Wine and Gun

Chapter 204

To put it bluntly, it was boring and barren.

"It's not a memorial," Branca denies in a low voice, her voice trembling slightly, "I do this so that I have to let people know that - only if I do they will finally notice a case that's closed - The seventh case was not done by him."

"There is no evidence," Albarino pointed out calmly.

"Yes," Branca shook his head, "I was with him the whole day, we were at home the whole time."

Albarino snorted, things seemed to be more interesting, he resisted the urge to smile, and just asked: "But you didn't testify for him. Although the seventh case has his hair, But if you testify in court, it might make the jury more hesitant."

"I thought about it, he refused." Blanca said through gritted teeth, "I was an illegal immigrant at the time, and if I testified for him, I would definitely be deported back to Mexico. George didn't want me back..."

"So you followed his advice, you gave in," Albarino pointedly pointed out, "You pretended that you were never with him, that he pretended to be alone on the night of the crime - psychologists would be very impressed. Interesting, an unmotivated murderer can show such delicate feelings in private... Anyway, in the end, he died."

"I regret every moment," Blanca said simply.

"So you decided to kill the profiler who was in charge of the case to vent your anger," Albarino said.

"It's revenge!" Branca recited the word qiáng, "the two of them must have forged evidence - if George hadn't killed the dead in the seventh case, of course George's hair would not have appeared at the scene! They took By the time the warrant went to search George's house, I had already moved out of the house at George's request, but then I figured out a way to get a gangster from Pennsylvania to help me bribe a local policeman, who said he went with them to search Only the profiler at BAU, they must have taken George's hair and put the blame on him."

She took a deep breath, and for a moment her calm mask was finally broken, and she looked like she was about to cry:

"It turned out that there was George's hair at the scene, and the BAU profiler came to court as a technical witness and said that according to their analysis, George was the murderer of the seventh case - there are reports in these newspapers, but I know he can't be the murderer of!"

"Not to mention that the deceased in the seventh case had a younger brother who had a conflict with him over the division of the estate, and sent him death threats, but apparently those profilers did not consider the possibility of imitators at all, so they directly It is determined that it is the same person as the previous case..."

It has to be said that Blanca's guess is very close to the truth, except that due to the ambiguity of the source of information, it cannot be further delineated, and as a result, both Olga and Lavasa McCard are designated as her revenge targets.

Albarino sighed softly: "But in any case, George Robb is indeed a serial murderer, although he may not have done the seventh case, but the previous six people were indeed murdered by him, you It is also very clear in my heart. Now, do you use his death as the reason for your murder? There is no reason to kill. You only do it because you want to do it. It is best not to use the dead person as an excuse ."

"Because that wouldn't be justice?" Blanca hissed.

Albarino shook his head: "That's not graceful enough."

"Death is never graceful, and George's death is not graceful either." Blanca gave a sharp laugh, her voice suddenly rising, and she walked restlessly in front of Albarino, "So did those two today. Yes, so will you soon--"

"I'm afraid I look at the problem from a different angle than you." Albarino replied.

Blanca stopped her hasty steps and glanced at him suspiciously: "So what do you think?"

"I think," said Albarino politely, "that you suit poinsettia and longevity."

"What?" Obviously, this answer, which seemed to have nothing to do with the above, made Blanca very confused.

"You're from Mexico, right? Isn't Longevity the most important flower on the Day of the Dead? The golden road that the dead tread on when they return home." Albarino showed a tiny smile, with a very bright light hidden in his eyes , "And poinsettia was originally grown in Mexico, and now people tend to associate it with the birth of Christ... to symbolize the star of Bethlehem, that is, the person you love likes to paint on high places with blood, for his The star that guides the way for victims."

Blanca stared at him, as if taken aback by his relaxation.

"So I think you are suitable for poinsettia and longevity, especially at this moment, under this scene, it is very suitable and very beautiful." Albarino said in a low voice, his voice curled up in the air like a soft snake , "It's just a pity, I'm afraid you and I don't have this chance."


[1] Regarding marriage immigration:

If a foreign national is married to a U.S. citizen, he or she can obtain "Conditional Resident Status", a conditional green card valid for two years, and the holder of this green card enjoys the same permanent green card Holders have the same rights, but if they do not apply for a formal green card after two years, they will be deported.

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