Wine and Gun

Chapter 272

"Maybe so, but even though they are more tame than other animals, some behaviors are still difficult to's very disgusting."

Herstal sneered, his eyes swept across Slade, and stopped briefly on Albarino's face, he lowered his voice meaningfully.

"I really hope my dog ​​doesn't eat shit on the road."

Chapter 71 Blood Spring 05

"It's not as hard as you think—I mean, train them," Slade continued with that grin, "give them a little pain, and then a little sweetness, and it's all good. easy."

Of course Slade would think so, as if he wasn't doing this to the choir kids at church. These images were still vividly surging in his mind, just like the boiled sea, Herstal wondered if he was so bad that Albarino could see it - anyway, Albari Nuo glanced in his direction several times, and there was a very real confusion in his eyes, and he could really pretend.

All in all, since Albarino realized that Herstal was in a bad mood, he was very smart and cleverly asked the waiter to help them with some trivial matters the next time. The men got out, left them behind with a slightly apologetic smile, and hurried away.

Albarino left as a matter of course, and Herstal could only have a few words of worthless greetings with Slade until the other party took the initiative to leave, as if he had another guest visiting.

Herstal was surprised to find that when the other party was by his side, he could give him the illusion of being trapped underwater. It was not until the other party's figure disappeared in the depths of the crowd that he seemed to be sucked into the night. First breath of air. He was in that kind of "fight or flight" stress response the whole time, and the blood-red fantasy of stabbing a knife into the opponent's eyeball kept circling in his mind.

Hestal stood where he was, took a deep breath, the headache was so distracting that he had to grab a glass of champagne from a waiter who passed by - wine was definitely not therapy The correct remedy for migraine headaches, but alcohol is good anyway, so I can't take care of that much at this time.

Albarino has already blended into the depths of the crowd, and now he can't even find a shadow. There was a feeling of overturning in Herstal's stomach, and he realized that he had better not meet Slade again, or he would inevitably vomit in front of him. At this time, his mind was in a mess, and he couldn't help thinking about the relationship between Albarino and the sudden appearance of Slade, which pointed to a very bad guess, but unfortunately Herstal couldn't control his mind at all. What are you thinking about.

But he had to do something, otherwise it would be pointless to sneak in. Herstal raised his spirits and walked cautiously in the venue, observing the men who were looking for fun—the people in this club shared the same secrets, and Herstal had to find a way to dig them up come out.

He did not see any children in the crowd.

And although he got nothing, some of the people at the banquet had already played, and there were sticky moans from the depths of the crowd, and Herstal could glimpse some men and women entangled on the couch, their skins under the light of the lights. It was so dazzling that he really didn't want to know that they were all gān.

It was at this moment that a soft hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Is it your first time here?" A soft female voice asked in his ear, "Handsome guy?"

When Herstal appeared behind him, there was still a strong urge: the urge to stab the knife in his pocket into the other's ribs. But Herstal held back. He turned and saw a small strip stage set up not far behind him, and now two girls were dancing on that stage, throwing their underwear into the writhing crowd below— - Herstal was pretty sure it was illegal to perform such a showy show on such an occasion - and the woman standing behind him had apparently just stepped off the stage, her skin still glistening with sweat. Shiny, hair as plump as seaweed.

She was wearing something... which could be regarded as cloth, Herstal really didn't know how to describe it. This is a girl with dark hair and dark eyes, with smooth olive skin, looking a little too young, definitely not yet twenty years old.

Herstal raised his eyebrows, and by this time, his discomfort had subsided a little, and he was able to carry on the subsequent conversation. The girl seemed interested in him, which was a good starting point.

"How do you see that?" he asked.

The other party smiled softly, still holding his shoulders, leaning forward a little, his plump lips almost touching Herstal's skin. She let out a sigh of relief, and the air flow mixed with the scent of sweet perfume brushed Herstal's earlobe.

"Because you look like a lost lamb in the crowd," the young woman said with a smile in his ear. "How? Go have some fun with me?"

Albarino hurriedly walked through the corridor, and while walking, he was vigilant not to jump out of the road and three burly men would beat him to the ground. According to his observation, there were quite a few bodyguards in Sequoia Manor.

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