Wine and Gun

Chapter 250

——He smiles so nicely. If I hadn’t known that he had a girlfriend and was very affectionate, I would definitely have asked for his phone number now.

"Thank you, ma'am," he replied softly. "I guess I haven't lost my love yet."

Chapter 66 Orion Hunt's Manuscript

I know many of my peers have made this calculus: when you are young, you should give it a go, try some exciting commissions, and make some big money. After you wash your hands, see if you can publish an autobiography for yourself, or if you're lucky, a TV producer will pick up on your story - they'll even make a TV series for you, as if they gave Du The same ones shot by Eun Lee Chapman.

...and I, more or less, did think so when I was younger.

But now the situation is different from what I expected: I'm sitting in front of the desk, racking my brains trying to write a story, and it feels like I'm going back to the third grade, when in fact, my impression of the third grade Nothing but the gang of bastards who will grab your lunch.

I have to admit: what I wrote is clearly more of a suicide note than a "story".

——It seems that there is always this kind of plot in those low-quality suspense novels: a person, usually a neurotic old man (exactly my image in the eyes of many people), jiāo gives the protagonist of the story a safe, Mysteriously told him "you have to wait until I'm dead to open the safe". And of course, this dragon role will soon be mysteriously killed. The protagonist opens the safe and takes out a stack of manuscripts...

Is the horror atmosphere of such a story strong enough? That's exactly what I'm going to do: I'll finish writing this shit and tell someone I trust that if one day I die out of nowhere and get dumped on the interstate, let me He posted all this stuff on the Internet.

That way, when one day I really stand by the murderer, I can say to him, "You can't kill me, or you won't know what I'm going to post online!"

——"Internet", when I was only 20 years old, I would never have imagined that one day in the future, I would use this kind of "I want to move my finger and hit the enter key" as a means of saving my life. Another question is, will this thing save my life? Does the guy who would want to kill me really care? Nobody knows, including me.

...Looking back at the stuff I just wrote, I seem to have been too long-winded again. But forget it, I'm really too lazy to start again. So to get to the point, let me start the whole thing from scratch:

The first time I noticed Albarino Bacchus was on October 18, 2016.

At that time, I had already begun to investigate all kinds of murder cases out of interest. In such a city where black police are rampant, as long as there is a way, it is not too difficult to spend money to get police information. But the problem is that the police themselves haven't made much progress, and my legs seem to be hurting more and more every year.

At the time - as anyone who pays a little bit of news will remember - it was a time when a murder was raging, and a serial killer hunted the lady in the red dress at night, daring to set foot on the streets of Westland at night 10% less.

Alan Todd happened to be in Westland the other day for a manhunt and had a meal with me to find out about the out-of-town trails that would avoid the police. Of course, there was a deep distaste for this damn city in his words, I've never liked this kid very much - he's a little cautious, in fact, according to most of my old friends, he's too much Be cautious. He doesn't take any gang ties, and he's far from anything potentially dangerous; some call it reason, others cowardice.

Todd said he received a big list: a fugitive on bail, with a bail of up to $150,000, no wonder the commercial guarantor who hired Todd was anxious. If Todd could catch the guy who ran away on bail, he'd at least get $20,000 off the deal.

Todd said the man he was going to catch was named Bob Langdon.

I'm one of the longest-lived bounty hunters in Westland, and of course Todd came to ask me if I had a similar problem. Of course, the income of $20,000 is enviable, and of course I would think, if you want to catch a fugitive from Westland, why not contact me? But to travel thousands of miles to contact a young man who lives in Syracuse?

But I still didn't think much about it, I told him what I knew, and he left Westland very quickly - until the 18th, when I saw the news.

Westland Medical Examiner Chief Medical Examiner Albarino Bacchus, who was previously arrested as a suspect in the Sarah Aardman case, was acquitted, while Bob Langdon was identified for that series of murders Murder of the woman in red.

However, Bob Langdon had been killed the night before, at the hands of Westland's pianist, according to a WLPD press release.

I stared at the picture on the TV that was covered with a thick layer of mosaic. The mosaic was covered with a thin layer of red, and I couldn't tell that the pile of things captured by the camera was a person. I thought my brain might have been blank for many seconds, but by the time I finally got the hang of it, I had jumped into the car and was driving down the road to Syracuse.

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