Wine and Gun

Chapter 237

"It must be a traffic jam. Thank God, I really know Westerland," Hunter exclaimed as he staggered closer, his crutches thumping the ground. Then he took the marker from Albarino and began to write and draw on the map, "The murderer was stuck in traffic before reaching the destination, and near the edge of this circle, only these two roads will be in the morning rush hour. time traffic jams…”

He marked two perfectly parallel streets on the map, both on the eastern edge of the circle. These four streets all lead to the financial center of the city, where there are many office buildings, no wonder there are traffic jams.

Herstal also leaned over to look at the map, he was still tense, obviously not relaxed at all because of this discovery: "So she must be near one of these two roads now, the question is: which way is it? ."

Because it is very difficult to find a place where a little girl may be imprisoned one by one along a road, let alone both roads. Judging from the remaining time, they probably have no chance to make mistakes.

Eleven twenty.

"According to the surveillance, that car has indeed appeared frequently near your house recently. I think it is the suspect's car." Olga threw away the mouse and said, "What do you gain there."

"It can be seen that he went east of the city, but I quickly lost him on the surveillance video." Hardy said annoyed, "As long as you lose his track at two intersections, it is basically impossible to find him again. car."

Orgain agreed: the east of the city is quite prosperous, and the traffic flow is high, and it is too time-consuming to check each camera one by one.

"He might arrive at your house around 9:40, and it will be 9:50 after he kidnapped Wallis before leaving." Olga considered, "I don't think he's likely to put people too far away. , but speaking of Chengdong...where did he lose his trace?"

Hardy reported a place name, and it was heading to the east of the city. The urban area has wide lanes, roads and bridges are intricate. If the car goes in that direction, it is basically like a drop of water into the sea. If it is not for a group of police officers It is basically impossible to find the answer, as the officers come to check the surveillance video day and night.

At this moment, Olga's mobile phone screen suddenly popped up a new message reminder, it was from Albarino. She looked down a few times, then blinked, and suddenly laughed.

"Al and the others have the latest progress. They determined that the murderer's car must have passed one of the two roads, which narrowed the range a lot." Olga reported the name of the road, and at the same time quickly touched the keyboard with his finger, and put the car on the road. feature to send them back.

"Wait a minute... Al?" Hardy didn't know anything about the progress of the plot, he had no idea that shortly after he left the house, Herstal went to find Wallis.

"Hmm, they're helping to save your daughter." Olga snorted vaguely, but apparently didn't have time to explain more in detail now.

Now, of course, it is possible to check the surveillance video of these two roads one by one, but considering the traffic flow there and the remaining time, the idea seems unrealistic. Hardy had already started calling up surveillance footage of both roads, while Olga went back to the laptop and started banging on it.

"I guess the killer is going in that direction to tie Wallis to a building to achieve his arrangement," Olga murmured, "This can delineate a range: the distance will not be too far from that financial district. It's far away, because he can't be sure whether you're moving quickly or not; in addition, the serial killer will definitely pick a building that is suitable for the crime, unoccupied and high enough, which will give the police a video of the process of killing the victim. The killer always has a tendency to show off his feathers like a peacock. If he could choose, he would definitely let a prosecutor fall from a high place and fall bloody on the sidewalk, and there is no need to consider buildings below ten floors; In the end, he will definitely choose an unoccupied building, there are no ordinary residential buildings in that area, and if he wants to commit crimes during the day, he must choose an unused building."

Hardy walked over quickly and couldn't help asking, "That place is very prosperous, won't he worry about being discovered?"

"To tell you the truth, what serial killers lack most is the confidence to imagine that they will not be caught." Olga snorted, and she called up a map marked in red, "By the way, here : A series of real estates were developed near the direction where the butcher was going. They are high-end office buildings, all of which are more than 20 stories high, and three buildings; however, after they were built, they have not been used by the government due to unqualified fire inspections, and they are still being used by the government. vacant."

Hardy looked at Olga in horror.

"What I said is what you think." Olga announced calmly.

Eleven twenty-three.

Albarino suddenly let out a sigh, he stared straight ahead, and the other two looked at him. He suddenly asked Clara, "How's the soundproofing in your place?"

"No," Clara replied tearfully, "I can hear cars passing by on the street outside here, too."

Albarino gave a satisfied smile, then took out his cell phone and dialed 911. After the call was connected, Albarino said to the operator in a very lively and anxious tone: "Hello, I'm at the intersection of Fifteenth Avenue and Crims Road, and an old man fainted here. Convulsions, I need an ambulance."

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