Whispering Verse

Chapter 710 The power of resurgence (please vote)

In the banquet hall on the third floor of the Sin Mansion, Armand Bernhard was sweating profusely and looking at the cards in his hand, feeling his heart beating thump thump thump. The vampire has no heartbeat at all, so this is his hallucination when he is nervous.

He now fully understood why among the information he obtained, there were almost no cases of people who could escape after meeting the owner of the mansion. The opponent plays cards very carefully, but he can draw the most advantageous cards every time.

After Shade passed out, the opponent drew three blackjack points in a row, followed by a combination of [Steam Mechanical Ship]. But this time, the old guy actually pulled out the playing card Sun 13 [Charity·Snake Heart Hospital] by throwing the dice three times in a row, each time getting 20 points to adjust the total points to 21 points.

Then, he actually used the dice that looked like human bones and threw 20 points three times.

It’s not like Armand Bernhard has never played Rhodes with skilled crooks, but this time, he couldn’t chop off the cheater’s hands.

Thinking of this, he looked at the lying young man again, and then looked across the table to see the blind nun who was getting weirder and weirder, and asked hopefully:

"Sister, is there anything else you can do?"

The nun shook her head slightly:

"I'm not good at cards."

With that said, she drew the next card. Display the cards on the table without looking at them:

"Original Silver Moon, I want to adjust the number 3 to 5, blackjack."

Revealing the trump card, the nun signaled that she was ending the round. She was able to tie with the owner of the mansion this round thanks to that magical card.

"What am I going to do?"

The worried middle-aged man looked at the points in front of him, announced that one moment of ordinary gluttony would be added, and then drew another card. If you don't draw cards, you will definitely lose this game with the Sun 6 and Sun 5 in your hand, which total 11 points. If you draw cards, you may still have a winning rate.

Turning over the playing card, it is your own special card, the [Southern Style of the Old World·Fertile Vineyard] with suit Sun 1. Armand Bernhard immediately raised his eyebrows:

"If you already have cards in the three suits of moon, stars and flowers in your hand, this card can be adjusted among 1, 2 and 3."

But this card is only the third drawn card, so this condition cannot be met.

"Then I want another card, and the raise is 1 tick normal"

He glanced at his parchment:


Turning over the cards, he finally showed a smile. It was Shade's card [Original Steam Engine Mark 9]. Color: Sun 10,

When you draw this card, if you already hold at least two cards in your hand, and all the cards you hold are of the sun suit, you can adjust the number of this card between 9 and 10.

"Luck has finally come. Adjust the sun 10 to the sun 9, 6+5+1+9, connect, destiny! The blood runs through the sun, it is 21 o'clock. It seems that my Lord is still protecting me."

He showed the cards and the old man at the end of the table shook his head;

"Don't be too happy. This game is a draw. You have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. It's not enough, far from enough."

It seemed that because in this round, the outsiders all got 21 points, wasting a whole round of time, his words contained more malice than before.

The attitude of the owner of the mansion directly affects the environment. The originally dark room becomes even more depressing. The light of the gas lamp on the wall becomes dim as it flickers. Large shadows are cast from the densely packed figurines towards the long table in the center, which is pitch black. The lines spread from under the old man's chair to all directions along the ground.

"Our sins have not been settled yet, you can't do anything to us!"

Mr. Bernhard reminded hurriedly, and at the same time "signaled" the nun with his eyes to say something, but the afterglow of the flames already appeared on the nun's body, and she was ready for battle.

"Don't worry, I'm following the rules."

Because the light was dim, the old man's body was almost completely submerged in the shadows. There is no emotion in his tone, but the cold feeling can make people understand his bad mood:

"Not enough, far from enough. Maybe from the next game on, you will have to place more ante, yes, far from enough."


A sigh seemed to come from far away in time, and an ambiguous pink light came from the lying body of Sha De. Later, the pink light transformed into blood and red fire. The desire for the Phoenix flame, the brand of desire, and the power of the Phoenix fire were enough for Shade to shout those words:

"——Far, not enough!"

A clear sound of "ding dong~" came from nowhere. The sound was not loud, but it seemed to be able to shake the souls of all living things.

Blood mist swept across, blood light swept over, and the dark tablecloth was dyed red and black in an instant. Before anyone else could react, Armand Bernhard was the first to show a horrified expression. Because he felt the power of blood from a higher place.

With a bang, Shade's left hand slapped on the table. As he slowly sat upright, a strange fire appeared from within his body, amidst the sound of whistles and bells, and entered the huge life ring behind him.

The blasphemous silver aura was concentrated on the surface of the life ring as it rotated crazily. Letting go of the idol and holy emblem in his hands, Shade's ears gave him hints about a new sin as soon as he woke up.

[You have come into contact with the power of the old god "Sleeping Father". 】

[Indulging in pleasure, indulging in forgetfulness, indulging in the sin of laziness. When everything comes to an end, in the old days, giving up everything was having everything. Sleep, forget, fall into the eternal stagnant thoughts, and just want to enjoy this moment. Not to escape, just to cherish this moment. 】

[You listened to the story of the old god "Sleeping Father", and you learned about the blasphemy of the old god "Sleeping Father". 】

[Outlander, you are engraved with the silver blasphemous spiritual rune - laziness. 】

The silver spiritual light swept across as the blood mist spread, and the unusual way of inscribing spiritual runes made the nuns turn their heads to look.

In the scorching steam mist, the life circle gradually slowed down. The appearance of the third spiritual rune of the three rings made the spiritual rune aura on the huge life ring become even more powerful.

Sloth, greed, and gluttony are three sins that echo each other. But in the end, the auras of [Laziness] and [Greed] gradually dimmed, and the blasphemous silver-white aura of [Gluttony] finally completely saturated the brass ring.

The special environment of [Sin Mansion] allows the power related to sin to become stronger. The brand of [Desire] increases all desires. Coupled with the power given by the Phoenix and the stomach-ache-inducing hunger, And the place where the long table is at this moment——

The ceremony was established, the bells rang, the blood mist filled the air, and the banquet began.

The power of [Lord of the Blood Feast] awakened in Shade's body again.

PS1: In the second chapter of the information, a new entry has been added. Shade is very talented in [Gluttony], not without reason.


Notable devouring items:

1. [Desire] Flesh and Blood: all-round enhancement ↑, charm ↑↑↑,

2. The Darkness of Darkness the Chosen: Dark Vision ↑, Dark Resistance ↑↑

3. Phoenix Fire: Self-healing power ↑, flame resistance ↑

PS2: Please vote, please vote, the author really needs everyone’s monthly support! There will be another 1,000 updates tomorrow, with a total of 1.5,000 words updated.

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