Wine and Gun

Chapter 341

Children's Choir.

Hunter felt a cold breath choked in his throat. No way.

The next second, he suddenly pulled this photo out of the album, and with one hand, he supported Mr. Father's desk with difficulty, and stood up staggeringly.

"Mr. Warden," Stryder said with a smile. ,

He was taken by two guards all the way to the warden's office at the New Takker Federal Prison, where the warden - a man with a growing beer belly and huge bags under his eyes - sat sternly across from him. , the two prison guards closed the door of the office, and the room fell into silence again.

"Mr. Slade, how have you been?" the warden greeted in that deadpan tone.

"Solitary confinement is very boring." Slade snorted and sat across from the warden's desk before the other party spoke, like the owner of the office.

"This is also a last resort. Some big people related to Sequoia Manor are worried that you will betray their 'secrets'." The warden said slowly, "I am sure that if you are not put in solitary confinement, you will soon be would 'suicide' in prison."

"Aren't you worried that I'm really going to betray someone's secrets?" Stryder asked casually.

"I see your determination in this matter," replied the warden.


"Yes, the woman who wanted to be a tainted witness--Aurelie or something--is dead, isn't she?" replied the warden, smacking his mouth regretfully, "It's a pity, I Remember it was a pretty woman, tight down there. Of course her mouth doesn't look that tight now."

Slade sneered in his heart: The warden must not have given him such a good treatment in prison because of his "determination" in the matter of Delphine, warden. He wanted to save his life because the two of them were in the same boat. You must know that the funds available to Sequoia Manor also included 20% of this gentleman's investment. At the same time, he has no doubt that there are so many big clients in Sequoia Manor, and some of them are really thinking of killing him, just to keep those dirty secrets forever unknown.

"Anyway, her matter is finally settled completely." Stryder shrugged, not wanting to talk about the unpleasant Aurelie.

"No," the warden shook his head, "I'm afraid it hasn't been resolved yet."

Slade raised his head and frowned at each other.

"You asked your man to call your lawyer when he killed the woman, didn't you? The one who just entered Sequoia Manor and you don't trust enough yet? Did you do this to deter him?" Chang said that he didn't know the cause and effect of the incident, and the expression was a little vague.

"It's not like you don't know my style of doing things." Slade snorted again contemptuously, "That lawyer only went to Sequoia Manor once, who knows if he will shake this matter out. The most important thing is It's him who wants to side with us."

The warden shook his head, his face even more ugly: "Your subordinate asked me to give you a message, and the woman called the lawyer and said, 'I envy you. There is a way to let go of the past. You can even defend him 'Wait something weird - what does that mean? Did you know that lawyer before?"

Slade was stunned for a moment. He stared blankly at the warden for a while, but his eyes gradually became solemn.

"I remember this young man." The old woman looked at the photo with a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she was caught in the memory of the past, "He is the son of an electrician...I have forgotten their family name, it is possible Thirty years ago."

Thirty years, the most important time point. Hunter frowned slowly, but his voice remained steady: "Can you tell me about this child's family? I found one that looked like this child in my friend's belongings. pictures of little boys."

This sentence is pure nonsense. The child's father could never be Hunter's "friend" regardless of his age. Hunter hoped that the old woman in front of him would not care about such details.

The old woman recalled in a slow voice: "...he was a good boy, very quiet, very few words, very popular with the clergy. He learned to play the piano in the church and accompany the choir, because I came here often at that time. Church, so I've seen him many times."

Hunter's voice was softer when he spoke again, he could feel a terrible conjecture stirring in his heart, and he asked slowly: "Even if you don't remember his last name, you may recall his name?"

The old woman was silent for a long time, her cloudy eyes fixed on the cross on the church altar, on which the crucified Jesus was nailed.

"I remember that the priests in the church called him..." The old woman spat out the name slowly and hesitantly. "...The priests called him 'Will'."


[1] The chapter begins with a quote from Sebastian Brandt's Ship of Fools.

[2] The iris is the national flower of France, and Aurelie Delphine is a French name - yes, there is actually such a setting.

[3] The italics are still "The Fisherman and His Soul", and it is recommended to compare it with "Blood Spring 10".

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