Wine and Gun

Chapter 143

"That's what he left on me," Albarino whispered.


[1] The title of this article comes from a fairy tale by Andersen.

[2] Bunnier Prayer: A common prayer for many psychological support groups, beginning with "God, please grant me peace to accept what I cannot change."

Chapter 38 Dance, dance, my doll 02

When Albarino sat back in his seat, many people's eyes were still glued to him. Herstal was familiar with that look—the shock, the pity, the empathy that was the last thing a Westland pianist lacked.

After he left the stage, the blonde-haired lady returned to the stage. She also looked a little overwhelmed. Apparently, no matter how many meetings he had attended before, Albarino had never spoken on the stage.

The lady was asking the next person on stage to share her story. Herstal's phone shuddered, unlocking the screen lock to see the latest received message popping up on the desktop:

"The photos are really good."

- said Albarino.

Herstal sneered in his heart: In fact, he has always had some absurd fantasies. For example, if Albarino is finally arrested one day, it is very likely to use his spiritual question as a defense method - assuming he is looking for A lawyer who is good enough may be sentenced to a life-long "recuperation" in a jīng mental hospital.

Herstal has seen too many murderers who escaped the electric chair on the grounds of spiritual problems, and some of the most famous even published their own autobiographies in prison or in the hospital. If Albarino had fallen that far, he would have printed his picture enlarged on the cover of the book, because he is such a damn megalomaniac.

Just when he was thinking about all these things, the next narrator came to the stage. It was a thin black-haired boy with a haggard complexion and deep shadows under his eyes.

He dawdled to the stage, his legs swaying uneasily as he sat on the stool. He whispered, "Hi, my name is Billy."

Below, of course, is a patchwork of "hello, Billy" hellos, and then the apparently underage boy begins to tell his story.

Something about him caught Herstal's attention—perhaps because of his extra-slim legs dangling in his empty trousers, the blue-purple weary shadows under his eyes, or his hands: he The clothes on the body obviously did not fit well, so a part of the wrist was exposed at the cuff. Herstal had good eyesight, and the lights in the small theater were bright enough to allow him to see the scars on the young man's wrists, the color that had been there for a long time.

And - especially - the young man's face, with a few scars evident on his chin, still new and uneven after healing. Herstal believed that it was the shape of the bite scar that was left behind.

"Try cutting." Herstal could recall Albarino's voice, as calm as a deep pool, the night after he had killed Bob Langdon.

There was something about the young man that caught Herstal's mind, and he suddenly felt annoyed when he realized what the hell was getting his attention. The exasperation was raging, similar to the moment he finally stabbed the knife in Elliot Evans' throat, the moment he chokes Albarino until he suffocates, the chapel in Kentucky The moments in which the two men were hanged were similar.

He had to clench his fists to calm the sudden restlessness.

At such moments, Herstal often had mixed feelings: because now that he knew why he was angry, he began to spit on himself in a way that he was still vulnerable, stupidly still unable to accept certain facts; This is the great enemy of humanity, especially when you're a serial killer - you're always going to make some big mistakes by not being able to control your anger.

And the young man continued to talk, his voice was painful but quiet, he was saying: "...but I think he's back again, the last few days when I go out I always feel like someone is following me, I'm even sure I'm on the subway Saw him near the station. I always try to reassure myself that it was because I was so nervous that I was hallucinating, but—"

This young man obviously came to this mutual aid club a lot, and he told a story about his previous experience, but most people still understood, it must be because he had spoken on the stage many times before.

Hestal listened for a while, and quickly extracted the main point: the general meaning should be that this young man once went to a boarding school on the other side of the city, and was followed and entangled by a life teacher during his studies.

The teacher called Billy out of the dorm one night and then attacked him, part of which Billy took away vaguely, but Herstal deduced from the few words that Billy's shouting caused the other janitors to complain. It wasn't his idea, so he wasn't attacked - but it's hard to say if the bite-mark scars on his body were left by the teacher, or if Billy didn't intend to self-harm one day after the incident.

Herstal actually found the whole thing obvious.

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