Wine and Gun

Chapter 226

①Unplanned and well-thought-out murder: Refers to non-premeditated but foreseeable, and not due to momentary emotional agitation

② In the process of conspiring to seriously injure another person's body and causing his death

③ Murder that corrupts feelings: that is, an act in which the perpetrator's gross negligence in a situation that may bring serious danger to the life or body of another person causes the death of another person

④ Felony murder committed in the process of committing a specific serious crime (such as arson, robbery, qiángjian, night robbery, etc.)

2. Manslaughter

1. Voluntary homicide: Passionate homicide

2. Involuntary homicide

①Wrongful death in the course of a misdemeanor other than a specific felony

② Death caused by negligence in anticipation of behavior that may lead to dangerous consequences

Chapter 60 Isaac's Altar 02

Olga looked at the man in front of her: she had heard of Orion Hunter's name for a reason, even among the bounty hunters who kept their heads on their belts, Hunter Also famous, most bounty hunters think he is completely insane.

Hunter's career as a bounty hunter is for the thrill—just like some people ride a roller coaster in an amusement park ten times in one sitting, Orion Hunter's way of finding an adrenaline rush is to bring criminals to justice.

It is said that this person tried to join SWAT at the beginning, but failed; after that, he spent a period of time in the police station, but then he soon discovered that even as a policeman, he couldn't kick the door and hit the door every day; When he discovered that there was a bounty hunter profession in the world, he jumped into this new world with joy and quickly became one of the best bounty hunters in the country.

It might even sound inspirational if the story ended there, but Hunter was never satisfied—and soon enough, the bailout lost its appeal for him. He began to accept only the most dangerous commissions, while spending his spare time spontaneously researching and chasing dangerous murderers, like a meteorologist chasing a tornado.

Therefore, some people say that if he did not accept private employment and was purely interested in finding dangerous criminals, he could go directly to a detective agency instead of bounty hunters.

Past experience tells Olga that although Orion Hunter looks crazy, he is actually quite insightful in the study of murderers in dangerous criminal cases, and his point of view is definitely worth listening to. So she chose to put the bag and the pile of lesson plans that didn't fit in back on the table, and propped her chin with one hand.

"What did you find?" she asked.

Hunter gave her a smug smile and threw a heavy folder on top of Olga's podium with a thud. Olga reached out and took off the folder and opened it, and found that it was full of maps with marked lines, dense surveillance photos, newspaper clippings, and notes.

"That 'Sect Killer' committed eight cases in total, I took notes on all of them, and went to investigate on the spot - of course, I have to say that the name 'Sect Killer' is very ugly, although it's reluctant to be better than that. 'Home Killer' is better, it sounds like home nutritious cereal," he said.

Hunter's voice sounded rough and heavy, like the kind of sound people imagined an old hunter who lives in the mountains and kills a bear every three days. He stretched out his hand and turned to the first page of the folder. , pointed the above photos and text notes to Olga: "Even the newspapers said that the FBI investigation of suspicious people around the scene of the crime has been fruitless. I decided to start with the murderer's car. The murderer must have one. car, right?"

"Obviously," agreed Olga, "he traveled from state to state, and in two of the eight cases, children were taken away from schools, but police checked the subway and surrounding stations, The cameras at the intersection did not find images of the adult leaving with the victimized child, he must have a car."

Hunter nodded happily: "However, I checked the video near the scene of each crime, and there were no cars with the same characteristics. Besides, the license plates from other states are easy to attract attention, and I interrogated many people. - including the dealers who made the fake license plates - no one has an impression of the out-of-town car that appeared near the scene at the time of the crime, which only means..."

Olga wisely didn't ask how Hunter got access to surveillance footage that only the police could see, or how he was able to find the guy closest to the crime scene who made the fake license plate. She just said kindly: "The murderer must have a car to commit the crime, so it is more maneuverable and reasonable. However, no cars with the same characteristics were found at each scene, which means that he is not driving the same car every time; No out-of-town cars show up, which means he's driving a car with a local license plate, whether the license plate is real or not - there are several possibilities."

Hunter slowly stretched out four fingers: "I bought a second-hand car locally and then abandoned or sold it, rented a car locally, bought a stolen car locally through some illegal jiāo, or simply stole a car to use... Although the last one might be a bit technical, and it's compelling."

Olga tilted his head: "So which is the answer?"

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