Whispering Verse

Chapter 645 The fate of the mirror ghost

"Redemptor? Sewell?"

Shade now knew the middle names of the two girls. Before that, he had only learned that Dorothy's middle initial was R during summer exam week.

"Open the door to the four elements and witness the road to sublimation."

On the mirror-surface Luoxue street where matches and ritual arrays did not originally exist, 365 matches exactly like those in the attic appeared out of thin air, as well as a ritual array with the sun, moon, stars and a simplified diagram of the human body as its core.

The ritual matrix inside and outside the mirror was completely connected into a whole. To Shade, who was divided by the mirror, this scene was weird but inexplicably made him think it should be so.

"Open the door to the four elements and witness the road to sublimation."

"Open the door to the four elements and witness the road to sublimation."

The last sentence was finally read out, and Shade immediately took away the hands of the two people who were touching the mirror. Although the pain has not completely disappeared, Shade believes that it will always be reduced. . . But their situation is still not optimistic. Lesia in the mirror is completely limp and leaning next to Shade, and her life ring is illusory and only a shadow remains. Although Dorothy outside the mirror could barely maintain consciousness due to her increased strength, she seemed to be dying.

At the same time, Shade used a spell to make the four matches he had prepared fly out of Dorothy's pocket and come to him:

"Misuo - the little match girl!"

The extremely incomplete Mystery Lock unfolds again, thus affecting both the inside and outside of the mirror:

"The first root, the beginning of a supernatural ring!"

The first match was lit and then blown out by Shade. The match stem turned into a point of light and flew into the ritual array on the ground.

These words should have been spoken by Dorothy, but now she could no longer speak.

"The second root, the second ring of the foundation of life!"

The second match was lit and then blown out by Shade. The match stem turned into a point of light and flew into the ritual array on the ground.

The life ring behind Dorothy rotated rapidly, and the steam mist gradually enveloped the brass ring. Shade could feel the sweat and heat on those two palms that seemed to have no strength. They really couldn't hold on anymore.

"The third root, the secret of the three-ring soul!"

The third match was lit and then blown out by Shade. The match stem turned into a point of light and flew into the ritual array on the ground.

It was obvious that Lecia had lost consciousness at this moment, but her life circle became clear again. Because Dorothy's life ring was wrapped in white mist, the spiritual runes could not be seen. However, Lesia's core spiritual runes [actor], [writer] and [princess] actually shone with spiritual light at the same time, but the owner of the life ring did not show any signs of it. have no idea.

"The fourth root, the road to sublimation of the four rings!"

The last match was lit and then blown out by Shade. The match stem turned into a point of light and flew into the ritual array on the ground.

Amidst the sound of whistles and bells, the white mist dissipated, and the five-ring warlock's life ring belonging to Dorothy appeared above her. Then due to Dorothy's semi-consciousness, she disappeared little by little.

Shade looked at Lesia. She reluctantly opened her eyes, smiled hard at Shade, and then disappeared into the mirror. Feeling the increasingly strong whispering element of the mirror in his pocket, Shade quickly emerged from the mirror.

"Dorothy! Dorothy!"

He sat on the ground and hugged the blonde girl, placing his silver-shining palm against her forehead:

"Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift."

Because of Lesia's departure, the pain completely disappeared and she was getting better little by little. Hearing Shade's call, he reluctantly opened his eyes. Her whole body was soaked with sweat from the severe pain, and her body temperature was abnormally high. The broken hair on the forehead was stuck to the skin with sweat, but there was a weak smile in those emerald eyes:

"I succeeded, Shade, I succeeded."

"It's all that mirror ghost's fault!"

Speaking of which, Shade wanted to crush the other person into pieces.

The blonde girl breathed heavily and whispered:

"No, I have an intuition that this problem will still occur even if there is no mirror ghost. Lecia and I don't have to worry about her. She has a personal maid to take care of her. Oh no!"

Dorothy's eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

"Mirror ghosts can only move through the nearest mirror and tend to attack any living creature."

This kind of evil spirit is more willing to attack than its kind.

"Yeah. Oops!"

Shade also understood what Dorothy was worried about:

"Little Mia on the second floor!"

"You go downstairs first, I will follow you immediately."

Carefully putting down Dorothy, Shade rushed down to the attic. After the mirror ghost disappeared, he simplified the ritual because he was in a hurry, but it still took three or four minutes to complete the ritual. He couldn't imagine what he would see next on the second floor if the evil spirit really took advantage of this moment to attack little Mia.

【Don't worry, that cat.】

"No need to comfort me."

Shade was so confused that he didn't even know how he got back to the second floor from the third floor. He only remembered that he opened the door and happened to hear Mia's "screaming screams."

"Raglai's jump!"

He took one step directly from the door to the bathroom area where he could see the open door. Then he saw at a glance the evil spirit that had returned to its terrifying appearance in the mirror above the sink, leaning out and grabbing at the sink. cat.

The small orange cat turned its body, driving its tail with two "heavy objects" on it, and struck hard at the evil spirit peeking out of the mirror.

The piercing scream almost broke Shade's eardrums. [Metamorphosis Ring] and [Fish Training Ring] hit the evil spirit at the same time as the cat flicked its tail. There are only two possibilities for the consequences of the whisper element being infected when the relic comes into contact with the soul.

One is that the spirit body directly collapses, and the other is that the whispering element turns the soul into something more terrifying, and the latter is more likely.

But this time, the cat was obviously very lucky. The "tail flick" smashed the evil spirit's body out of the mirror into a small hole. Then, centered on the wound, the mirror ghost actually collapsed.

"Want to die? How can it be so easy?"

Shade picked up his cat with one hand and grabbed the dissipating evil spirit with the other. Relying on his ability to directly contact the spirit body, he forcefully dragged the cat out of the mirror.

In a rage, he dragged the cold evil spirit to the kitchen and picked up the empty wine bottle. Put the curious cat on the dining table, holding the bottom of the bottle with one hand and the neck of the bottle with the other:

"Blood brew!"

The evil spirit that was about to collapse had almost no power to resist, and the white light spots after the soul dissipated were actually sucked into the bottle. The process lasted for half a minute before Shade blocked the bottle cap with a cork.

The exhausted Dorothy had already arrived at the door of Room 1 on the second floor. Seeing that the lively orange cat was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief and leaned against the door frame in a weak voice and said:

"In order to prevent accidents during the ceremony, I placed a silencing spell at your house in advance so that the screams just now will not be heard. I didn't put it on the second floor, but only placed it at the stairwell. Even if your neighbors heard it, they would only hear it. I could vaguely hear a faint sound, and I probably thought it was a woman screaming.”


Shade put down the bottle and went to help Dorothy. After letting the blonde lie down on his bed, he quickly went downstairs and stuffed the [Corpse Mirror], which seemed to be out of control, into the [God's Gift Box]. Although the [God's Gift Box] could suppress out-of-control relics, Shade was still very uneasy and placed the gift box at the feet of the ancient god [Original Crack] in space.

The mirror immediately settled down.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief, went back to the second floor, picked up the wine bottle, and lay on his side. At this time, Mia had run in on her own, and she was dissatisfied with the woman occupying the bed. Even though Dorothy had taken care of it, Mia still considered the bed to be inviolable territory.

"Don't sit up."

Putting the bottle of wine on the table, Shade asked Dorothy to sit down and brought her hot tea:

"How do you feel now?"

he asked with concern.

"Still a little weak, but much better."

Despite saying this, the blonde girl's lips were still white and the cold sweat on her face had not disappeared.

"Let's stay here tonight, I'll sleep on the sofa."

Shade didn't want to go to the first floor in case something happened at night but he wouldn't be able to hear it. As for the master bedroom in Room 1 on the second floor, it is Detective Sparrow's bedroom. Shade has not changed the decoration inside, and he is not willing to live in it.

"I'll heat the hot water for you and take a shower later. It's not comfortable to sleep like this."

he said again.


She was lying there, with the gas lamp on the bedside, Shade, lying on the bed with his head tilted, looking at Shade with his green eyes:

"Thanks to you tonight."

"It doesn't matter, but where did that mirror ghost come from? Did it run away from other residents' houses in Saint Teresa Square? I think I should arrange a ritual to protect against evil spirits around this house. Maybe the Dawn Church would be willing help."

Shade said distressedly. He was sitting on the stool next to the bed, and the cat was squatting next to the pillow, looking at the person on the pillow with dissatisfied eyes that Shade could see.

He didn't doubt that Mirror Ghost was at home because he had checked many times. Although No. 6 was a rumored haunted house, there was indeed no evil spirit.

"The mirror ghost is not important. Without it, Lesia would have appeared in the mirror."

Dorothy whispered again, and her right hand from the quilt stretched out and took Shade's hand. That hand was still hot:

"I just saw that you imprisoned a soul?"


Shade pointed to the wine bottle:

"Although the power of evil spirits has become very weak due to the erosion of the whisper element. But I think drinking this bottle of 'blood brew' brewed from the soul can still heal the pain of the soul. Do you want it?"

"Do you think I'm like a soul-eating demon?"

The blonde girl shook her head slightly and refused. Normal people in this world would not be willing to devour souls, just like Shade was unwilling to drink human blood.

"Okay, then let it disappear quickly."

Shade said, giving the bottle a vicious look. With his right hand touching his side, the dark cracks immediately opened. Uncorking the wine bottle, Shade poured the entire bottle of soul blood brew into the land of death.

After doing this, get up and prepare to boil hot water. Although there is a steam pipe, the water in the steam pipe cannot be drank directly, nor can it be used directly for bathing:

"I'm going to clean up the sofa. By the way, do you want some midnight snacks?"

"If you have some snacks, you can bring some."

She bit her lip and said, watching Shade stand up and reaching out to hold his hand:

"Shad, tonight"

Feeling the weakness in her body, the blonde girl shook her head again:

"Nothing, can I kiss you?"

Shade nodded in surprise:

"Of course you can, and I'm glad you asked first."

Most of the girls he met were not so polite at all.

"Also, don't laugh, they really don't ask every time."

Shade said in his heart, lowered his head, let Dorothy kiss the side of his face, and went to work outside.

The blonde girl who was lying on the bed sat up and leaned against the head of the bed, covered with Shade's quilt. She first glanced at the unhappy-looking cat next to the pillow with a smile, and then looked out the window.

Outside the side-lying window is the west, the direction of Yodel Palace. She could see the hazy starlight, the red, yellow, and silver moon, and the calm night of this autumn night:

"I finally became a mid-circle warlock. Monday is the last day of the Harvest Moon."

This means that less than half of autumn has passed:

"Lecia Shade"

She murmured to herself, not knowing what she thought of, with a gentle smile on her face.

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