Wine and Gun

Chapter 396

Hunter nodded briefly: "There lives a Mr. Jason Friedman, an illiterate playboy, and the money he squandered was saved by his family during the Cold War."

"But how do you know he's a guest of Sequoia Manor? Didn't the club's membership list ever come out?" Midaren asked in confusion.

"—read the newspaper," Hunter reached out and tapped the steering wheel, his voice sounding very pleasant, "after the news about Sequoia Manor and the rich man's club in it came to light, the Westland media put the city's possibility of joining this The people at the club sifted through it carefully... Boy, the media hates it, but it can always play an unexpected role in this situation. For example, they found that this Jason Friedman showed a similar Slade is often very close, and has been rumored to have some not-so-righteous fetishes for children... In short, he is one of the most likely to be a member of Sequoia Manor."

"He's you think gardeners would choose such a person?" Midaron asked after thinking for a while.

"If you were a gardener, wouldn't you choose someone like that?" Hunter asked gruffly.

Midaron thought for a moment, then whispered, "This inference is based on 'Dr. Bucks is the gardener, and he loves Mr. Armalette.'"

"Although it's hard for me to imagine that Bacchus would love someone, do you think the basis of our discussion is wrong?" Hunter asked.

Midaren shook his head. "I don't think so."

So they quieted down a bit and looked at the beautiful house and the clear sky out of the car window together - it's going to be a big project, and no one knows if their target will choose this person or when their target will be shot. The job of a bounty hunter consists most of the time in this kind of boring exploration, and they need to be very, very patient.

After a while, a beautiful gleaming sports car drove out of the courtyard of the villa, thanks to the open top of the sports car, and they could vaguely see their target, a mediocre looking man in his late forties. One hand held the steering wheel loosely, and the other arm rested on the shoulder of the woman in the passenger seat who looked very much like a Victoria's Secret supermodel.

Hunter muttered something vaguely, and started the car skillfully, preparing to keep up with the sports car from a distance.

"I heard that Jason Friedman is going to another friend's party today, and he's been keeping a low profile since the Sequoia Manor incident, and this is the first time he's ever publicly attended such a party. ." Hunter cleared his throat a little and said to Midaren as he fumbled for a cigarette from his pocket, "If I were a Sunday gardener, I wouldn't miss an opportunity like this -- never get off until Friedman's back. Go to his house full of security systems and bodyguards before doing it?"

And Midaren didn't ask what Hunter was going to do, assuming they could actually find Dr. Bacchus.

Herstal considered a situation in which Ms. Musk would ask questions about the pianist.

After all, as far as he knew—his source came from Mr. Holmes, who played an important role in gathering court materials and interviewing witnesses during his imprisonment, and this is the most ironic point, Holmes is keen to defend criminals, but he is a good gentleman in a sense, at least, he and Herstal, who was detained, went to prison with a kind of "I know you were wronged, I'm really heartbroken" - the newspaper stories about him as a pianist revolve around how he fits the pianist's profile, how he doesn't have an alibi, and his relationship with the pianist, with some of them The cases are inextricably linked.

These are all facts, there is nothing to refute, and they are not enough to be convicted evidence, so they are usually not brought to court. It's just that Olga, as a prosecution witness, did not actually provide much favorable evidence: she could prove that there was no apparent contradiction between Albarino and Herstal, and she was in a coma in the hospital the whole time when the Slade case happened. If you don't wake up, then since Ms. Musk asked her to be a witness for the prosecution, she might be waiting for her on the pianist.

This can't shake any evidence, but it is very useful in influencing the mind of the jury, so I have to calmly say that there is no morality in such a gān. But Herstal has always heard that Musk is a very competitive lady, so it's no surprise that she chose to do so.

They both knew who Olga was - i.e., she would definitely answer the question, and they both knew exactly how she felt about her status as a pianist, so as long as the judge didn't stop the prosecutor from asking the question, Olga will definitely give the answer.

It was as if now, after her voice fell, the entire courtroom was silent for a few seconds, and then a louder sound almost overturned the roof of the hall. The jury members were whispering, and Holmes, who was sitting in the gallery, waved his hands like a real defense attorney, and shouted at the pressure.

This scene was like a game or a play like never before, Herstal turned his eyes from the dock to Olga Molozze, who was looking around everyone coldly, noticing Herstal's After looking at her, she smiled slightly.

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