Wine and Gun

Chapter 540

"And that's your warning." Herstal narrowed his eyes slightly, and he could easily read the implication in the sentence.

"Yes, Mr. Armalite." Garland nodded calmly. At this time, they were about to drive out of the city. The car turned onto an intercity expressway, leaving the cement forest behind. And the highways in this country, like Germany, have no speed limit. She stepped on the accelerator with one foot, the engine roared, and the speed of the car slowly climbed towards 100 miles. "Given your preferences in choosing your victims, it is necessary for me to warn you in this regard."

It's no secret that Westland pianist likes to kill guys with criminal convictions who get away with it, and although he's slightly altered his profile, Garland believes he's killed at least three people during his more than a year in Spain.

"Don't you think that's ironic?" Herstal asked sharply. "You're a security agent and you're here to warn a murderer not to murder gangsters."

Garland shook his head: "No, that's not what I meant - in fact, most of their lives are of little value. But those gangsters are in a delicate balance, and in terms of previous experience, It's not a good idea to rashly break the balance between them, it may cause some unexpected... bào chaos. So my real advice is: ask Gabriel's opinion before you really do it , at least to avoid a situation where a mafia boss disappears overnight and causes chaos in his gang, a gang fires in the street and kills fifty people."

She paused, then added, "Of course, I suspect the last thing people like you would want to do is let someone else get involved in your choice of murder, so my other suggestion is that, given Hoxton's extradition rules, The problem and the current state of immigration control between EU member states, you can choose not to commit crimes in this country.”

Albarino frowned, and he couldn't help but complain: "I think what you mean is like, 'I don't care if you kill people, if you want to kill, go to another country to kill'."

"That's what I meant," Garland replied with unusual equanimity. She paused, then added: "For example, to Denmark." that what a security agent should say? !

Even Albarino felt a little speechless for a moment. He took a few seconds to say something, then asked, "You don't really care, do you?"

"Are you talking about dead people?" Garland asked rhetorically, "Then I really don't care, I just want to make sure you don't murder the archbishop or the heir to the throne."

"Most people have unnecessary empathy when they mention murder, and everyone is worried that the people around them will be hurt by this." Albarino snorted, and what he wanted to express was beyond words: he Apparently, Maud Garland didn't even show such human emotions, in other words, she was really a weirdo.

"I really don't have such concerns." Garland shrugged, his voice sounded as if he was amused, "After all, it is estimated that apart from the archbishop and the heir to the throne, you can't beat anyone around me."

Albarino: "...Huh?"

Garland didn't explain much, but drove the car off the high speed neatly. At this time, the entire bustling city had been left behind by them, and fields appeared at the end of the horizon. The setting sun is turning the whole city and the fields into a bright red, like a lake full of blood. And Albarino had studied the map carefully before renting that house, and he knew they were coming.

The last part of the journey was silent and swift, and they remained silent until Garland pulled up on a private driveway that extended off the road, driving through a small forest.

Garland turned the car off and looked up at the white building at the end of the driveway—it was just a white dot the size of a fingernail in sight, but Albarino knew it was a three-story building with a fireplace. Beautiful houses - that's their destination.

"I have seen the photos sent by the intelligence department, and you have chosen a very good house; although I don't know if I bought such a large basement for the convenience of dismembering the corpse." Garland said in a homely tone of ordinary people. There are some words that will never appear in the homely time.

And obviously no one really wanted to talk to her about the corpse, Herstal hesitated a little, and said, "Thank you."

Albarino added: "If you have nothing else to say, let's go."

"I've made it very clear what our boss wants to convey," Garland glanced at him in the rearview mirror and concluded in a light tone.

"If you don't commit crimes, then you're safe in Hoxton - but we all know that's impossible; if you murder innocent people, it's up to my department to take you to justice, by the way, this The country has the death penalty; if you're murdering gangsters, it's up to Gabriel to survive, and we've learned not to get involved in those damn 'gang affairs'."

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