Wine and Gun

Chapter 245

The other's blood was slowly drying up on his fingers.

Hestal thought for a while, and then asked directly, "Why are you doing this?"

"I remember I gave you a reason earlier today," Albarino winked at him softly. "Isn't that enough?"

"Are you referring to the statement 'Officer Hardy is a worthy adversary'? It may be true, but for that reason, desperately trying to save his child? Do you think I would really believe it?" Hess Tal asked rhetorically.

Albarino stared at him for a moment, then sighed.

"Jerome McAdam liked to force his victims to choose between children and partners to get them into moral dilemmas, but after the choice was made, he would kill everyone, so The act of making a choice is meaningless in itself." Albarino said softly, "I have no doubt that a serial killer like him is actually a bit of a God complex, and - you must have heard that Abraham sacrificed his only son to God. story, right?"

Herstal looked at each other, but said nothing: Albarino must have known that he must have heard the story, given the amount of time he had spent in church.

Albarino continued: "God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac as a burnt offering, and Abraham did so despite suffering; at the last moment when Isaac was about to be sacrificed, God prevented Abraham from doing so. Do. From a theological point of view, this is a test of Abraham's personal beliefs: he is convinced that God is omnipotent and omnipotent, and that human reason is not sufficient to understand God's will; so, although God's command led him into a moral paradox even he does not know why God would let him sacrifice his son, but he obeys unconditionally—because he does not believe in God for the wealth and kingdom that God has promised him, but because God is essentially is worthy of obedience. As Soren Kierkegaard said, 'God's will must be the end of every man'."

Herstal frowned and said, "Albarino—"

"So," Albarino gave him a wide smile, "if I tell you, I don't know the purpose of this, but I did it under the guidance of my muse. , will you hit me?"

...Herstal was silent for two seconds, then expressed his attitude with his actions.

——He punched Albarino in the stomach.

Albarino groaned exaggeratedly, curled up like a shrimp, and naturally rested his forehead on Herstal's shoulder. Hestal suppressed the sigh and the urge to stab Albarino in the back with the knife in the inner pocket of his suit, and reached out a hand to touch the end of his curly hair.

After touching it twice, he felt that it was a bit too much for the other party to sit in the cold wind in February with his upper body naked, so he reached out and picked up the orange-colored blanket that was in the ambulance and draped it over on Albarino's shoulders.

Albarino sullenly said, "...Aren't you angry?"

He had chosen an innocent tone of falsely pretending to be eight years old, which made Herstal all the more eager to beat him or put him in a cardboard box at the door of the orphanage. He sneered at the other party and said, "Not at all."

Albarino was quiet for a moment, then continued: "How Clara ends doesn't mean anything to me, Bart loves his family, but he will never give up his job because of a major blow. He will be very It's painful, but he'll get through it - and I'm doing this because I know that no matter how you look on the outside, you actually love this complete family state in your heart."

Herstal looked at him cautiously for a moment, then asked, "Are you saying this because you really think so, or because you think I'd like to hear it?"

Albarino looked at him with a smile and asked, "Which truth would make you feel more dangerous?"

"Equally indistinguishable." Herstal gave him a sneer.

Albarino snorted.

"Come and kiss me, then," he replied happily, "that's the one-and-done method: embracing the source of danger."

Day and night, the hospital is always a busy place, and the door of the emergency room is crowded with worried family members. Albarino had seen too many scenes like this when he was a pathologist in a hospital, and he didn't think he would be one of them one day.

Bart Hardy stood restlessly in the doorway of the operating room, one hand tightly wrapped around his wife's shoulders; Wallis stood firm despite her pale face. At this moment, their daughter is also lying sick: moderate carbon monoxide poisoning has caused some bad consequences that can be salvaged, and the hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment and medication can make her recover within a month, and she will not be left behind. What a terrible aftermath.

But others may not be so lucky.

Standing at the door of the operating room was Olga's attending physician. His face was calm, he was obviously used to seeing life and death, and it was even more impossible for him to be moved by such a small scene now.

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