Wine and Gun

Chapter 257

McArd was stunned for a moment, then awkwardly shifted his center of gravity.

"Well, my colleagues are dealing with a premeditated indiscriminate poisoning incident in New Jersey," he said awkwardly, "I'm getting close to the end of my case, and I'll take a look at Westland sometime -- soon. leave."

"I suggest that you also go back to your job as soon as possible. I will pay more attention to the pianist and gardener... WLPD can't do anything without any evidence, and you should also pay attention to your frequent visits to Victoria. Any procedural issues that Stellan might cause," Hardy reminded him.

McCard took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, before saying, "There shouldn't have been any procedural problems if WLPD was willing to turn to BAU. Westland pianist and Sunday Although the gardener's case is not an interstate case, it also meets the conditions for the FBI to intervene... I really hope that you will consider my previous proposal and give this case to me and my colleagues to handle."

Bates listened and couldn't help but sighed silently in his heart: This is a good idea, of course, if WLPD can really ask for assistance from the FBI, the burden on Hardy's shoulders will be much lighter, no police officer. Should be responsible for two serial killings at the same time.

— but things are not as easy as McCard thinks:

Bart Hardy's former police chief was promoted with a fair amount of heroic fantasies in mind, and then died of a gunshot five months after taking office. Now the director just wants to make a fortune by taking advantage of his position, and then go to Malibu Beach to spend his old age, so of course he dislikes Hardy, a stumbling block on his bribe-taking path, and wants to find an unfavorable reason to transfer him.

The mayor of Westland wanted to move the director from his current position as soon as possible, so that his cronies could manage WLPD, which would be good for him to run for governor, so he didn’t care about WLPD’s detection rate, only I want to try my best to catch the police chief.

All in all, Lavasa McCard doesn't know anything about the complicated political ecology of Westland, so he has no way of knowing that Bart Hardy may be one of the few in the entire police department who really wants to solve these two cases. One of the people, and the others more or less want to profit from the two serial killings - and the first step to their advantage is to keep the FBI people out of these cases as much as possible. .

But he could only silently watch McArd shake hands with Hardy, and then leave quickly, presumably to go to New Jersey to join his team and deal with some poisoning case. Bates watched him slowly walk away, then turned to glance at Hardy, whose hair seemed to have turned whiter by this time, and his eyes were full of exhaustion.

Clara was still a few days away from being discharged from the hospital, and Hardy and Wallis had to spare time to go to the hospital to take care of the children in addition to work, and they were very busy. And at this moment, there was a deep worry mixed in his eyes... a thoughtful look.

"Oh," Bates whispered.

Hardy looked at him, the corners of his mouth curled down stiffly.

"You're really seriously considering Agent McCard's vision now," Bates felt his voice soft as a whisper, and he felt a strange unease about his epiphany, "...Yes ?"

Hardy was silent for a long moment, then nodded.

"I really don't want to think like that, they're all my friends, and they just saved Clara's life," Hardy said heavily, "but what else can I do now? Too many people have died. ."

"What a beast!" Tom said through gritted teeth, "Still such a small child!"

——This is the last autopsy before get off work that day, and the brilliance of the shadowless lamp is focused on a bruised and dead boy. He looked quite young, only about thirteen or fourteen years old, and he lay naked on the autopsy car like a lifeless white stone.

He was covered in lumps of bruises, with many restraining wounds on his neck and wrists, and some strip-shaped wounds on his back, white in the middle and dark bruises on both sides, which were covered by a cylindrical stick. Of the marks left by the beating, Albarino estimated that 80% of it was something like a bat.

At this moment, the autopsy is coming to an end: the nails and lips of the deceased are cyanotic, the right heart is highly congested, the blood in the blood vessels does not coagulate, the saliva and snot flow out, and the eyeballs are bulging. It is obvious that he died of mechanical asphyxia. Combine that with the extent of his torn sphincter - an unseemly but very common cause of death for this young man.

"If this happened to an adult, the average person would say 'SM went too far,'" Albarino said, seeing Tom wrinkle his nose, "but this kid is obviously underage, so it's probably qiángjian murder. case; although the murderer strangling the deceased may be a complete accident, the fact that combined with the fact that the qiángjian is a minor is also a felony... Was he found in the river?"

"Yes," Tommy said, looking down at the report provided by the on-site investigator, "this morning a dog walker found a body in the river, so he called the police. Recently, there have been more and more cases of this kind. Well, the river has just thawed to the point where it can throw corpses!"

Albarino shook his head: "In such cases, the murderer is often not found. The deceased seems to have been soaking in the river for almost two days. Although the samples were sent to the forensic laboratory, according to experience, the river water also The evidence is almost destroyed, as long as the WLPD cannot find the source of the corpse, there is a high probability that the case will not be solved.”

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