Whispering Verse

Chapter 269 Fifth Epoch 3002

At home in St. Teresa Square, Shade disappeared and the door fell to the floor, but Shade didn't feel that he had moved.

After inserting his fingers into the white mist hanging on the door, he thought he was standing still, the door in his hand disappeared, and the white mist that emerged around him instantly completely engulfed the living room on the second floor of St. Teresa Square.

Looking at the small cat-shaped stuffed animal in his hand, it was indeed brought in, and the voice of "her" came to his ears.

[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[In the autumn of 3002 in the Fifth Age, in the Western Continent, there was a forest of thousands of trees. 】

[Event: God Summoning Ceremony-Contact the Old God "Yaochangmen". 】

[Duration thirty minutes (1/3). 】

"Sure enough, this key can be used multiple times. Not only does the first time indicate the number of uses, but the single use time is longer!"

Shade's eyes widened, because the next information was the key:

"Does the Ancient God of Time have a mission for me?"

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Assist mortals to complete the god-summoning ritual - contact the old god "Yaochangmen". 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you rewards: the truth of a piece of history (the Witch War at the end of the fifth era), thaumaturgy-space stabilizing halo. 】

The sound stopped, and Shade stood in the white mist and frowned:

"Rewards for the truth of history? Hmm...and such a good thing?"

Although there are no spiritual runes this time, the historical truth given by the ancient gods is definitely of great value no matter how you think about it. What's more, the Witch War at the end of the Fifth Era is itself related to the "Mumbling Poem" and the secrets at the end of the Era. Even if it is really useless to Shade, Miss Carina will not care about spending money to get some hidden history from Shade.

He looked at the white mist around him, his face still so serious:

"But this mission is to help mortals contact the gods. In other words, only after completing the mission can I possibly see the old gods... This will be troublesome."

He originally thought that this time, he would also see the gods directly. If he meets a good god like the [Innocent Creator] like last time, he will gain enough knowledge to use his divinity.

This time it is to help mortals summon gods, and there is a high probability that time travel cannot be completed at all. But thinking on the bright side, this kind of mission was better than dealing with the evil gods from the past, and he also got an extra 30 minutes to think about what to do after returning.

"However, I have never heard of the old god 'Yahua Gate'. Is it that kind of unknown old god?"

Thinking in my heart, I did not continue to waste time, but moved forward.

The surrounding white fog dissipated, and the chirping of cicadas became louder and louder in the silence, followed by the less perceptible sound of wind blowing through the treetops. Stepping into the forest at night, everything is quiet, as if everything has fallen into a deep sleep.

Without changing Mia back from the puppet state, Shade stood in the forest and looked around. No matter what period of his life, this was his first time in a real virgin forest.

The light of the three moons cast dappled light onto the ground from the overlapping canopy of dense trees overhead. Those shadows swayed slightly because of the wind blowing on the branches of the trees. It was really dark around him, as if something was peering at him in the darkness between the trees and weeds.

Once I think this way, panic rises involuntarily in my heart. This emotion is completely abnormal. Compared with being watched by the evil god a few minutes ago, the unfamiliar environment at this moment should not scare him.

"The Forest of a Thousand Trees has the same problems as Hope Town."

The wind was blowing gently, and the rustling sound in my ears was like countless whispers overlapping together. The nausea gradually emerged, causing Shade to subconsciously raise his hands to cover his head. At the same time, double images and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes, but maybe they were not hallucinations at all. He saw eyes opening on the trees surrounding him.

Those eyes were watching him, and the headache was getting stronger.

"The first time I went to Hope Town, I was also surrounded by weird scenes. Why is it like this every time?"

There was some light in the trees ahead, so he endured his headache and ran forward. After pushing aside the grass in front of him, the warm light immediately shone on his face.

He stumbled out of the grass completely, and the smell of dampness and decay in the forest was completely gone. The air is clear and dry, and you can even vaguely smell the smell of high-end spices.

Shade had only smelled a similar smell on Miss Carina.

After running out of the bush, there was a towering tree in front of him. Compared with the tree in front of me now, the [Corpse Tree] I saw not long ago was as short as a weed.

This is a truly towering giant tree. There are no other trees under the tall canopy, and Shade is standing in the open space under the canopy.

A bonfire was lit near the trunk of the tree, and the color of the flame was dazzling red gold. It was this firelight that dispersed the strange sounds and atmosphere around it, making this open space not as dangerous as the forest behind it, but rather warm.

There were two simple cloth tents next to the campfire. Next to them were kettles, small mirrors, wooden bowls, wooden boxes, basins filled with clothes and other random items.

Three hooded women sit like still statues near a campfire. When they heard the sound of Shade walking out of the grass, the women took off their hoods and raised their heads.

[Did you forget something? 】

The whispering voice in my ear asked softly.

Shade stood at the edge of the clearing, which was also the bright edge of the bonfire. His shadow swayed onto the grass behind him that was as tall as a person because of the flickering firelight.

There was the sound of firewood crackling in the fire, and an ugly expression appeared on Shade's face:


The last time I met gods was in the fifth era, but this time, I met mortals in the fifth era. The characteristic of the Fifth Age is that only women can use extraordinary powers, and witches have a special feeling of disgust towards men. Since the ritual of summoning gods can be performed, the three women in front of me must be witches.

"How do you explain the reason for your appearance now?"

He was a little embarrassed.

The three witches beside the campfire have stood up, and the young lady on the far left said:

"Teacher, someone is coming over. Oh, it seems to be a man. Something is wrong. I don't feel anything strange about him. Is it an illusion?"

It was a language I had never heard before, but fortunately Shade understood it.

The young lady on the far right said:

"Teacher, he actually dares to enter the depths of the Forest of Thousand Trees at night. Even we dare not do this. Teacher, I understand. This is a monster transformed by the malice of the forest. This is not a human being."

The woman holding a book in the middle looked at Shade. She looked to be in her mid-twenties, with skin as fair as milk, long golden hair that was extremely dazzling, and golden pupils that were really shining. There was a bonfire nearby, and the shadows of the witches were projected onto the giant tree behind them.

Somehow, Xia De actually thought that the face of the woman in the middle called "Teacher" seemed familiar.

This lady seemed unusually calm:

"I have said many times, don't look at the appearance, look at the essence. I saw the aura of life in him, a normal aura, which means he is a normal human being. I also saw that although he was weak, there was The extremely dazzling ether shows that he is a mortal who can use extraordinary power. There is no trace of illusion, and the witch is not allowed to undergo gender transformation, so this is a normal man who can use extraordinary power."

Shade didn't speak. He looked at the woman standing in the middle, intending to hear what she wanted to say.

Since the ancient god asked him to help mortals complete the god-summoning ritual, the difficulty would definitely not be gaining the other party's trust, otherwise three and a half-hour trips would definitely not be enough. But even if the other person is a stranger with good intentions, it does not mean that he can relax his vigilance.

"Teacher, is this normal?"

The young witch on the far left asked inquiringly, and the woman called "Teacher" asked her students:

"What else did you see in him?"

"The light of the silver moon."

The witch on the right replied.

"The smell of trees."

The witch on the left replied.

"Teacher" shook his head:

"His ether does not exist in a form like ours, but in a strange form that I have seen in the Southern Continent. Ring Warlock, this man is not a witch, but a very mature transcendent of the Ring Warlock system. He - —”

The witch's golden eyes looked at Shade, and Shade understood what the other party wanted to say. A witch who can perform a god-summoning ceremony and even ask the ancient god, the Father of the Infinite Tree, to send helpers is truly extraordinary:

"From the future."

It was so easy for others to see through his identity, but it was more convenient for Shade. He didn't have to bother to explain his identity.

Moreover, the other party's knowledge and strength also showed that their god-summoning ritual was very likely to succeed, and it was not for Shade to build it from scratch.

"Yes, I do come from the future."

He made no excuses, but immediately saw the witches showing doubts. Only then did he realize that the Sixth Age common language he used was completely incomprehensible to the other party.

I wanted to express my meaning with gestures, but I saw the witch called "teacher" whisper something to the young lady beside me. The latter got into the tent behind him and took out a small box.

"If you trust us and don't mean anything malicious, just get a little closer."

The witch said, Shade nodded and cautiously approached the bonfire. He noticed that the clearing was sprinkled with circles of golden dust centered around the bonfire. Every time Shade crosses a line, the dust will make a sharp whistle or glow, which should be some kind of warning method.

He came to the campfire, and the witch called "Teacher" handed him the box with a brooch in it. Silver, the shape itself is the meaning of the ancient rune "language". After touching the brooch and confirming that it was a relic, Shade pinned it to his chest:

"What's the use?"

"We understand what you said."

The witch on the right said, and then introduced:

"This is a relic [Translation Brooch]. I didn't expect it to be useful for future languages. There should be a relic system in the future, right? You should know what I'm talking about."

They motioned for Shade to sit down and talk. They seemed to completely accept that the man in front of them was from the future.

The three witches thought they had seen more magical things, so Shade nodded and sat down with them.

Even though there is no direct contact with the Good God this time, this is not a bad start.

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