Wine and Gun

Chapter 551

Herstal Armalette apparently did not change her meticulous dressing style even when she was on the run, and Emma looked up to his face and looked carefully—forgive ordinary people for being curious about a serial killer on the run Take it easy—Mr. Armalette looked thinner and stronger than he had been in Westerland, and the already sharp edges of his face seemed to stand out more; A pair of thin-rimmed glasses, as if trying to cover up too sharp eyes.

In general, he didn't look like a lawyer at first glance, but his temperament that belonged to a hunter became more and more outstanding, so much so that Emma felt a little creepy. Many people have asked Emma, ​​"You have been with a murderer for so long, have you found any difference between him and ordinary people?" Emma has not answered this question, but she knows that there are. There was a unique quality about Starr Armalite that she had never known before, and she now had the answer.

"Long time no see, Mr. Amarette." Emma whispered, she couldn't think of a more suitable greeting, and ordinary people would not have the opportunity to greet a murderer who escaped from prison. So she kept a respectable silence when the sweet-smiling waiter at the coffee shop came to order, bowing her head slightly, her eyes still wandering curiously and carefully.

Then Emma caught a little metallic glitter on Armalite's finger as Armalite handed the menu back to the waiter - seconds before she realized Herstal Armalette was wearing a band on her ring finger Wearing a silver ring, there is some kind of sunken pattern in the center of the ring, but Emma is too far away to see clearly.

Within a few seconds, Emma's mind flashed a series of endless thoughts such as "is this a real wedding ring or some kind of concealment", and then she felt that she had come up with this idea. To cry and laugh. When she was at the A\u0026H law firm, she never thought that her boss would marry the type, and this thought flashed through her mind at this moment.

Mr. Armalette may have noticed her gaze, but the other party said nothing, and never liked to talk about his private life as usual. Armalite looked at her and said frankly, "I thought you wouldn't come."

"Actually most people don't come." Emma said truthfully, and was surprised that she really dared to tell the truth.

Amarette nodded briefly, and based on Emma's understanding of the other party, this is what she meant to continue talking. She needs to explain why she made a different choice than others, and she has to say that she really knows her former boss too well.

She thought about it for a while, and then said carefully: "The average person will suspect that this is a trap at the first moment. Your purpose is to call me to a place... and then kill people or something. But I don't think so, I have studied it. In the previous cases, whether you are a Westland pianist or not, I am not the kind of target you would choose. Besides, I was just your assistant before and didn't know anything that you shouldn't know, you don't need to kill it. I shut my mouth."

Armalite nodded approvingly, before saying, "I am indeed a Westland pianist."

...then you really admitted something incredible as soon as you opened your mouth!

Emma's wrist shaking while holding the coffee cup, the bottom of the cup and the table collided with a crisp sound, she swallowed gān, and continued: "Since your purpose is not to kill me, then it may be that you really want to give it to me. Offer a job offer. Although it is really bizarre to say that... But this way you can be sure that you have no ill will towards me, and even if I finally choose not to accept the job offer you offer, at least I can listen to you to talk about the specific content."

Amarette glanced at her, and there seemed to be a subtle smile on her face. He asked, "What if I plan to kill you if you don't accept my job?"

"If I don't work for you, I'm going to die, so why don't you just kidnap me, why do you want to write to me?" Emma asked rhetorically.

"It makes sense." Amarette nodded slowly, and the smile on her face still didn't seem to dissipate - then Emma realized with hindsight that the paragraph about "killing the mouth" just now might be a strange sentence joke.

However, the fact that Amalette may have made a joke may be more intimidating than the fact that Amalette is a Westland pianist.

It was at this moment that Emma realized the problem: Herstal Armalette seemed more relaxed than she had ever seen before. Deep in her memory, she still has the image of Mr. Armalette in the A\u0026H law firm: always tense, always at work, and every smile she shows is a mocking sneer, which is frightening.

I don't know why, but now this realization makes Emma suddenly relax a lot.

"So," she can finally express her doubts smoothly now, "what kind of job is this?"

"It's similar to what you used to do at A\u0026H," Armalite said quietly, "I'm now working for an organization that needs some lawyers who are familiar with case law as their legal counsel, and in this organization , there are many—"

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