Wine and Gun

Chapter 155

It didn't matter to this crime scene, he was well aware that by the time it was all over, they would have to clean the room thoroughly with bleach until the CSI couldn't pick up any DNA samples here. It seems rather comical to think that Herstal, who doesn't even have a suitable seasoning in the refrigerator, is quite accomplished at cleaning.

And now Herstal was pinching Sharp's jaw joint hard, forcing him to open his mouth, and then stabbed the knife directly into his mouth.

The blade of the knife was too long, and Herstal did not deliberately make his movements so delicate. Albarino just watched him slash Sharp's tongue—of course the Westland pianist would do this. Did, of course, look at those scars on Billy's face - a piece of limp bloody flesh thrown on the floor just to keep Sharp from choking on the lump of meat that slipped into his windpipe .

But he looked like he was choking on the blood. Although Albarino was familiar with forensic doctors pulling tongues out of the jaws of dead bodies, he had no idea how much blood would bleed if the tongues of the living were cut off. concept. Herstal was riding on Sharp's body when he was like that, and the latter kicked and struggled frantically under him, blood coming out of his mouth and choking him when it poured into his throat Cough again and again.

"You can have a dog." Albarino suddenly suggested, looking at Herstal's left hand holding the knife, "When you kill someone, throw the minced meat to your dog, I think that's that kind of movie. The drama that the director will appreciate."

"I'm not the Godfather of the Mafia or anything," Herstal replied without looking up, his voice indifferent, as if the last ounce of emotion had faded from his voice while he was doing it. But it is not shocking that he is like this, and the difference between Herstal at night and Herstal by day is only the difference between a butterfly and a cocoon, and Albarino can easily tell the difference between them. commonalities between.

Herstal went on with his work, quieter overall after Sharpe lost his tongue. Albarino watched Herstal cut Sharp's clothes into pieces and then pulled them off very smoothly. It was not as meticulous as what he did in Albarino's home. This link was all operated from a pragmatic standpoint. : Take the clothes off the opponent in the simplest way, and it doesn't break the opponent's skin.

In the end, the pianist knelt on the floor, the man's naked body lay in front of him, and Sharp looked at him with horror still in his eyes. It was the first time a child had heard a parent tell a story of religious demons before falling asleep. Sometimes it will be magical. But maybe the truth is: there is no lake of fire and brimstone in the deepest part of the earth, and no devil will be watching you anytime, ready to drag you to hell - but there will be on the ground.

"So," Albarino said, "this is your blank canvas."

Herstal did not answer this sentence at all, and Albarino was not sure whether he was still listening, but it didn't matter, his attention was paid to Albarino, who had dated many men and women. Being extraordinarily sexy - if he could mosaic the knife in his hand and the bloody mass in front of him, he might still be rated as sexy by seventy-five percent of the world's adults.

But Herstal wouldn't know what was in Albarino's mind, and he was doing his work methodically: starting with Sharp's bloody lips, he cut those two lips with a knife until the other was forced to reveal the white Sensen's teeth, and then threw the two pieces of flesh on the floor as well. Then the ears, the nose, the protruding parts that don't cause a person to bleed to death immediately, cut off the partner's genitals, and then Herstal begins to peel the skin off the partner's chest along Sharp's collarbone.

Even a Westland pianist has rarely made such a bloody moment. The air was full of a disgusting fishy smell. When the knife was just cut, the lines of the scars could be clearly seen, but immediately a lot of blood poured out to blur the scars, and then the moment the blade fell was just like Cruise in blood.

——For the pianist, this crime scene is rare, but Albarino can recall the case in April this year. The suspect who was suspected of killing four women was murdered by the pianist. He opened it up. The victim's abdomen was removed, all the organs were removed, the victim's severed limbs and genitals were then inserted into the victim's stomach, and the victim's abdomen was finally sewn back.

Albarino still clearly remembers the scene of the case, of course, mainly because he opened the sutures in the deceased's abdomen and took out the pieces of limbs that were cut off. The belly of the deceased was stretched to the point of physical discomfort with the stumps stuffed into his body. Even Olga admitted, "This time the pianist's scene was very overdone."

-Look, that's the only reason he went too far, and that's why Albarino was able to find a needle in a haystack in so many cases in Kentucky to find Herstal Armalette's first crime, everything. It's all so clear.

Hestal was only wearing a simple shirt, this one was a light beaded gray, and now the front and cuffs of the clothes were soaked with blood, even before the previous blood stain was covered with new blood. go up. This is the moment when Herstal's near-clean nitpicking doesn't make a comeback, and Albarino guesses he's almost enjoying the feeling of blood running down his fingers.

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