladies shook their heads:

"Unknown relics themselves are hidden dangers. Hide them here first and take them away when you leave. Today's most important target is the Silver Eyed Man."

Miss Anat said, and Shade temporarily pressed the bottle under the body again.

The basement is quite large, with stacked cardboard boxes almost forming a maze. After searching the corpse, you will find the entrance to the underground ruins, which is hidden.

Miss Anat was ready to do another divination, but this more specific search would take some time. Shade used [Echo of Blood] to observe the ground. Unfortunately, except for the blood vomited by Miss Anat, there were no traces for Shade to observe.

So he used [Echoes of the Past] to capture the sounds within 36 hours. Human voices rarely appeared in the underground warehouse that was guarded alone, so Shade captured the sound at once, which was the voice of the dead scar-faced man:

"Damn Diak, hide down there and don't come out. Let me guard the door for you. One day, I will take your place and I will stuff your vagina into my vagina."

Judging from the tone, it sounded like a complaint.

After the sentence ended, there was only the sound of pacing back and forth, so Shade ended the thaumaturgic effect and listened again.

There was no sound, and there was no sound coming from the area around that time.

So I listened for the third time.

There was still no sound, but Shade waited patiently for dozens of seconds. I actually heard the sound of the underground warehouse door being opened.

He was startled, but when he saw that the two ladies on the side made no movement, and when he looked at the door that didn't move, he knew it was the sound from the past.

The door should have been pushed open completely, and then there were footsteps coming from the stairs, and then the voice of the scar-faced man:

"Good morning, Mr. Maddie."

His tone was very respectful:

"When did you arrive in Tobesk? Sorry, we didn't go to greet you."

This does not seem to be a [Mercury Blood] person.

"We just arrived, and the weather here is really bad."

The Drarian accent spoken by Mr. Madis was very strong, and Shade couldn't tell where the accent was.

"You have worked hard."

The scar-faced man continued, and Shade could even imagine his respectful expression.

"What should be done, then follow the plan discussed between the school and the silver-eyed practitioners..."

"Huh? Blood Spirit School? But didn't Miss Carina say that they only arrived on the weekend?"

Shade frowned.

"...I will go to the ruins and confirm what you found."

Mr. Maddie continued.

"No problem, please follow me. It is not easy to open the entrance to the ruins."

Shade frowned and looked in front of him, then raised his finger and said "Shh" to tell his companions to be quiet. Then, he followed the voice he heard and walked inward, stopping at the deeper south side of the underground warehouse.

The fight just now did not reach here, and the boxes stored in the printing factory were piled neatly together.

There was the sound of a box being moved, then a key unlocking the door, and the trapdoor being opened with difficulty. The two men said goodbye, and one of them apparently entered under the trap door. Then the trap door fell again, the lock was fastened again, the carton was moved again, and the footsteps of the scar-faced man were heard, walking towards the exit of the warehouse.

"Come on, here!"

He didn't speak until then, and the two ladies immediately followed him.

Shade said quickly:

"There is a person who is not of the blood of mercury. He entered the ruins this morning to see the blood of mercury. He may be from the [Blood Spirit School]."

"Such an ancient organization? It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what enemy it is. But has he come out again?"

Miss Bayas asked.

"I don't know. I can try to capture the sound again, but I'm not sure how long it will take to hear valuable clues again."

"There's not that much time to waste. Since the Silver Eyed Man already knows that someone is attacking here, he must be making preparations."

Miss Anat said as she quickly rinsed the cards in her hand.

"Detectives have found the entrance."

Miss Bayas said.

"No, it's not about finding the entrance. I want to try to predict the next move..."

He pulled out the top card, but put it back into the deck without showing it to the other two people:

"Divination shows that the silver-eyed people probably haven't noticed anything wrong with the ground at the moment. There's no reason to retreat, so just keep walking."

As he spoke, his purple eyes looked at the other two people in turn. Shade would never look back for the [God's Gift Box]. Miss Bayas was also eager to understand and explore the source of her own power, and she would not give up easily:

"Keep going, there's no reason to look back."

Together they moved the cartons away, finally revealing the trap door on the ground, where the entrance was.

Shade used his unformed thaumaturgy to conjure sharp blades on his fingertips, and roughly cut off the lock. After struggling to open the door, there was a passage with a very steep slope extending deeper underground.

The three of them stood around the entrance of the cave and looked down. There was no light inside the passage, and it looked like a huge mouth that was about to swallow the lives of the three of them.

This is the passage excavated by [Mercury Blood], and the real entrance to the ruins is deeper. Otherwise, when building this house and laying underground pipes in Tobesk City, traces of the ruins should have been discovered long ago.

But the entrance to the underground ruins cannot be too deep. According to Miss Anat's speculation, when the ruins were built, the cult of the fallen old god had already declined to the point of disappearing. They did not have the financial resources and energy to dig deep into the underground buildings. It is a large ruins, and it is impossible for Mercury Blood to dig out such a deep underground passage in a year.

Entering such a narrow passage, the person at the front may face an underground attack. In order to prevent being discovered by the ring warlocks in the ruins, the three of them set off immediately. Shade even took out a piece of [Eternal Youth Leaf] and let Miss Bayas, who was walking at the front, hold it in her mouth. This leaf, held in the mouth, can effectively help people with serious injuries maintain their mobility.

The young girl didn't say much, held the leaf in her mouth and bent down into the crypt. Shade followed her, putting his hand on her back, ready to use [False Immortality] at any time. Miss Anat walked last, in case anyone attacked from behind.

This artificially dug tunnel was very difficult to walk, but no one complained. For safety reasons, they did not create any light and used a mute spell to silence the sound of the three people's footsteps. The passage was indeed not very long. After moving quickly, it only took ten minutes for Miss Bayas to slow down.

She vaguely sensed in the darkness that the passage was at the end and the exit was ahead.

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