Wine and Gun

Chapter 255

Although I didn't understand how the topic went in this direction, I was stunned: because I knew they were talking about the Sunday gardener's case! They must be referring to the cases of William Brown and Anthony Sharp, who were set up by gardeners on the stone steps in front of the state courthouse in Judith slaying Holofernes.

Although I have always been interested in the cases of the gardener and the pianist, I have never been able to get hold of the files of these two cases. Although WLPD is rotten from the root, it is still very cautious about these two cases.

Hardy was silent for a moment, then asked, "Are you implying something?"

"I have some personal opinions about your friends," McCard said, looking cautiously around, I had to cling to the wall to avoid his gaze, "this is not the place for conversation, I'd rather go to you I'm going to talk to you in my office—let's not talk about that, what did Molose say about the gardener and pianist case?"

Hardy thought about it.

"You know those speculations within us, revolving around..." Hardy waved his hand, carefully blurring out a few key words, I think I'm going to be pissed off." Olga thinks there are more concise and clear Explanation to answer the question now, she said to me 'don't multiply the entity if it's not necessary'."

There was a long, strange silence.

I couldn't help but look in that direction with my probe, only to see McCard standing stiffly, staring blankly at Molozer's ward window.

Then he said gruffly, "Fuck."

Hardy couldn't help asking, "Agent McCard—?"

"I see," McCard said suddenly, his voice hoarse, "there is indeed an easier way, we don't have to sort out such intricate interpersonal relationships, and if there are not as many people as we think, then—who's where? ?!"

My whole body shuddered, and I stood there nervously, suspecting that I had been discovered, and not knowing whether to run or not. But McCard seemed to turn around and walk somewhere I couldn't see, and within seconds someone was running down the hallway for his life.

It was a shaggy, unshaven young man who flew past me, nearly knocking me over, leaving only a hurried, slightly European-accented "Sorry."

The man ran away like his butt was on fire. I quickly took the opportunity to escape into the lounge. The nurse just glanced at me curiously from the top of the book and didn't say anything. As I escaped, McCard and Hardy chased in the direction of the other eavesdropper.

And I was just holding my aching leg in place and gasping for breath. After the fear of being found out was gradually subsided, I realized two problems:

First, I think I heard some very important information--I'm afraid it has to do with the test writing of the Westland pianist and the Sunday gardener--but I didn't get it, they were both saying What exactly does it mean?

Second, who is the guy who eavesdropped on their conversation like me?


[1] Dunn Lee Chapman: A famous American bounty hunter, A\u0026E TV made the series "Hound Dog: Bounty Hunter" for him.

[2] Hunter is lame in his left leg. According to the law, he can still drive an automatic transmission car if he has a problem with his left leg.

[3] Reasoning progress of the main characters:

Hardy: John Snow you know nothing (.

Olga: ? ? ?

McCard: Successfully discovered the truth at Olga's cue.

John Garcia: This guy was convinced until the end of the article that Herstal was not a pianist.

Hunter: Knowing that Shana is the angel of death, and guessing that Albarino is not a good bird - this is a classmate who has a completely wrong problem-solving process but doesn't know how to get the answer right.

Chapter 67 Blood Spring 01

Sometimes I feel like my blood is gushing,

Like a fountain spewing out in a weeping rhythm.

I clearly hear it rushing,

But always can't feel where the wound is.

"No," Bates said, stuttering as he uttered the word, "are you kidding me?"

We can get a feel for what's going on at the start of the new year from Bates' point of view: he's just had a nice Christmas break, and he just got back from vacation when he hears that WLPD has been attacked by a serial killer, and the guy is crazy Two policemen were killed; then two days before he was safe, the butcher kidnapped Bart Hardy's wife and daughter, and Olga fell from a high building and has not woken up yet.

But now, on a supposedly lovely and beautiful afternoon, Bates came to WLPD to deliver a DNA test report, and by the way, he discussed a few words with the police officer in charge of the case, and then inexplicably was called into the office by Hardy with a serious face.

The gentleman in front of him - Lavasa McCard, BAU Director, he and Bates had only met once in the murder case - was standing in the middle of Hardy's office and said loudly...

"I think Doctor Bacchus is the Sunday gardener and Amarette is the Westland pianist."

Bates almost wanted to go home and lie on the bed right away, then open his eyes and start the day all over again. But it was no use, McCard's serious look, Hardy's headache, and the gray mug that Olga threw in the corner all told that it wasn't a hallucination. .

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