Wine and Gun

Chapter 208

"...I can't help it, it's a very painful thing to fall in love with a murderer." Blanca smiled palely, "But I haven't regretted it yet."

Albarino was silent for a while, as if pondering what she said, and for a while, they could only hear the trembling sound of the gust of wind passing through the shattered glass.

Then he gave a strange and thoughtful little smile. He said almost softly: "Look, Blanca, I do sympathize with your experience, but I really can't tell you which of the two framed your boyfriend... But, I At least it can give you an idea."

Blanca asked in a tone that clearly suspected something was wrong with her ears: "What?"

"I said," Albarino repeated calmly, "I sympathize with your experience, so I can give you an idea."

"Okay, then no people, no weapons." Hardy said distressedly, watching Olga and the stinky McCard undo their holsters and put them on the table - as a college professor, Olga It's also surprising that Jia can carry a gun with her, which may be a hangover from her time as a police officer in Chicago.

"Officer Hardy, please ask your people to ambush near that building to assist us." McCard nodded, "Although the visibility is so poor, we can't expect snipers to be effective... In short, we can only take one step now. I'll try my best to persuade her to let go of the hostages first."

Olga's lips puckered, apparently she didn't think it was possible.

Hardy also thinks it is unlikely. He really wants to send a few people into the building in the dark. But although the weather is bad now, is it really bad enough that the police can sneak in without being noticed? How crazy has Areola got? Will she shoot Albarino as soon as she hears a suspicious voice?

When people have other people's lives in their hands, it is inevitable that they will be timid, not to mention that their opponent is still a lunatic whose behavior is difficult to understand. Now they have to be cautious. Hardy thought about it for a long time, and finally arranged for the police officers to guard the periphery of the building, and they were not allowed to enter rashly unless there were special circumstances.

Herstal stood on the side and watched him arrange the personnel. As soon as he finished speaking, Herstal left and calmly pointed out: "I think you may not have figured out how to rescue the hostages. Depending on your current arrangement, It's completely resignation."

It's not a good feeling to be exposed so sharply, Hardy really couldn't help glaring at each other. But what Herstal said is also true. Now they can only stabilize the murderer first, find a way to replace Albarino first, and then say that such bad weather restricts things too much.

"I'll do my best to keep him safe," promised Hardy, who didn't think he believed it.

"I hope so," Herstal replied with restraint.

It was an abandoned room full of mutilated plastic mannequins, dark and clammy, with peeling wallpaper, and at first glance, it was especially suitable for a perverted murderer dormant.

Olga walked to the second floor with McArd, and saw Albarino who was chained to the wall in a mottled shadow. He looked completely uninjured, but apparently couldn't break free of the handcuffs. He gave both of them a pale, weak smile, as if to hide his unease, and said, "Hi."

Of course, Olga didn't even have time to ask him how he was, because the next second Blanca Areola came out of the darkness with a gun in his hand——

As soon as he saw the gun, McCard's heart sank: because the first officer Corris was killed was a revolver, and now Blanca is holding a semi-automatic pistol, obviously , Blanca had more than one gun in his hands.

——Is she more prepared than they thought? This seems to make the whole thing even more uncertain.

McCard settled down, trying not to think about the gun in her hand. Now the two of them had no choice but to open their arms to show Blanca that they were indeed unarmed.

Then, McCard asked, "Blanca, what do you want?"

Blanca looked at him as if she had something very interesting in front of her, and time passed anxiously slowly, seconds, maybe months in fact, before Blanca answered. : "...Vengeance, if you're willing to understand it that way."

Revenge, a rather comical word, has been repeated in various theatrical works since many centuries ago. McCard suppressed the thought of frowning, and still tried his best to keep his voice soft: "But you don't need to avenge George Robb... No matter what he said to you, he really deserved it, he was because He was arrested because he was an unmotivated perverted murderer."

What was really unexpected, however, was the answer from the mad serial killer in front of them.

"I'm not trying to avenge his death, I've long accepted the possibility that he might die because of what he did," Blanca replied, holding the gun steady at her hostage, the black muzzle Pressing on the sun xué of Albarino, it can easily take people's lives, "I want to avenge his death in an unjust game - you should know that he did not kill the seventh victim. people's people."

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