Whispering Verse

Chapter 542: The Man Who Devours Darkness

Time seemed to have stopped in this room. Shade wanted to wait silently for the doctor to speak again, but in order to prevent Iluna and Tifa from waiting impatiently and joining forces to enter the clinic and kill the doctor, Shade still spoke:

"Because of some accidents at Lakeview Manor, I guessed at that time that you were possessed by a demon."

This refers to the strange figure that appears behind the doctor when he uses the word of sublimation.


"Remember that time we met in Anthem Square?"

"That time you went peddling illegal magazines?"

"Well don't mention it, but that was that time. I met you and Mr. Alan Maddison from the Higher School of Medicine in Sirkessei. He and I talked about some of the past events of our group, mentioning the past group leaders, many years It was only then that I was completely sure about the incident between you and the demon, but I knew that you could control the demon, so I didn’t tell anyone about it.”

He actually mentioned the devil to Luvia and Dorothy, but he really didn't mention the past.

"Most of the people who experienced what happened to Alan have left Tobesk. You can only hear about it from him."

The doctor leaned on the window sill and sighed.

"I believe you can control the devil. I originally planned not to mention it at all. But for some reasons, I was tracking the human pus, and its trajectory finally came here. Doctor, you canceled our group yesterday afternoon The study meeting is because you also went to the south of the city, right?"


The voice was lost and low.

"So, you also saw Miss Feliana? You also arrived at the central Millwood Forest?"

"I finally saw Miss Feliana. This incident has been spread in the local black market. Even I, who witnessed it, still can't believe it. As for where is Millwood Forest?"

"You haven't entered the core of the dark realm?"

Shade couldn't believe it.

"Sorry to say, I'm lost. I can sense it, but the road inside is too difficult."

Although the doctor had his back turned to Shade, Shade still thought he could believe what he said. The doctor acted alone, and without the top internal intelligence of the church, it was impossible for him to know the forgotten core area in advance like Shade did.

"So, the human pus was attracted to you?"

"No, they were captured by me. After Miss Feliana appeared and cleaned up the entire dark realm, I discovered that the human pus body was still alive, so I immediately returned here and set up a ritual known from the devil's knowledge to make it think Here is the possessor who best meets its requirements, and we took the opportunity to catch it."

This can explain the reason why the human pus that originally planned to go to Yodel Palace suddenly changed direction.

"Can the demon in you really be controlled by you? Does it really have no effect on you if you swallow human pus?"

Shade asked again. Doctor Schneider by the window turned around, looked at him on the sofa with his blue eyes, and nodded slowly:

"At least I think I still control this terrible power."

"That demon, what's its name? Is there a widely circulated name?"

"I can't say that."

"Have you never thought about solving it after all these years?"

"No, I am willing to live with it."


"I want to save Mr. Sherf Tim and Ms. Shana Aya, members of the team before me who saved me."

"They're not dead?"

"Dead, but their souls were abducted, by a being that was more powerful and evil than the demon in me. I can't even mention the name. If I want to save them, I must use the power of this demon, And watch over it.”

In the blue eye on the left, a scarlet light lit up little by little, which was undoubtedly a sign of being possessed by a demon.

But compared to Darkness, Dr. Schneider is not crazy at all. Instead, he feels like he is going to self-destruct in extreme calmness:

"Swallowing the souls of evil people and other demons can make me stronger. In the accident many years ago, an evil, twisted, terrifying thing that could not even be named was released. I was noble The devil in me was almost dead. At the last moment, I agreed to its request and lived with it. It healed its wounds with the help of me, and I gained its power and guarded it."

This is similar to what Shade knows:

"One of my chiefs"

I want to say "elder", but it doesn't feel right:

"A friend of mine once said, cherish life and stay away from demons. These evil spirits from the third era will use various means to usurp our souls, and we may not even realize the devil's conspiracy until the last moment."

Darkness is the best example. He eventually learned of the conspiracy, but still willingly gave everything he had to the devil.

"And Priest August also told me that coexisting with demons will never end well."

"The priest is the elder after all, and he was right all along. I knew that sooner or later I would lose control of it."

The doctor's normal right blue eye and the dark left eye with only a scarlet light spot in the center were looking at Shade at the same time.

"Then why not ask the academy for help?"

"Because I need its power. Only it can help me regain the souls of Mr. Sherf Tim and Miss Shana Aya. Detective, you can't imagine what my enemy is."

"Evil God?"

"Not a god, but just as scary."

There are some secret and strange things in this world, extremely terrifying evil things spread in stories and legends, such as the ancient demon whose mere corpse is enough to form a "dark realm".

Shade understood what the doctor meant. No one could help him. He only believed in himself.

"Doctor, do you know what you are doing? You are swallowing the darkness, but one day, you will be swallowed by this darkness."

"I understand, but I inherited their wishes and have the responsibility to free their souls. I am willing to do this, even though I know that I may not end well."

The two looked at each other, and Shade was not afraid of the light in the doctor's eyes. After all, he had seen him like this a lot recently.

The light was dim, with his back to the doctor outside the window, and only half of his face was illuminated by the gas lamp on his desk. His expression was very calm, as if he had long thought that one day he would have this conversation with others:

"The souls of evil men allowed me to draw strength from my sins, and the bodies of evil spirits and demons allowed me to possess more magical powers. Swallowing human pus allowed me to directly obtain two spiritual runes, only the digested parts. Power allows me to even implant thoughts in dreams and use negative emotions to change the dreamer's thoughts. I can even feel that by digesting the other person, I can gain more power."

Dark pus oozed from the doctor's grotesque eyes, but only covered half of his face. Compared with the madness and rage of Darkness's pus form, the doctor is really calm:

"But it's not enough. I have swallowed six evil spirits and demons for more than ten years, the oldest one of human pus. But it is far from enough. I will keep walking on this dark road until the end."

The power in these words made Shade breathless. He never thought that Dr. Schneider, who had always been kind to others, was still burdened with such a heavy secret:

"You also want to walk alone in the darkness until you are swallowed by the darkness?"

This is something Darkness did.

"No, what I want to do is swallow the darkness."

The doctor lowered his head slightly:

"As a psychiatrist, I sense people's secrets, discover evil people, and perform secret operations to complete tasks related to demons. This is what I have been doing for more than ten years. Shade, you are the first to know This is a secret that I have never spoken to anyone about before. I hope you will inherit my wish."

"What wish?"

Shade was a little confused.

"As soon as you find out that I'm out of control, please kill me immediately." (Devil's language)

"Why me? I'm not the only one in our group."

He didn't care about being discovered by the doctor. He understood the language, and the doctor didn't ask. The scarlet light in his eyes became even stronger:

"The only people I can trust are you. Priest August is too old. Although it sounds unpleasant to say this, I don't think he can live longer than me."

Shade didn't object.

"Although Anat is young and healthy enough, she is always mysterious. Sometimes, I even feel that she is carrying a heavier burden than me, and a desire that is heavier than my shoulders."

Shade actually still couldn't object.

"As for Louisa, she seems to be the only normal person among us. Her parents are alive, she has a successful career, and her original life has never involved any shocking secrets. I don't want the only normal person around me to be involved in... Something about the devil.”

Shade still couldn't object.

"As for you, detective, I have the knowledge of demons in my head. I know that since you have the [Demon Hunting Seal], it means that you are the successor chosen by the demon hunters of the third era."

From this point of view, Xia De is indeed the most suitable person.

"You always think that I have bad luck, but I think that I have very good luck. More than ten years ago, I did not die, but gained unimaginable power for ordinary ring magicians; for more than ten years, I did not lose control, but instead I met you, and you got this seal to look after me.

I never complain about my experiences because I always think that fate has been blessing me. "

Shade's lips moved, but he did not express his thoughts.

He also stood up and came to the window. He reached out and pushed open the window in front of the two of them, letting the humid outdoor wind flow into the room. The doctor, whose eyes returned to normal, turned around and looked outside with Shade:

"I will keep your secret, but I hope you can fulfill your wish yourself."

whispered the stranger.

The doctor laughed and said nothing.

"Then this matter ends here. I will tell my companions who are tracking the Human Pussy with me that the Human Pussy has been eliminated."

Then he thought of the box he was carrying:

"That's good. I can get more apples, pipe wrenches, women's clothes and other random things every week. Everything about this summer is over."

"No, the pus of man is not destroyed."

The doctor reminded.

"What? It wasn't you"

Shade was a little surprised.

"You need to understand a very scary common sense. Most of the evil spirits and demons in the Third Age can be killed, but they can never be eliminated. Human pus is the vicious pus that flows out of the sores generated by the negative side of human nature. As long as this The world still has intelligent creatures and humanity, and it will never die. This time I swallowed it, it just means that the human pus of this generation has disappeared. It will reappear one day, but that will be many years later. thing, and it needs to be redeveloped.”

This is knowledge that Shade has never understood, and even Priest August has not mentioned it. Probably only doctors who have mastered the power of demons can know such secrets.

He learned his secret from the doctor, but Shade didn't intend to tell the college about the doctor's knowledge and worries. It is true that doctors may lose control at any time. Shade will keep doctors' secrets, but at the same time he agrees with the academy that doctors do need to be closely monitored.

Facing the last sunshine of late summer, both of them let out a long sigh. The matter of the second chosen one was over, but new things appeared again, and it was hard for Shade to say how he felt now.

"In fact, you don't have to be afraid of demons. Any power itself is just power. Demons, darkness, and even sin, these can all be helpful when we face more powerful and difficult-to-beat opponents."

said the doctor.

Shade agrees with this view, and his "Sin Chain" is not a normal power. He even once thought that this power derived from desire flesh and blood was even weirder than the devil.

"Control the darkness and let light and shadow become a part of myself. I will walk alone in the darkness until I reach the end of this road and fall into the bottomless abyss. Because I inherited the wish, I am willing to swallow the darkness."

The doctor's voice was weak but firm. Shade could feel the doctor's strong heart and his will to bear responsibility.

Overcoming darkness does not rely on light, and the doctor fully demonstrated this. He transformed into a part of darkness, swallowing up the huge and boundless power in the interplay of light and shadow.

However, the demon in the doctor can even swallow human pus. Shade couldn't imagine how powerful the other party was:

"The story of devouring the souls of evildoers, devouring the power of demons, and then empowering one's own doctor seems to be just the beginning."

The breeze blew against my face, and the sound of rain gradually became fainter. It seemed like just a few minutes before the sudden light rain stopped. The dark clouds parted and the late summer sunshine shone down on Tobesk.

Shade gradually relaxed, and a smile appeared on his face for some reason. Maybe it's because Darkness's matter is over, maybe it's because of the doctor's honesty.

Putting his hands on the window sill, he took a deep breath and breathed in the Tobesk-scented city air. The streets below were busy with traffic, and civilization was moving forward at this moment as it had been for hundreds of years. There was light and shadow here.

"Then the matter is officially over. I have been very busy recently. But doctor, don't ask me about my relationship with the devil and why I want to track the human pus. Just take this as my reward for helping you keep the secret. "

He suddenly said, and the blue-eyed doctor was stunned for a moment, with a smile on his face:

"No problem, but stay safe, Detective."

Shade nodded and looked into the distance, taking in the city's skyline.

The metal pipes that have just been washed by rain on the outside of the building reflect the sun's rays. The little figures in the windows perform the urban life of the steam age. The mist hovers over the city, and the black smoke in the distance slowly rises, eventually integrating into the world, or being absorbed by the world. Devour.

Shade and the doctor faced the sun and turned their backs to the darkness. The intersection of light and shadow at the window swallows up the people in the darkness, who are now watching this civilization.

The outsider was fascinated by this scene, and with the breeze and smile, "her" voice appeared in his ears:

[The sixth era, 1853 in the universal calendar, autumn, the month of harvest. When you lean against the railing window with the demon-possessed person and see the world, the world also sees you. Swallowing the darkness in the darkness, calling out the power of involvement in the years. You have wiped away the robe of darkness with your own hands, but allowed the darkness to be by your side. Foreigner, the wind of time accompanies your breathing, and the blood of chastity witnesses your growth. The curtain opens and the story unfolds slowly. But, having witnessed the darkness, do you really understand the true meaning of the darkness? As you swallow the darkness, do you know what is waiting for you next? 】

"Actually, you don't have to mention chastity blood."

Shade made a small complaint in his heart, shook his head and said with a smile:


"What's wrong?"

Doctor Schneider turned to look at him. Shade was leisurely in front of the window:

"Compared to Ivan Darkness, who does whatever it takes to gain power, you are the one who truly devours darkness. I am very happy to have witnessed your stories and these dark stories."

"No, I hope you are the one who swallows the darkness. You must remember that when I lose control, put on that ring and kill me with your own hands. The person wearing the ring will never be possessed by the devil. Also, Yi Who is Van Darkness?”

Shade smiled and said nothing, but reached out to unbutton the collar of his shirt, wanting to take a good breath of air. No one could disturb his good mood now.

He doesn't care about swallowing darkness. He will swallow anyone who blocks his path to the sublimation of the Thirteen Godheads. He doesn't care about light and shadow, because he himself is in this place where light and shadow intersect.

After thinking about this, he thought of Luvia, Mia the cat, and everyone around him. He really felt that he should also take a vacation.

The [Origin Darkness] in his pocket shimmered at this moment. In a daze, the doctor standing at the window with Shade saw an old dark gold robe flash past behind the young detective.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is nothing.

"Is it a hallucination?"

The middle-aged doctor shook his head.

A gentle voice came to Shade's ears, and he felt as if he was being hugged from behind:

[Outlander, you have gained new strength. 】

(End of this volume)

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