Wine and Gun

Chapter 290

But now in front of Midalen, of course he couldn't say that.

So in the end he just smiled lightly and asked, "What? Are you going to go along with that kind of person?"

Midalen was stunned for a moment, with a very tangled expression on his face, he muttered softly: "...Then how on earth do I know if you were sent to test me?"

Herstal estimated that the child had been causing trouble for a few months when he was caught by Slade's men, which might have made Sequoia Manor's head large, or he would not be able to say "sent to test me". talk.

With a long sigh, Herstal reached into the inner pocket of his suit as if compromising. This action caused Midalen to take a cautious step back, obviously worried that he was pulling out a gun; but he did nothing threatening, just lay the item from his pocket flat in the palm of his hand. :

——It was a butterfly knife, and the metal surface glowed softly under the warm light.

"I want to make this as fair as possible, so if you're willing to answer a few of my questions, I can give you this in exchange so that you can replace your useless fork." Starr said in a calm voice, "How is it? If I was sent by the manor, I wouldn't have given you such a dangerous thing."

It turns out that when a person wants to hide something, it's better not to hide it in a folder called "Tax Record Form."

First, Albarino doesn't think Slade will pay taxes; second, even if they do pay, Albarino believes that Slade will never be the type of person who takes his tax records and organizes the forms seriously. . The folder lay on Slade's computer like an apple in a potato pile, and it looked as conspicuous as possible.

Albarino looked at the folder and couldn't help sneering. With a flick of his finger, the mouse clicked it open.

So what jumped out in front of him were rows of pictures, with a few videos in between. Unsurprisingly, during such a disgusting life as gān, Slade did not forget to leave a way out for himself.

He must have surreptitiously left pinhole cameras in some rooms of the manor, filming some scenes of club members with children - a very polite description, since most of the scenes were Unsightly - those rooms had no character, and no other people were present, and could not be evidence of Slade's involvement in the incident, and of course he would leave these things as evidence to blackmail the rich.

Albarino quickly browsed through those pictures, and his eyes were full of entangled white bodies. The people in Slade must have been screened when they took the pictures, so the faces of every man in them were clearly illuminated.

This is the kind of "list" he wants. Although the photos are not marked with their names, the members of the club are all wealthy people, so it does not take much effort to find out their identities according to the photos.

Albarino takes a USB stick out of his pocket, he needs a copy of the photo, and deletes the information from this computer: anyway, he doesn't want to risk Herstal to get a list and start The risk of killing in sequence, given that Herstal was at Sequoia Manor today, he had to do it now.

The file is very large, probably due to the high resolution of the photos. When Slade ordered his men to take pictures of these people's faces, he certainly did not expect that this would cause much trouble to the people who stole the photos. Albarino looked at the terribly long, snail-beating progress bar, and had the urge to sigh.

It was at this moment that Albarino realized that it wasn't just those vicious dogs swimming outside the window, this overly large folder, and those lingering in Herstal's heart that made him unlucky. Yinying, not even the fact that Herstal appeared in Sequoia Manor without saying hello to him.

—He heard the rubbing sound of a key poking into a keyhole from outside the door.

Midalen sat honestly on the edge of the bed, his bony legs resting on the bed, and Herstal pulled the only chair in the corner and sat opposite him. The hazel curtains in the room were drawn tightly, and a beam of light was emitted from the headlights, casting a thin shadow on both of them.

This atmosphere is suitable for a certain, ambiguous and lingering night, which is why both of them are extremely embarrassed, and no one can remain calm under the premise of "you actually paid for me".

Hestal had searched the room before and determined that there were no pinhole cameras or recording equipment in the room before he sat down opposite Midalen. And Midaren hesitated for a moment, and began to tell his own story.

The beginning of Midalen's story is not much different from that of all tragic children, abandoned by his mother at the door of an orphanage in north Westland before he could speak, with a card tied around his wrist. A note with his name and date of birth on it. Midaren has never been able to find his family again and has been living in an orphanage since then, until a few months ago.

Now there are long queues of people who want to adopt children, and they must undergo strict scrutiny before adopting children. Under such a major premise, Midalun can still grow up in the welfare center, which is actually very telling. This child has a rebellious personality, a temper, and is not very gregarious. Several families once tried to adopt him, but they all ended in a series of unpleasant experiences.

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