Wine and Gun

Chapter 509

This is mainly due to the fact that when they were going to buy gifts separately and then visit the Hardys, Hunter drew lots and got the task of buying flowers: then he bought a bunch of these things, which is said to have been recommended by the flower shop owner; Midaren felt that He was deceived, and Olga felt that if Albarino saw the bouquet, the flower shop owner would go to hell tomorrow.

Bart Hardy watched them put down the large and small bags, and showed a pale smile: "You come to visit the poor guy who can only lie in the hospital and can't go home on Christmas Eve?"

"Come on, it's definitely not the worst Christmas Eve you've ever had," Olga blinked happily, and unceremoniously picked up a visitor's chair and sat down, "The police station thing happened last year. Not to mention, I remember that this time the year before last we were all digging up corpses on the frozen river bank."

"Olga." Hunter reminded in a disapproving voice. After all, there are children in the house - but the children obviously didn't hear the topic. Clara happily jumped off the room and dragged her. Brother Midalen went to look at the mini Christmas tree in the corner.

When Olga was still in the hospital, Wallis brought Clara to the hospital to see her many times, and the little girl soon became acquainted with Midaren, who was several years older than her. Although the child Midaren was sometimes reckless and impatient, he was quite patient with Clara, and soon became the little girl's favorite friend.

Now, the two children were making gestures towards the Christmas tree in the corner, as if they wanted to hang some more decorations on it. The Christmas tree was apparently a hospital decoration in the rooms of poor patients who couldn't go home for Christmas. It looked small and shabby, but Clara seemed satisfied: she was the kind of person who was quick to face any situation. The happy kind of kid.

And Olga has no doubt that Clara's sensible character must make Bart even more difficult to say.

Just like this time, Bart Hardy was watching Clara's back, and Olga felt that he wanted to sigh a little. But he didn't, as if he was used to this kind of life, and no amount of bad things would bend his spine. He looked at his daughter's back for a while, then suddenly asked, "Anything else?"

"...Are you sure you want to talk to me about this at this time?" Olga asked back with raised eyebrows.

She looked around and found that Hunter and Wallis weren't listening to their conversation either. The two were obviously talking about fruit wine, and both of them seemed to have a lot of feelings to express—or, The two of them just thoughtfully gave Hardy and Olga room to discuss certain things. People like Wallis must know that the two of them met for the first time after the escape, and they would definitely talk a little bit. Not so pleasant topic.

Because that's Bart Hardy's job: he was first a policeman, then his wife's husband and his daughter's father, which some would say is an act of irresponsibility to the family, but Olga knew that in the beginning, Wally Si fell in love with him because of this.

Hardy watched her calmly now, waiting for her to speak.

"Okay," Olga shrugged as if compromising, then said, "Herstal drove away your police car, which WLPD found almost thirty kilometers away, and it was abandoned. On the street corner of the immigrant block, when police cars found it, a group of thugs were trying to smash its windshield."

Hardy was not too surprised by the fate of his car. He thought about it and asked, "Can you find out what car he changed to?"

Olga shook his head: "No. You also know the conditions of those blocks. It is estimated that one-third of the cars parked on the roadside are stolen cars that were stolen and sold, and the cameras on the roadside were destroyed by local gangsters. Now, it's hard to find out what communication tool he changed next."

Hardy sighed, he paused, as if hesitating, and then he asked, "What about... Albarino?"

"It can be said that the world has evaporated." Olgaha snorted, "The video can prove that a 'lab intern' entered the infirmary, but it did not record how he got out of the infirmary... But it does not There are omissions in the prison video. You know the situation at the New Takel Federal Penitentiary, it is the oldest prison in the city, the facilities are backward, and the surveillance system can not even cover all areas - just take the building you went to at that time. Yan, because that building is not a prison cell, the surveillance is so bad, maybe even a quarter of the angle of the camera can't capture, I took the time yesterday to go to New Takr with Alexander, guess what They couldn't take pictures of the gate of that building or the place where you parked, and the entire monitoring room could see a headlight of your police car."

"I know that their surveillance system is not doing well. The newspapers have reported many times." Hardy shook his head, "But you have to admit that at least there is a checkpoint in the corridor of that building, with an independent electronic door. And the guards, how could Albarino get out of those gates openly?"

"Who knows, maybe he climbed the window. Best said there was a very new footprint on the outside of the air conditioner in the infirmary, but I couldn't tell if it was his, but he probably climbed from there to the next room to kill him. That prison doctor." Olga snorted, "Now the WLPD can only come to one conclusion: they turned the prison upside down and are sure that he is definitely not in prison."

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