Witch containment diary

Chapter 20 Newly delivered books

At such a distance, Zhang Su could notice the faint fragrance of Lian Wu. She was sitting dignified, with her back straight and her hands calmly placed on her knees. Quiet and elegant.

They were observing the market together like this, it was extremely quiet, they felt comfortable even if they were motionless, and they didn't seem to mind the other's presence.

Zhang Su and Lian Wu were in a calm mood, while the stock market was in a hot mood.

Since the opening, the stock market has been on a positive trend.

By noon, Zhang Su felt extremely excited.

The market rose, creating the highest point since the collapse of the Dongmingguo bubble economy!

There is no "price limit" rule here. The stocks they bought soared sharply, with the best such as Mitsubishi Motors rising 22.06%, and the weaker Sumitomo Metal also rising 6.41%.

Professionals from Goldman Sachs and Nomura Securities are very optimistic about Dongmingguo's prospects and believe that there is still room for further rise in the stock market.

However, more than 80% of investors still believe that Dongming's economy is sluggish and dare not enter the market rashly. They feel that they are destined to rise and fall, just like the previous market, which is always a loss.

But Zhang Su knew that this was just the beginning of prosperity.

In the following months of April, May, and June, countless good news emerged, and the Human Defense Project organized multiple military parades, encouraging funds to rise. The economic boom continued, reaching its peak in October. Then it fell sharply due to the Kagurusan Rebellion.

Zhang Su can't affect the overall situation now. All he can do is follow the trend before then, make a lot of money, and accumulate financial resources.

Although Lian Wu entered the market for the first time, she had rich basic knowledge and became very familiar with it after one or two practical operations. She was like an experienced expert.

"We have already earned 10 million." Zhang Su told Lian Wu in a low voice.

Lian Wu smiled slightly. She had no concept of money. To her, money was really just a changing number.

Working here, 200,000 yen per month is just money, and making 10 million yen in one morning when the stock market is booming is just money.

What she was curious about was that she could tolerate Zhang Su sitting next to her for so long, which was far beyond her habit!

Normally she would have been hiding, but now she could wait patiently.

After all, Zhang Su never bullied her.

"Our total money is nearly 100 million yen, which is quite a lot of money." Zhang Su got up and walked around the room. It was good to have money, and he felt that his mind was much broader.

Lianwu closed the phone. She liked the feeling of peace.

There is no danger, and there is no need to work hard to communicate with others. As long as Zhang Su is responsible for talking to others, she can watch quietly from the side.

So happy……

"In the next six months, just look at the market occasionally. After that, the stock market will be closed irregularly due to a large-scale invasion of demons, and the world's financial system will also suffer a crash. By then, we will have made enough money. Try to take it out and replace it with real objects, so as not to turn into waste paper later." Zhang Su arranged it in an orderly manner.

Lianwu pointed downwards.

"Anxinyuan? Anxinyuan will naturally guard it well. Believe me, no matter how chaotic it is outside, everyone will not be displaced." Zhang Su said firmly.

Lianwu breathed a sigh of relief and closed her eyes to rest.

I really haven't had this feeling of peace of mind for many years.

Over the years, others have always asked Lianwu to speak, but Zhang Su was the only one willing to let Lianwu remain silent.

In An'an Hospital, she may finally be able to live the way she likes, do the things she likes, and become the person she wants to be.

Two days later, the people who came to repair the basketball court were already working on the construction and planning and measurements.

Workers installed retaining boards on the original uneven sandy ground, built a frame around the ground, poured concrete, and then used shovels to evenly level the concrete.

Zhang Su finished his class and was about to go to dinner when he found another express delivery coming to his door.

The efficiency of the human defense plan is quite high. Zhang Su went out to receive the combat robot, but found several large boxes dropped from the truck. It turned out that the ordered books had arrived.

"Isn't there a braille version?" Zhang Su signed for it, but found that a package was missing.

"Ah, I'm really sorry. The Braille version of the books needs to be adjusted and it should not be delivered until next week." The employee of Tanaka Express Logistics Company said repeatedly.

"It's okay, just remember to deliver it to me." Zhang Su stretched out his arms and carried the box to the small reading room in the school building.

The reading room is small, the shelves are empty, and the previous books have been torn by children. After all, there is no entertainment here.

He put the wooden box down, used his strong arms to pry open the lid, and then carefully took out each book from it and inspected their covers.

The fresh smell of lead ink and binding glue exuded from the newly printed books, and he purchased some books in various categories.

There are everything from classics, novels, encyclopedias, textbooks to poetry, as well as various anthologies.

Zhang Su likes neatly arranged things, and books are no exception.

He arranged the books into categories, and under each category he arranged them according to the sophistication of their packaging, so that beautifully bound books could be separated from plain paperbacks.

Zhang Su had enough strength and moved quickly. After more than an hour, he stamped all 400 books as assets of the shelter, and then laid out all 400 books, enough for everyone to read for a while.

Zhang Su put the last book where it should go, and then returned with satisfaction.

The sun shines through the windows, shining on the smooth wooden shelves and rows of books. For those who love reading, there is no more beautiful scenery than this.

He suddenly heard footsteps and turned around to see Miss Lianwu walking in, holding a notebook on her chest.

"Books..." She seemed to have followed the traces of books and came to the reading room like a wandering spirit.

Lianwu stretched out her hand and scratched the backs of different books, and then her fingers rested on the cover of one of the books. She took out a copy of "Galaxy Railroad Night" and sat on a chair to read.

Her long black hair flowed softly to both sides, and her attention was completely focused on the book. She took out paper and pen from nowhere and began to take notes, shaping her thoughts into words.

Lianwu has completely adapted to the life here, walking around as always, just doing her own thing silently.

Zhang Su didn't want to disturb her, so he went to sort out the large books.

The reading room was very quiet. Only the sound of Lian Wu occasionally turning the pages of books broke the silence. Apart from occasionally flipping through books with her slender fingers, she made no other movements.

Suddenly, the sound of wooden sticks hitting the ground was heard. Shihua fumbled and found the reading room, which was right behind the school building.

"Be careful..." Zhang Su guided Shi Hua into the house with his voice. When her legs were strong, she could walk slowly. She only needed to use a wheelchair when she was weak.

He remembers Murohua's past.

At that time, Anxinyuan was still managed by the former director, Matsudaira Ryosuke. His temper was not one ten thousandth of Zhang Su's, and he believed that being sent to Anxinyuan was a kind of exile.

Saho once made the other party angry, so she was beaten.

Muroka couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward and used his "guardian" magic power to protect Saho, and suffered all the injuries for her, causing his legs to be broken and his eyes to be blinded.

I finally managed to save my life, but now I am tortured by illness most of the time and am unable to attend classes. It has been two years now.

For this reason, Zhang Su must go to New Tokyo in the future to settle accounts with Ryosuke Matsudaira and help the children avenge this.

"Is there a new book coming?" Shi Hua asked curiously.

"Sorry, Komurohua, the Braille version hasn't been delivered yet." Zhang Su said helplessly, "Just wait a little longer."

"Yeah! It's okay." A sensible smile appeared on Shihua's face. She doesn't want to trouble others.

"I will notify you as soon as they deliver the goods." Zhang Su nodded.

Just when Murohua was about to limp away, a soft, stuttering voice sounded.

"I, I——" Lianwu suddenly stood up.

"Miss Lianwu? Are you here?" Shihua turned to the direction of the sound.

"Read, I can, read." Lian Wu sat up straight, as if she couldn't adapt to speaking at all, and patted her face with both hands.

Afterwards, Lian Wu went to get the book, and Zhang Su led Shi Hua to the table and sat down.

"Thank you, Miss Lianwu." Shihua was very grateful that Miss Lianwu was willing to read it for him! So he sat down in a dignified manner.

Zhang Su was surprised that Miss Lianwu seemed willing to recite the contents on the paper. At this level, she can break through herself.

Miss Lianwu spoke slowly and read poetry to Shihua.

Zhang Su was surprised. When Lian Wu was reading the book, his voice was pleasant and he didn't stumble at all.

She read a modern poem to Shihua:

“When I got sick during the journey/I realized that the world is as short as dew

Falling into a beautiful dream/only to realize that hope is a thing with feathers

It fights alone in the strong wind/singing sounds the sweetest

Even in desperate situations/it has never asked for any bit of it

wake up/open eyes

Spring comes overnight. "

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