Wind Rises in Dragon City

Chapter 253: Compromise?

Latest website: late at night, 12:55.

The media reporters outside the supervisory council compound were all cleared and exited the hostage area. After all, as the official media, they have no way to record the compromise of the political assistant and release the live video of the gangsters. They can only report the news content that is ordered by the above.

After the media left, the special operations teams, special police teams, and garrison troops that blocked the scene also all gave way to the streets at the designated locations, and retreated for two weeks, giving the rulers room to leave.

On an off-road vehicle, Su Tianyu, who is a little insider, was treated quite well. He was not covered with a black mask, nor was he beaten, but was handcuffed and sat in the back of the car.

On the co-pilot, Zhu Bajie kept commanding with the walkie-talkie. Su Tianyu looked at the back of his head, hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth to say: "Commander, Commander Zhao broke his promise!"

Zhu Bajie turned around when he heard the sound: "Those two people are useful."

"Hehe, I risked my head to tell you the news." Su Tianyu bit the bullet and replied.

"Commander Zhao asked me to bring you a message. Regarding the news, he owes you a favor, but Jing Yan can't die for the time being. He is useful." Zhu Bajie replied blankly.

When Su Tianyu heard this, he felt a little aggrieved, but he couldn't refute it. After all, the gun was in the hands of someone else. If you bleep one more word, your mouth might be blown away, so you can only bear it. As for what Zhu Bajie said, Commander Zhao owed him a favor, Su Tianyu didn't believe it either.

They are all old foxes. What they said and promised at this time is probably all farting.

Su Tianyu rubbed his palms on his trousers, paused and continued to ask: "Then...what about the thing I said before?"

"That's no problem, as long as it's safe, I'll give it to you." Zhu Bajie replied bluntly.

"...!" Su Tianyu nodded, but didn't say anything more.

After Yu Mingyuan was released, he was dragged by the police department to take the on-site statement, but too many people were released, and the staff of the police department was not enough, so there was still a queue for the statement.

In the end, there was no other way, Yu Mingyuan called to find a relationship, first borrowed a mobile phone, contacted Wen Zhanbo immediately in the Police Department of Longkou District, and asked him to send someone over to pick him up and leave.

After all the hostage-taking cars left the Supervision Committee, Yu Mingyuan had just left the Police Department and went directly to Wen Zhanbo's place by car, and discussed with him how to communicate with Chijun under the table.

The ruler army left the supervisory committee's hijacking scene in batches, and left the urban area one by one.

During this period, both sides were very restrained, and there was no exchange of fire, or even the most basic meeting.

The municipal command center gave all the green lights, and the Chijun evacuated, and the Chijun also escaped in an orderly manner according to Plan A, and rushed to the border of Casaro.

Around two forty in the morning.

Nearly 300 soldiers and dozens of vehicles from Chi Army have already approached the border between Casaro area and Dragon City, and the landform here is also the same as other areas in Lao Mo, surrounded by mountains and forests, and the terrain is complex.

According to the content of the transaction agreed by the two parties, they will carry out the replacement of the last batch of hostages here.

In the middle of the convoy, in an unremarkable car, Zhao Weihu held a walkie-talkie and whispered to Zhu Bajie, "Has the responder arrived?"

"Here we are, outside the line." Zhu Bajie replied.

"Talk to them, ask for Lao Huang. Except for Carl, Li Mingsheng, and Secretary-General Lu who can't give it, everyone else can hand it over." Zhao Weihu ordered.


After the communication between the two parties, the security battalion commander, as the first commander of the Chi Army's operation, directly connected to the municipal command center and started negotiations with them.

During the conversation, the representative of the municipal command center said beyond doubt: "This is the place where the last hostage exchange took place. Don't delay, and we will not take tough measures."

"Impossible!" The battalion commander frowned and said, "We need to bring several executives from Dragon City across the line to ensure that you will not attack us."

"What if you cross the line and don't release the hostages?"

"To ensure the fairness of the exchange of hostages, we agree to keep some of our people in your hands as a final exchange." The battalion commander added: "But the personnel we request to exchange this time must be handed over to you." come out."

"This is impossible…!"

"If you say it's impossible, I'll kill the hostages. I still have nearly 30 white people in my hand. I'll kill half of them. Let's talk again."


The content of the negotiation between the two parties was very intense. After arguing for more than ten minutes, when the ruler army was about to forcibly kill a group of white hostages, the municipal command center chose to compromise.

This is an order issued by the commander of the Garrison Corps. His main task is to ensure the safety of the white public officials and leading cadres. Otherwise, this group of people will die, and no one will be able to catch them. If he fails, the commander will also have to leave get out of class. .

After reaching a consensus again, the two sides exchanged hostages near the border. Chijun released 28 white hostages, leaving only Jing Yan, Li Mingsheng, Su Tianyu, Karl, Secretary-General Lu, and six Chinese public officials.

The municipal government released Lao Huang and six hostages from Chi military management, and about eight people are currently being detained.

When the two sides exchanged hostages, Zhao Weihu ordered the officers around him to find Jing Yan.

"Call and play your role." The officer pointed a gun at Jing Yan and said, "If you are useless, then you definitely have no chance to return to Dragon City."

Jing Yan looked at the other party and nodded slowly.

Around three o'clock in the morning.

After the two sides exchanged the hostages, the ruler army convoy set off again, heading for the territory of Casaro.

At this juncture, the Minzheng faction headed by Li Mingsheng in the upper echelons of Longcheng had already had a very fierce verbal conflict with the Republican faction.

At the same time, the capital of a large district, the speaker of the supreme council of the district, sat in the meeting room, frowned and said: "Gentlemen, I think it is impossible for the political assistant of the district to compromise with the terrorists, let alone allow them to massacre More than 100 public still left in a big way!"

"Mr. Speaker, you have to know that the mayor of Longcheng City is still in the hands of gangsters."

"Of course I know, I also know that the mayor can be replaced without the mayor, but if the credibility and the ability of the political assistant to deal with emergencies are gone, we have no way to explain to the public..." The chairman of the district council said loudly: "Treat extremes. Mob, we just need to get our guns and cannons."

Inside the Dragon City Command Center.

"We should focus on ensuring the safety of the mayor...!"

"I disagree, there is no reason for the self-government to compromise with terrorists!"


The voices of tearing, arguing, and even swearing resounded in the conference room, while the commander of the Dragon City Garrison was holding his chin and waiting quietly.

He is waiting for orders, waiting for orders from above!

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