Wine and Gun

Chapter 315

He thought for a while, and then suddenly asked miserably, "I've been locked up in that place for so long, why didn't you come to rescue me?"

This is a bit unreasonable, but when the newly rescued hostage child is sitting in front of you, you will be full of pity for him when he says anything. Obviously, Agent Garcia is one of the victims of this law. Garcia looked at him and explained in a soft voice: "Because those people at Sequoia Manor have covered things up very well, and we didn't find out until someone reported it to us recently?"

informant? Midalen's expression didn't change, but his mind was thinking fast. Does that mean Mr. Reporter is a police informant? Not quite like... If he is, wouldn't it make sense to call him an investigative reporter in front of him, and say he's a police informant, wouldn't it be better to gain trust? Or that he has nothing to do with the police at all, and the police do not know his existence.

So I can only say... Mr. reporter lied to him? Maybe he didn't call the police at all and just wanted to get his hands on a breaking news.

No, not like. Midaren rejected this idea in his heart, and some of his intuition told himself that the reporter was not such a person.

Midaren's preconceived notions of the reporter who provided him with the weapon were very obvious: if it weren't for the butterfly knife, and some of the reporter's instructions that night about the position of the knife, the bounty hunter now Probably dead, and they don't know where they were taken. Even if the reporter didn't notify the police after the investigation was over, in a sense, he saved Midalen's life.

Moreover, if the other party is just someone who is chasing big news wholeheartedly, there is no need to give him that knife at all. The existence of such a thing is too easy to arouse the suspicion of the police or people at Sequoia Manor. Assuming that Midalun didn't hide the knife well and was discovered by the guards, those bad guys could easily suspect Mr. Reporter, and doing so would just set fire to himself.

Midalen bit his lower lip quietly: The information before him is contradictory. If Mr. reporter really cares about this matter and these children, he should not call the police; if he doesn't care about these children, he should not give Midaren's knife should not be delayed in publishing reports. what the heck is going on? A new thought suddenly popped into Midalun's mind: Or, that person wasn't a reporter at all? He said he was a reporter just to gain my trust? Obviously he does care about the children of Sequoia Manor, but he has other reasons for collecting information on Sequoia Manor, and he doesn't plan to go through the police at all?

Midaren didn't know much about the law, but he was pretty sure that the guy who went to meet him, who might or might not be a reporter at all, must be doing something illegal in some way.

Midaren made a decision the moment he thought of this possibility, he said quickly: "I didn't receive... guests, I only went twice, and then maybe it was because I was too old , no one from the club chose me."

After he said this, he took a deep breath: Anyway, Mr. reporter is really not a criminal, and not talking about his affairs should have no impact on the overall investigation. When he returns to the orphanage, he must find a way to find any clues about the reporter, and go to the other party and ask himself what is going on.

Of course, if he disclosed the matter to the FBI agent in front of him, there is a high probability that the police would go back and do the same thing, but Midaron estimated that the police would not tell a minor at all about the results of the investigation.

Probably because of being abandoned as a child, Midaren believes in himself always better than in others.

"Mr. Hunter told us that you attacked the guard who brought you into the car with a knife," Garcia continued, completely oblivious to what secret Midalen was hiding. "Where did that knife come from? of?"

"I touched it from a guard." Midaren lied without changing his face, "the second time I was on my way back from the manor. He didn't bind my hands, only blindfolded my eyes. I Sitting next to him, and then he seemed to be asleep and snoring, and I snuck into his coat pocket."

At this moment, the door of the interrogation room opened, and a black-haired man with wheat-colored skin walked in. Agent Garcia saw him and said softly, "Sir."

The Garcia officer walked up to Midalen and showed him the screen of his mobile phone: There was a news website on the screen, and what McCard clicked on the website was a news photo, and the man in the photo was the same man. The man who gave Midalen the butterfly knife!

Midaren glanced quickly, and the news headline above the photo was "Manslaughter! Newspaper Tycoon's Daughter Gets Away With Murder Charges," and the subtitle reads: "A\u0026H Law Firm Wins Another Win, Prosecutor Wallis Hardy Says Law Team Is Moral".

He quickly realized what this thing in front of him meant to him, Midalen took a deep breath, raised his head calmly, and looked at Garcia's superior.

"No," Midaren said clearly, "I've never met him."

Miss Aurelie Delphine sat quietly in an armchair in the living room, staring blankly at the endless stream of lights outside the window. The nights in Westerland at the end of March were still a little cold, but not indoors, but despite this, Aurelie felt a little shivering.

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