Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

Vol 2 Chapter 258: twenty-four kings of billy

The man in the baseball cap woke up under a pure white light.


The chair under him creaked, and he stared at the sky with his eyes wide open.

Sweat dripped from his forehead constantly.


"Calm down," said the man with the gold-rimmed glasses, "drink some water."

His voice was surprisingly calm, like ice water, and instantly poured the restless baseball cap man all over his head.

The baseball cap man watched him push the water glass towards him with a bewildered expression on his face.

This is a man he has never seen.

The man wore gold-rimmed glasses, a light blue shirt and a white lab coat. His hair was neatly combed and he looked like an elite.

"Ghost! I just saw a ghost!" After being stunned for a moment, the baseball cap man shouted, "Ghost without a face! A lot of ghosts, and the property management... The property management is hacking at my door with an ax..."

He was about to jump up from the chair when he heard the sigh of the elite man.

"I have a general understanding of your situation."

Baseball cap man: ?

He looked around, and this was indeed his home.

No, what's the situation, why am I here, no, I'm supposed to be in my own home...Did I go to the wrong set? Why is he here?

Countless questions swirled around in the baseball cap man's head, and in the end, they all converged into one question.

"You are……"

"Hypnotherapy was very successful," said the elite man. "You do have a mild split personality."

The man's words made the baseball cap man hold back the next words.

What, what hypnotherapy?

What, what split personality?

"What are you talking about? What personality therapy, what schizophrenia?" the baseball cap man shouted, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll call the property management... No, call the police!"

"I know you have a hard time accepting this fact. I have seen many patients like you. Indeed, it is very difficult for most people to admit that they have a mental disorder." Elite male said, "What you saw in your dream just now is the subconscious world you saw after being hypnotized..."

"What are you kidding, ridiculous!" The baseball cap man was furious, "What I saw was obviously a ghost..."

When he mentioned the ending of "ghost", he was obviously suffocated. The elite man then said calmly, "Ridiculous? Mr. Qiu, since you have asked me to do psychotherapy, don't try to escape from your own problems."

Baseball cap man:  …

"You're a highly educated person, and before you became a columnist, you got a bachelor's degree at **** University of Science and Technology -- that's what you told me before getting treatment." The elite man threw a medical record at him.

Baseball cap man: ? ?

The medical records are indeed his handwriting.

"You should believe in science more than anyone with a higher education. This scientific world has no ghosts. The so-called 'ghosts' are all phantoms of fear in people's hearts - this is a sentence you left in a magazine column when you were in college. Words. Just like all domestic supernatural horror movies, the ending is either a mental illness or the protagonist had a dream, ahem..."

After saying the last sentence, the elite man's face was obviously distorted, as if someone had bitten him. A ball of silver-white plush slipped past his feet, showing a grinning smile to him, who almost broke his work.

Due to the blind spot of his line of sight, the man in the baseball cap did not see the silvery white hair that flashed past with sharp teeth and sharp mouth. The elite man continued: "Or, would you rather believe that such unscientific things exist in this world than face your personal problems?"

Baseball cap man: "I..."

Elite male: "Do you think there might be ghosts in this world? Ghosts exist, science?"

Baseball cap man: "I..."

The baseball cap man is a little dizzy.

Elite male: "Let's start with your dreams. You have accumulated a lot of traumatic memories in your childhood..."


"Your parents are busy with work, they are extremely strict with you, and they rarely give you praise. When you were a student, your withdrawn personality made you have few friends. You like to indulge in your own research and your own world..."

The man with the gold-rimmed glasses tells the story of the baseball cap man's upbringing. The man in the baseball cap looked at the medical record written in his handwriting, and in the more and more confused, he also had a little more trust in him.

...is it really the psychiatrist I found? He was a little confused.

"all these are……"

"That's what you told me."

"A medical record? Did I tell you about it during my previous consultation?"

"No, it's not," said the man wearing gold glasses. "Most of your information comes from your dreams."


"...The faceless red cheongsam is my second personality, and its 'hug' to me represents my childhood attachment to my mother..."

"...The cheongsam with black plum blossoms on a white background follows me, representing my desire for love. 'It' is my first love girlfriend who I wanted to pursue in high school but abandoned me because of my own inferiority..."

"...The yellow cheongsam is my boss after graduation. The suppression of 'it' made me resign. Even in my dreams, I felt an endless sense of suffocation."

"...and the tunic that pushes the door is the incarnation of the image of 'father' in my heart, sheltering from the wind and rain. 'It' has resisted all attacks from the outside world for me. The large number of people also means that I am in a dead house. In essence, the desire for family and friends!"

After listening to the explanation of the elite man, the baseball cap man suddenly became enlightened!

"It turns out that this dream is an extension of my psychological state!" After being crippled by the elite man, he showed an expression of sudden realization.

Yeah, how can there be ghosts in this world? It's so unscientific! The man in the baseball cap thought firmly.

In the other party's words (induction), he also gradually "remembered" the experience of meeting him. Due to the excessive psychological pressure, I contacted the psychotherapist through the Internet and invited him to come to my house for psychotherapy. Although he couldn't remember the incident, he did find chat records related to it on his mobile phone and computer.

In the chat record, he said that he always felt that there were many people in the room recently, and sometimes he looked at himself in the mirror, but he didn't look like himself. I often have a dream, there is a hall in the dream, and there are many people in the hall...

As a columnist, the baseball cap man regularly reads a wide variety of popular literature, many of which describe schizophrenia.

He remembered how it was described in a book called "24 King Billy".

"A hall with all kinds of people in it."

"Sometimes I don't feel like I'm any more..."

"I was startled and saw him standing behind me! But when I turned to look, there was no one there!"

Under the guidance of the elite man, the baseball cap man finally had an epiphany!

It turned out that it was the result of his mild schizophrenia tendency caused by his tragic childhood experience and excessive psychological pressure in adulthood!

Look, don't your symptoms match those in the book?

The baseball cap man has no doubts about it. And he always felt that the man with the golden glasses on the opposite side seemed to have a kind of magic power, which made him unable to help believe what the other side said...

"...What about the property manager?" the baseball cap man finally asked, "Is that property manager with the axe also a personality of mine?"

The man with golden glasses shook his head.

"In more precise terms, he is the personification of all the external factors that have given you psychological stress."

"At work, as a columnist, what you are most afraid of is pink eye jealous of your grades, so you saw his red eyes in the cat's eyes."

"The axe is a symbol of violence and the shadow of your childhood when you saw your father **** your mother."

"As for why he appeared in the image of property management, I think the reason comes from your financial problems." The man with golden glasses said, "Your financial situation is a little tight recently, right?"

The baseball cap man nodded: "How do you know..."

Man with golden glasses: ...It can be easily deduced from the number of couriers you buy.

However, he did not say this sentence, but went on to nonsense:

"Living in a first-tier city, rent is a major expense. Rental houses symbolize comfort, and property management is a management class, as well as a representative of power and money. The behavior of property management asking for rent is a symbol of..."

The conversation between the man in the gold glasses and the man in the baseball cap didn't end until six o'clock in the evening.

During the day, the baseball cap man felt like he had gained a lot of life knowledge and had a "weird knowledge added!" feeling.

Seeing that the man in the baseball cap was being fooled and lame, the man with the gold wire glasses also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and took off the "npc tool for NPC: halo of wisdom" attached to the opponent's back.

"I've never felt that I know myself so well." The baseball cap man sighed.

"Don't thank me, I just read through your psychology and did some trivial analysis and treatment on it. You can call me a wall-breaker." The man with gold glasses patted his shoulder, "In the future, you will also Being able to write as many handwritten diaries and life memoirs as you do now will help relax your mind and help me a lot with my fabrication...analysis."

The baseball cap man nodded convincingly.

The two were chatting, but a strange rustling sound came from the living room.

Like the footsteps of some kind of creature.

The only man with gold glasses turned his head slightly, and saw a silver-white cat chasing a dark red cheongsam running around the house.

- Just this one.

The man with the gold wire glasses covered his back without a trace, and continued to teach the man in the baseball cap the study of success. Halfway through the successful study, the silver-white cat behind him was squatting on the dark red cheongsam, stepping on it with his front paws.

Finally the last one was resolved.

The man in gold glasses was sent out by the man in the baseball cap, and the cat also slipped out through the crack of the door.

The two are still talking.

"Don't worry about this kind of thing in the future, and use a scientific heart to face all abnormalities." The man with golden glasses encouraged him, "Don't be afraid of any difficulties we encounter. Perseverance will win, Ollie!"

The baseball cap man nodded again and again.

501's door closed. The moment the baseball cap man entered, Chu Tianshu squatted down.

"This door handle is not bad." He observed the door, "As expected of me repairing it."

Lin Huai made a "meow" from behind.

"So how important is information security? Just a few chat records can fool a person into this state..." Chu Tianshu carried Lin Huai downstairs.

At the same time, the sound of the system sounded in their minds.

"501 Weird Talk: Invisible Guest, Cracked."

"He bought a lot of second-hand clothes. What he didn't know was that... these clothes were originally worn by someone."

"Old clothes hung all over the living room, and in the swaying wind, he fell asleep and had a dream of the Republic of China."

"Dream is a splendid ballroom where young men and women invite him to join... spin... dance..."

"He raised the corners of his mouth in the dream, and the girl in the dream took his hand."

"And behind him who was sleeping... the dark red cheongsam also hugged his body."

Lin Huai shook his tail and returned to his body. And Chu Tianshu also turned back into a dog in an instant, like he was suffocated.

"Only the last few rooms are left, I'm a little excited to think about it..." Lin Huai sighed, "It's the cause of the apartment fire, I haven't figured it out yet..."

He grabbed Chu Tianshu's head all the time. Chu Tianshu said: "You grab the tail hair, don't scratch my head."

Lin Huai: "Why?"

Chu Tianshu: "When I just became a human, I felt that the hair on my forehead was a little thin because of you."

Lin Huai: "This is for successful acting. You see, if you are bald, that NPC believes that you are really a doctor of psychology."

The two chatted casually. There was a knock on the glass outside the window.

"Is it a property management..."

A soft and weak voice sounded outside the door, and Lin Huai raised his head to meet a pale face.

Is the blue sweater resident of 502.

However, what interested Lin Huai more than her pale face was...

The strong smell of formalin on her!

"There seems to be a problem in my room..." she said softly, "all my clothes have a strange smell..."

"Can you help me see?"

Lin Huai thought for a while and said:

"No," he said grimly. "Laundry is not the job of property management."

502 Woman: ?

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