Wine and Gun

Chapter 202

"The divorce guarantees her freedom of movement, and the family guarantees that she can apply for a green card on her own no matter what, because she can't be the at-fault party in the marriage—do you mean that?" McCard asked.

Hardy asked disapprovingly, "But how could she have expected—before marriage?"

"I think she could have predicted that her ex-husband was a well-known scumbag in the town where they lived, and there were piles of records in the Pennsylvania police records." Olga snorted and answered with her chin on her palm, " And this is that Areola is this man's fourth wife, and he was at fault for the first three marriages: because of nüè."

"So she married a scumbag for a green card," Hardy frowned, apparently finding it a little unbelievable, or simply disapproving of others beating their wives. "But why make such a big sacrifice?"

"For me." Olga shrugged and said crisply.

——Everyone turned to stare at her, including several police officers across the room who were staring at the Christmas tree intently and pretending that they were not eavesdropping.

"It's true!" Olga said, "Two months after the Rob case trial ended, she got a temporary green card through a very bad marriage. I guess she definitely doesn't love her ex-husband, nor does she Maybe she didn't know the other party's bad habits, she should have expected the whole thing from marriage to divorce. And she got married in September 2013, who of you remember what happened at that time?"

Herstal was obviously counting the time. He thought about it and said slowly: "...You just started teaching at Westland State University at that time?"

"You just became a consultant for WLPD at that time!" Hardy slapped his thigh suddenly, "We had a case in early September, didn't we? Then you attended the conference as a consultant for the first time."

"She found out that I was working for WLPD." Olga repeated the sentence in a different way, so that the directionality of the words seemed more obvious.

"Because there is no legal job without a green card," McArd whispered. "If she wants to work at WLPD, of course, she has to have a green card..."

"We're assuming she's approaching you for Rob's revenge—if she's the killer, that's the only possibility," Herstal disagreed, "but why did she pick the police? Isn't it more dangerous to be in front of a group of police? She used to work in a housekeeping company, and she can apply to the university where you work."

McCard shook his head. "The university is still too big, and she could easily be assigned to a place far away from where she wanted to go."

"And she might be waiting for you," Olga said softly.

McArd gave her a sharp look.

"She probably doesn't know the 'truth' of the Robb case," Olga gestured in the shape of a quotation mark with both hands, showing a sarcastic smile, "so she decided to take revenge on the person in charge of the Robb case profile: that's you And me. You work at Quantico, she wants to go through a stricter background screening, and someone with a temporary green card doesn't get the job, so she chose Westland. As for you—she should be convinced that you're back, Westland has a pianist and a Sunday gardener, and one would expect the BAU director to work with the police on this case soon."

They were silent for a while, and then Hardy coughed awkwardly: After all, Olga had been here for three years, and they had not once asked the Behavior Analysis Department for help.

"Molozer," McCard said disapprovingly, "we have the truth of the case, and the truth is that Rob is a serial killer—"

"Okay, I see, Rob is a serial killer," Olga repeated lazily, "so let's guess what happened to Blanca Areola: she doesn't know Smuggled into the US from Mexico years ago, probably to make a living. Anyway, she met George Rob in the process - I don't know how close they were, whatever - but then one day, Rob Arrested, sentenced to death. Our Blanca was determined to avenge Rob, and I just left the BAU at this time, so she married a bào jerk and got herself a green card and a legal Identity, got a job at WLPD, hibernated here, waiting for you, McCard, to come to work on a case one day."

She paused, as if savoring the whole process.

"It's a boring motive." Then, Olga commented with disgust, "But it does make sense."

"But I never came," McCard whispered, "until the killer Qiángni."

"The killer came from another state. It was too unexpected that time. I guess she wasn't prepared." Olga smiled, "After all, who would have thought of it--Sunday Gardener in West Lan stayed for ten years without recruiting the FBI, but was recruited by a killer."

"So she sent a greeting card to Agent McCard?" Herstal asked, frowning. "Is it too unlikely that you are desperate enough to put your hope in a greeting card."

"Maybe there is a plan B." Olga said indifferently, "For some people, three years is a very long time, maybe she has run out of patience."

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