Whispering Verse

Chapter 545 Delayed departure

"She" indeed guessed correctly. The card turned out was not "Moon" or "Devil", but "Phoenix". Professor Sanchez glanced at Shade unexpectedly, as if he didn't expect this result.

"Harms, I think they're all right."

Professor Miral said to Professor Sanchez, who nodded and accepted the answer:

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, please continue to pay attention to the news about Miss Myrna Feliana. If there is valuable information, you can provide it to the academy. The academy will not be stingy with any remuneration. Yes, any Remuneration. Thank you for your cooperation. This inquiry is over. We will also go to meet other local groups. Do you have anything else to say?"

The doctor, Luvia and "Dorothy" immediately shook their heads. Of course Shade, who had a ghost in his heart, could not speak, but Priest Augustus, who was standing behind the doctor, raised his hand to indicate that he had something to say:

"The Church of Dawn asked me to go on a business trip near Xikal Mountain. I will leave probably next week. It is very likely that I will not be able to come back for half the autumn. This kind of long-term absence from the group's station needs to be reported to the college."

"Sikal Mountain, the Zhengshen Church also knows about it."

Professor Sanchez frowned slightly:

"I understand, this kind of normal outing can be approved, but according to the process before leaving, you need to submit a report, application form and commitment letter. After knowing the specific business trip location, the college can arrange for you to temporarily join the local study group for a few months , Of course, it’s okay if you refuse, but if you don’t contact the college for a few months, there will be a bunch of documents for you to fill out when you come back.”

"I see."

Seeing Priest Augustus nodding, Professor Sanchez looked at Shade again:

"Mr. Hamilton, Miss Denister, the librarian, has asked me to deliver a letter to you."

He pointed to the poetry page that the doctor had placed on the table. As the light flashed, an envelope appeared there. Shade walked to the table, picked up the envelope, and pinched it to make sure there was only a piece of letter paper inside.

"So Professor Miral, do you have anything else to do?"

Professor Sanchez asked the fortune teller from the School of Astronomy again, who nodded and said to Luvia:

"The college's autumn stargazing activities are expected to start in the second half of this month. If you are interested in participating, remember to write an application in advance."

The autumn stargazing activity of the Astronomy College is a large-scale divination activity organized by the college every year. Even correspondence sorcerers can participate in the projection ceremony. It is a special activity of the Astronomy College.

After saying this, Professor Sanchez told the five people not to forget the winter exams, and then left with Professor Mirar and Miss Simpson.

The figures of the three people gradually faded, and the flames burning in the basin also disappeared little by little. It was very strange that no one in this room spoke immediately. The other four people invariably looked at Shade who was holding the cat.

Strictly speaking, only Luvia knew clearly that Shad was related to the appearance of Miss Feliana, but in fact, Priest August, who knew Shad left for the dark realm, and Dr. Schneider, who knew Shad was related to human pus , and Dorothy, who knew that Shade had planned something big, all speculated that Shade had something to do with it.

Of course, no one asked him face to face in the end, but Dr. Schneider lamented that weird things like this always seemed to happen in Tobesk in the past two months.

"But to be honest, there hasn't been a particularly large number of things since the summer compared to the frequency of previous years."

The Augustan priest, who has lived in this city for almost his whole life, pointed out this error:

"It's just that everything this year is extremely unexpected."

It just so happened that the group study meeting did not take place yesterday because Dr. Schneider was away on business. Since we got together today, everyone shared what happened in the past week.

Except for Shade and Luvia, the lives of several other people were relatively peaceful. However, the doctor said that he had collected all the materials for the ceremony to promote himself from the fifth ring to the sixth ring, and he could hold the ceremony only when Huang Yue reached its fullest state in a year.

"Speaking of which, I also plan to advance from the third ring to the fourth ring recently."

Luvia mentioned something, Dr. Schneider nodded, and then asked the blonde female writer:

"Luisa, how was your ceremony?"

Dorothy needs to perform a ceremony to promote the fourth ring to the fifth ring, that is, the low ring is promoted to the middle ring. Because it involves the concatenation of words of sublimation, although the materials for the ceremony are not difficult to find, the difficulty of the ceremony is actually more difficult than that of the doctor who is promoted from the fifth ring to the sixth ring. Even higher.

"It will take some time to prepare, but it will probably be fine before winter comes."

said Dorothy.

"In this way, if everything goes well, by the end of this year our team will be able to meet the minimum requirement of having five ring warlocks, and one for each of the six, five, and four rings."

The doctor said with a smile, and Shade inquired curiously:

“Are we going to apply to go to St. Byrons next spring?”

This was not what he asked out of curiosity, but what the doctor asked Shade to ask now before Shade and the doctor separated in the clinic. The Doctor had planned to travel to St. Byrons as soon as possible to use the power of the Academy to strengthen himself. But now that he has swallowed an ancient demon like "Human Pus", he is not so anxious to go to the academy. After all, although the conditions in the academy are good, the freedom is not as good as here.

The doctor didn't want to leave so quickly. After confirming that Shade didn't want to leave within a year or two, the two colluded to ask.

"No, no, not so fast, Shade. We have only met the minimum application requirements, but according to the number of formal students in the college and the vacancies of lecturers and professors, the requirements will actually change every year. Shade, Before you came, I told them that for the sake of safety and the standard of living after arriving in St. Byrons, you should apply if you cannot meet the conditions."

After arriving at St. Byrons, everyone still has to live, and their different strengths will naturally lead to different treatment. This is a very realistic situation.

"I have inquired about the situation of other groups in this college as well as the correspondence groups of Serkses and Zalas. Under normal circumstances, everyone will choose to set off when there are at least three middle-level warlocks in the group, and it will also take some time to deal with themselves. Other things around me. I can't give up my clinic right away. Louisa's career has made a new start. The priest's church work can't be given up easily. Shade, you can't abandon your social connections here. So, I plan to A few more years of preparation, after all, except for Priest August, none of us are particularly old."

Everyone else nodded, agreeing with the doctor's opinion.

Dr. Schneider, satisfied that no objection had been raised, concluded:

"We are not in a hurry to go to St. Byrons, so the departure can be postponed for a few years. I have even heard that some groups only decide to set off when the leader is about to be promoted to the High Circle. It is now the autumn of 1853 in the universal calendar. We will definitely start within five years, but the specifics will depend on everyone’s promotion speed and the requirements of the academy.”

Shade touched the little head of Mia in his arms.

This means that he will have to live in this city for a long time.

After the group meeting ended, it was only just four o'clock. Priest August will return to the church and promises to tell everyone the specific news of the trip as soon as possible. Doctors still have jobs, and there are many patients in Tobesk who need help from psychiatrists.

Although Shade wanted to stay alone with Luvia for a while, the purple-eyed girl had to return to the Prophet's Association immediately after she had rested to report what happened after she left alone yesterday. She had been delayed all morning because of her health. If she didn't show up yet, unnecessary suspicion would arise in the association.

So Shade left with "Dorothy". She was almost certain that what happened yesterday must be related to Shade, so she wanted to hear Shade's story.

On the carriage back, Shade opened the letter from Miss Danister. The first sentence at the beginning made him almost tear the paper:

[I have processed the record of the time when the "Dream of St. Byrons Comprehensive College" was delivered to you, and erased the record of the relic being delivered to you. Now only I know that it appeared in your hands. 】

"Why do you have such an expression? Miss Danister, did you change the academy reward order that was originally given to you and now want you to slay the dragon?"

Lesia joked, but was polite and did not read the letter in Shade's hand.

"No, just little things."

Shade said, lowering his head and continuing to look.

Miss Denister was actually not sure whether the appearance of Shade and the founder of the academy was related. But at the right time, even if the matter really has nothing to do with Sha De, it will definitely lead to an investigation by the college. She processed the records of this incident, erased the memories of some people who handled the relics, and warned Shade to think carefully about everything he did in the future.

Miss Denist did not want to get the truth about this matter from Shade. She only cared about the "Silver Moon Library". Therefore, she did not ask Shade to explain the matter in the letter, but asked Shade to stay away from these troublesome things. She could not handle the follow-up of the matter as soon as possible every time.

"Miss Danister said that the relic about the [Sleeping] Spirit Rune that I originally wanted to borrow cannot be borrowed now."

Shade folded the letter paper and turned it into a stuffed toy, and then used the spell "Fire" to burn it directly.

"Oh? It doesn't matter. Just leave your [Sleeping] Spirit Rune to me."

Her Royal Highness the Princess, who was wearing the body of the blonde girl, said with a smile:

"Besides, you don't have to worry until you get [Light] and advance to the third ring."

"Well actually I already have three rings."

Shade said, Lecia blinked:

"I remember when I saw you in the Yodel Palace on Wednesday, you were still in the second ring and today was Sunday and there were only four days left. I can understand that you suddenly gained enlightenment. After all, you have been preparing for [Light] for two and a half months. But how did you get all the ritual materials at once? And, don’t you need to consider the moon phase and time for your promotion ceremony?”

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