Wine and Gun

Chapter 239

They didn't dare to break ties with Clara easily, but at this moment, it could only be used to show them how the silent footsteps of Death were slowly approaching: when they left the Hardy's house, Lyra threw up once, and so far she's just limply nestled in the corner of the camera's view, groaning indistinctly when Herstal called her name.

"Clara said it takes eighteen minutes to get here from Bart's house, and about five minutes from that hospital." Albarino tapped the steering wheel rhythmically, "the driveway in this direction is not as congested as it was in the morning, And I'm pretty sure I ran two red lights just now... We're probably almost there - Herstal, can she still answer you?"

"I'm afraid not." Herstal replied with a frown.

It was even more troublesome to find out where to detain Clara. According to her description, she should be in a basement, but... Herstal looked around through the car window: there were single-family apartments on both sides of the road, I am afraid everyone has a basement.

Old Hunter scolded something gruffly in the back seat, but Albarino didn't seem too desperate, he still looked straight ahead attentively, and said, "Clara just now. The description says there are windows in the roof attachment, we just need to find a house with a basement above the ground... Herstal, can you hear the honking of vehicles outside the basement if you turn the volume up to maximum?"

The roads were congested and the horns were blaring one after another. Herstal did as he did. He listened for a while, then said, "Yes, but very low."

"It doesn't matter, just use the same method as before." Albarino nodded, "I will keep honking the horn to distinguish it from the horns of other cars. When you can hear the horn from the computer It must be very close to that basement, and then we get out of the car and search."

Hunter kept poking forward from the back seat of the car to look at the computer screen in front of him, and then he said quite bluntly: "Then you better hurry up, I'm afraid this little girl won't last that long."

Eleven forty.

"Hunter is just a bounty hunter, that's all. Isn't the WLPD registration document official?" asked Olga, now sitting behind a desk in the interrogation room - an unprecedented treatment , she usually sits on the other side of the table—since she wasn't handcuffed, she hurriedly put her feet up on the table.

"Yeah, but he's still suspicious until he gives the police an alibi," McCard insisted. "And you can't leave until we bring him back, for your own good."

Olga snorted from her nose: "Even if I say I have something to do right now?"

"Nothing, unless you tell us what he's looking for you for." McCard shook his head angrily, "I don't understand, Molozer, if he's not the murderer of this case, what can't you say? "

"You don't actually think he is a suspect in the Buffalo case at all. Your professionalism has already told you that he does not meet the test, right? You are holding on to this matter now because you really don't trust it. It's me." Olga's voice was full of vicious sarcasm, and she gave McCard a sneer, "Is this scene familiar? It's like it's back to when I was in BAU, it's you. To tell the above that although my case detection rate is high, but my personality is not trustworthy?"

"Moloze!" McCard raised his voice suddenly.

"But why on earth am I really untrustworthy?" Olga asked aggressively. "Haven't you heard Derek Wiseman's famous quote? 'Cameras should be like flies on the wall' , and undoubtedly good observers should not be discovered by observers - if I really know who the butcher is? Why would I happily join his murder after seeing him?"

McArd stared at her and opened his mouth to say something, but at this moment, there was a knock on the door. McCard took a deep breath, tried in vain to calm down, and opened the door.

Standing outside the door was John Garcia, who had no intention of concealing the excitement in his voice: "Sir, there's a message from two police officers patrolling around Fifteenth Avenue, following a speeding Rolls on the road. When I was at Rice, I found a person in the car with the characteristics of Orion Hunter."

"Really? Let's go out and talk," McArd replied, and he glanced at Olga again, who was still leaning back in his chair lazily, staring at him coldly.

"I'll talk to you when I get back," McCard told her.

Eleven forty-two.

- Hardy can already see the three buildings from among the high-rise buildings.

His experience of patrolling the streets of Westland before he was promoted to police officer finally gave him feedback. In about ten minutes, he had already taken the path and approached the three buildings that were not yet in use.

Two of the three buildings have been built, and the tempered glass gleams in the noon sun. The construction of the third building has been stopped because the review of the fire protection design of the first two buildings has been delayed. Scaffolding, covered with green gauze.

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