Whispering Verse

Chapter 676 Moonlight Final Payment and Nun

Shade walked out of the white mist at the door of the bedroom, put down his hand that was holding the hug, and looked at little Mia who was staring at him on the bed.

The cat was undoubtedly awake, lying in a long strip next to the pillow. His chin rested on the soft bed, and his big amber eyes looked at Shade curiously. Obviously, it will never leave the soft pillow before half past six.

"It's so simple?"

The life ring appeared behind him, and Shade turned to look back. The second spiritual rune of the three rings, [Yellow Moon], was actually engraved there. The spiritual runes shone with a golden color. Although they were obtained from the witch, the nature of this power was related to a certain god. This was a miracle of an unknown god.

[You are really generous. 】

While Shade glanced around the bedroom, "she" whispered softly in his ear:

[The thaumaturgy given by the tree father is willing to be exchanged. 】

"This is also for the smooth progress of the mission. Moreover, I should have taken advantage of this exchange."

[But you didn’t know this before the exchange. 】

"Yes, just think of me as a generous person."

Shade thought in his mind, but also thought that if he said this to Old John, the pawn shop owner would definitely laugh at him loudly.

The acquisition of the [Yellow Moon] spiritual rune not only means new spiritual runes and thaumaturgy [Confusion], but Shade can also feel that all his thaumaturgy related to the moonlight has been enhanced as a result. .

Not only that, the college librarian, Miss Danister, the Red Moon Witch, has been looking for a ring warlock with the "Yellow Moon" core spiritual rune, and even went to great lengths to recruit a man with the "Guiding Moon" core spiritual rune. A correspondence circulator from the Serkses Higher Medical School was transferred to the Tobesk region.

Although the [Moon of Guidance] has not yet come, Shade has already obtained the [Yellow Moon]. Even if it wasn't the core spirit rune, he thought it was necessary to try to see if he could open the book in Miss Danist's hand and help her find the location of the "Silver Moon Library".

I wanted to use the poem pages to tell Miss Denist the news immediately, but I thought that there were still many things to do today and I couldn't waste too much time going to St. Byrons.

So I thought about it and decided to contact the librarian tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. After all, this matter is not urgent.

Before even having breakfast, Shade hugged the very reluctant Mia, got into the carriage early in the morning, and went straight to Miss Carina's manor. It was only six o'clock when we left, so it was only about seven o'clock when we arrived at the manor.

The witch's life is very regular, and around seven o'clock is the time for him to get up. Because he needed to freshen up, he asked Shade to wait while Tifa took Shade to the restaurant to wait. The black-haired maid seemed to have gotten up very early, which made Shade guess how hard the job of "maid" was.

"You came to my place so early. Do you want to have breakfast with me?"

Miss Carina was in a good mood when she saw Shade early in the autumn morning with good weather. We even joked with Shade when we sat down at the table.

Shade shook his head:

"It's about the time key. Grandma Cassandra gave me the key to the year 3024 of the Fifth Era."

"Have you met Miss Feliana?"

"No, but I did meet her student, Miss Bryony O'Lanold, the first librarian of St. Byrons."

While eating breakfast, Shade recounted in detail what he had experienced just now, or what he had experienced an era ago. Miss Carina listened quietly, and shook her head after Shade finished speaking:

"That still doesn't work, I still have to find Miss Feliana."

"But Miss Olanode is also a thirteenth-level witch."

"Thirteenth level and thirteenth level are different."

The Duchess smiled and shook her head, as if telling a simple truth to a disobedient child. She was dressed very casually in her manor. It was a crimson dress with ruffles on the cuffs and neckline, which looked very good.

"Well, let's try our luck next time, but the time key of that era shouldn't be so easy to find."

After saying that, Shade took out the parchment that was yellowed because of traveling through time:

"In addition, please help me purchase this batch of items. I have translated the text into contemporary languages. These are the daily necessities that the witches want. After purchasing, I will give you the gold pound."

"These things are not valuable, why are you so polite?"

The duchess held her face in her right hand and held parchment in her left hand. The early morning sunlight shone in from the floor-to-ceiling windows of the huge dining room of the manor, illuminating the white aprons and black leather shoes of the maids, and also illuminated the profile of the witch.

She is really beautiful.

"Look, they don't seem to have many requests. They are all worthless things. However, since they are preparing daily necessities for the former witches, I will help you get some more expensive ones. Oh, this size. Who is this? Is your body in such good shape?"

After finishing speaking, Miss Carina looked at Tifa beside her:

"Tifa, how do these clothes look on you?"

The maid standing behind her bent slightly and looked at the content on the parchment:


"Tsk, tsk, Shade, who is this?"

"I don't want to talk about ladies' privacy."

Shade said while touching the cat that was drinking goat's milk. It was probably because it absorbed part of the divine power. This cat's size has not changed at all since Shade adopted it, but the nutrition Shade gave it was obviously very good. adequate.

"Oh, please satisfy my curiosity, detective."

The witch said again, with a smile on her face, so Shade could only reply:

"It should be the young witch with red dragon blood."

"It's really amazing."

Miss Carina smiled, and then asked:

"How about you leave this parchment to me? Just take it as a thank you and let me help you purchase it."

The great witches of the Witch Council like to collect items belonging to the witches of the Fifth Age.


Shade nodded, and Miss Carina then talked about the [Yellow Moon] spirit rune.

"Similar spiritual runes can usually use similar thaumaturgy. Since you are very talented in Silver Moon, you can try to use [Yellow Moon] to use those thaumaturgy related to [Silver Moon]. This is the so-called rune system. Structure. Give it a try, Shade, I remember you were gifted with light magic."

"Light spell?"

Shade nodded, put down the spoon and looked at his palm. As he meditated on the yellow moon, a clear yellow moonlight actually appeared in his palm home.

"Look, that's it. I remember that you have a lot of silver-moon magical arts. In addition to [Cyndia's Silver Moon Gift], which is unique to [Silver Moon], you can try other magical arts related to moonlight. Use [Yellow Moon]."

She guided patiently, and then changed the topic again:

"Do you have anything going on today? The weather is nice. Do you want to accompany me to the racecourse? The racecourse in autumn is very nice, and I remember Tifa said, you don't know how to ride a horse yet. This is not possible, you are Rejed's Hamilton knight. I can teach you how to ride a horse and tell you about your experiences in the Fifth Age."

Shade shook his head with regret:

"Sorry, I have to go to Fort Midhill today. I made an appointment with a nun there to meet a boy who can predict death."

"A nun?"

Miss Carina narrowed her eyes slightly:

"You really have a lot of friends."

Tifa immediately blinked at Shade, and Shade reacted before understanding what she meant:

"When the matter at Fort Midhill is over, Miss Carina, how about you teach me to ride a horse? We have agreed that I will learn to ride a horse before winter comes."

At this time, the red-haired duchess finally smiled:


(Dorothy is working on the manuscript.)

If you want to go to Fort Midhill, you naturally have to return to Saint Teresa Square first. Because you leave too early in the morning, newspapers, milk and letters are not delivered until you come back.

And Shade actually found the remittance slip sent by the client "Miss White" on the doormat. This is the final payment of that entrustment, which serves as proof of the end of the entrustment.

The balance was not much, only 7 pounds. When Shade and Tifa went to Miss White's residence together, the neighbor's letter mentioned that the money would be remitted at the beginning of this month. As expected, Miss White's real name written on the remittance slip was Grace White. She wrote in the letter that now that Hamilton detectives had found Helen Black bound for Fort Midhill, the commission was closed.

"Is this the end of the commission? Except for Mia's matter, which has not yet been completely resolved, Detective Sparrow's other remaining tasks are completely over."

Of course, to this day, Shade still doesn't know what happened to the twin girls, but he is still looking forward to seeing them again.

Leaving Mia at home, Shade set off for the mountain city. According to the agreement, after coming out of the ruined tower, he went directly to the House of the Blind. It was 8:50 a.m. when we arrived at the Home for the Blind, and Sister Devlin had already arrived.

Because she was going to visit the small ring magician organization called the "Crow Club" today, she no longer wore the iconic gray nun's uniform. Instead, she wore a simple gray dress with a black cloth tied around her waist. strip as a belt.

Of course, silver eye patches cannot be worn, but because Sister Devlin was born with eye problems, she chose to wear a veil and sit in a wheelchair. Coupled with her cold and reticent temperament, she really looks like a young aristocratic girl with a disability.

The two will respectively act as the writer John Watson and the writer's sister Mary Watson, who will go to find the boy to divine the future destiny. Just because servants couldn't be brought when visiting, Shade had to help push the silver wheelchair, but he didn't care about it.

Starting from the Blind House in Rufu Lane, the carriage took the two people to Pigtail Lane.

October is the month of dead leaves, and we are almost entering late autumn. When Shade jumped off the carriage, the cold wind passing through the alley made him sigh at how time flies.

Seeing that Sister Devlin didn't come down immediately, I remembered that the other party was pretending to be a young girl with a disability. So, he first moved the wheelchair down. Seeing Sister Devlin reaching out to him, she carefully took the sister's hand and put her into the wheelchair in a very gentlemanly manner.

Then I tidied up my clothes, came to the steps of Building A, No. 8, and knocked on the door in a three-long-two-short manner.

"John Watson, came to make an appointment last week, and behind me is my sister."

Shade said to the man who opened the door, and then took out the brass badge with a crow pattern that he got after paying the reservation fee last time.

The man who opened the door looked at the two of them, took back his badge and stepped out of the door, gesturing for them to come in. So Shade asked the coachman to take out a wooden board from the carriage and place it on the steps. He pushed the wheelchair up the steps and told the coachman to wait for them nearby.

"Is this your private carriage?"

The man who opened the door asked curiously.

"No, it's rented."

Shade shook his head and pushed the wheelchair into the house.

No. 8 Rufu Lane is an apartment building facing the street, with a total of three floors excluding the attic. The area of ​​each floor is at most half the size of each floor of Saint Teresa Square, and there seem to be few people in the house.

Considering that the "Crow Club" itself is a small local organization of ring wizards, perhaps its scale is smaller than Shade thought.

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