Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 106 Self-developed Talisman

In the hospital, I visited Rainbow Hitomi and others who were lying on the bed.

When preparing to leave, Zhuang Cai and the other three were taken to a temporary guard room nearby. Inside, I met with the captain again and signed a confidentiality agreement.

After all, this kind of thing must not be spread randomly for the time being.

Then they drove back to the guild.

It's not too far, just ten minutes away.

"I just have time, do you want to take a walk around here?" Rongrong, who was driving, looked at the two of them and asked.

"What's there to see?" Nan Subei asked boredly, leaning on the back seat.

"Oh, it's okay to go back. Let's take a stroll. You probably haven't been here yet."

Rongrong said with a smile, then slowed down the car and took the two of them around the entire Explorer Park.

Although the two of them were not very interested, since they had already started, they would naturally look at the surrounding scenery.

It can be seen that the entire industrial park is not a prosperous place. It can be called desolate here, compared with the high-rise buildings in various main urban areas.

For some special buildings, it is rare to see side-by-side high-rise buildings. Most of the buildings only have a few or ten floors.

There are countless such strange buildings, and the most peculiar thing is the greenery in this area.

I seriously doubt that the greening rate has reached 70-80%.

I don’t know if it’s because the Explorer Park is located at the edge of the city and covers a large area, but it doesn’t need to spend too much land to build some meaningless areas.

Various infrastructures are also very well built.

Rongrong also introduced these buildings to the two of them, such as guild buildings and the like.

There are also various official controlled areas and various laboratories.

Especially when passing through the controlled area, you can see some heavy weapons vehicles and the like on the hilltop from a distance.

After going around in a circle, they returned to the guild.

As soon as she returned to the guild, Rongrong just waved her hands and said to the two of them: "I'm off work, bye."

I see.

Just hanging out and fishing until get off work?

It's really yours.

But for Zhuang Cai, he still has a lot of things to do.

He went directly to the studio above to continue making and learning about spells.

South and North Jiangsu have also been very busy recently, going to the training ground behind them.

This took about five or six days.

Zhuang Cai finally learned all the spells he selected and began to quickly make them for storage.

For a spell master, the more and more comprehensive spells he reserves, the more natural combat effectiveness and ability to respond to various unexpected situations will increase exponentially.

The previous charms, sufficient quantity. Just all the necessary preparations.

Zhuang Cai, who was meditating in the workroom, opened his eyes, slowly stood up from the futon, and took a deep breath.

A smile appeared on his face.

"This time it takes much faster than before. Is it because of the improvement in mental attributes?"

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but murmur to himself that the reason why he was like this was because more than ten days had passed since he left the dungeon.

The cooling time has passed more than half, but in such a short time, Zhuang Cai has fully understood the other divine word "Zhen".

Of course, this understanding does not mean completely mastering this divine word.

But Zhuang Cai has reached the limit of what he can comprehend at this stage.

He could feel that he wanted to understand deeper, but neither his soul, spirit nor his body was worthy of going deeper.

The pressure of peeking around the edge was already giving him a splitting headache.

His spiritual emanation was sending him extremely dangerous signals, activating his body's survival instinct and preventing him from continuing to comprehend.

He is not qualified yet, Zhuang Cai thinks that its attributes are not up to standard.

It seems that the so-called gap between levels is not just as simple as attribute growth and strength.

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but think of it.

And he can also clearly feel that after clearing the dungeon this time, he has learned much more about the divine words than last month.

It also takes two hours, but the speed of understanding is much faster, and there is a feeling of spiritual clarity.

Zhuang Cai was basically certain that his mental attributes had reached LV·3, which was the most improved attribute this time.

Using spiritual emanation to understand the divine word is naturally easy.

Now that you have understood the divine word, it is time to apply it in all aspects.

I turned on my phone and placed some orders based on my understanding of ink and various charm-making materials.

Another huge amount of money wasted.

The order he placed this time was naturally related to the materials used by the divine characters to strengthen weapons.

Just like the ones he used before when he carved the word "disease" on the flying knives.

So now, what kind of spell should be strengthened by using the word "zhen"?

Spells are composed of a base of paper and ink, as well as a combination of personal technique and drawing plus infused energy.

And how to make these things combined to produce different effects of each spell?

Nature is the drawn fonts, the spirit when drawing the fonts and the symbols evolved from the divine characters.

These symbols evolved from the divine characters, and although they are not as good as those, they still contain invisible power.

A word is a symbol.

If Zhuang Cai was not proficient in writing, then when he saw the divine characters, he would only think that it was a symbolic pattern.

There are very few people like Pluto who can rely on their own talents to see a complete divine word and use their own spirit to remember it and exert its power.

Not to mention that Pluto is essentially just an ordinary person, which makes him even more rare.

If this person lives in a world where the divine word can be used effectively, he will definitely become a master of this path.

Most people will only get a glimpse of some divine words from various coincidences.

As long as you learn to understand and transform this part of your vision into symbols. Drawing it will have the same effect, but it won't be as effective as a complete divine word.

This is the source of the powerful patterns on the talisman. It can also be seen from the surrounding patterns that it was born out of some divine characters.

And as one possesses a whole divine word, knows its meaning, and understands the power of a part of it.

Zhuang Cai naturally has the ability to rely on his understanding of divine characters to strengthen these relatively low-end spells.

But this kind of strengthening cannot be done randomly, after all, each spell is already a structured whole.

It can be compared to a program that is already running. Don't touch it at this time.

The first thing Zhuang Cai had to consider was whether the divine word matched the talisman and whether it conflicted with the meaning of the patterns on it.

After all, those patterns are also derived from other divine characters. If there is a conflict or the conflict is too great, its power will not be exerted.

These all take time.

And Zhuang Cai is doing this kind of thing now.

This is where he spends most of his time.

Then he wasted a lot of materials and tested out that none of the spells he selected matched the word "zhen".

None of the spells he has learned and can draw are consistent with it.

And because the power of the divine characters is different, Zhuang Cai cannot simply replace the word "zhen" with the word "disease" to make something like a speed seal.

The Speed ​​Seal is essentially something that Pluto constructed based on the characteristics and functions of the word "disease" to perfectly adapt its abstract meaning.

It is not just a matter of replacing the words above to achieve the corresponding effect.

However, although it cannot achieve the opposite effect, Zhuang Cai can experiment and gain some experience from it.

But before that, he began to mobilize the knowledge in his mind and select from the spells in his mind which ones might match the word "town".

It would be best if the patterns on these fonts are derived from the word "zhen".

Before this, the only talisman he had completed was the "Rain Suppressing Talisman", but he was not very satisfied with this talisman.

Although it exerted a certain control effect in the last copy.

However, this charm is expensive to make, and because it conflicts with the pattern on it, it has a high defect rate.

So Zhuang Cai drew 4 pictures and stopped drawing.

To put it simply, it is a crude and defective product, and the patterns on its main body "Rain Calling Talisman" are sparse and low-end.

After searching in his mind for a long time, Zhuang Cai could not help but scratch his head as there was indeed no suitable and matching one.

Is it so troublesome?

Logically speaking, the word "town" should be very easy to match with some spells. After all, it has the attribute of suppression.

As long as it is a seal against various evils, or a similar spell, it is easy to be associated with it.

The problem was that Zhuang Cai had no similar spell in his mind.

It's really uncomfortable when you understand a divine word but can't use it in your best field.


He couldn't help but sigh and lay down on the back of the chair next to him.

It seems that we can only wait until the materials arrive to see if this divine word can be used on equipment.

This should always be possible.

After all, to strengthen various equipment, you only need to engrave words on it and fill it with corresponding attribute materials.

Although it seems very simple, direct and crude, it is practical.

The higher power is like that.

Just lying like this, Zhuang Cai suddenly thought of something and slapped himself.

"Stupid, since there is no corresponding talisman that can be used as an improvement, then why don't I make a brand new talisman myself?"

He couldn't help but curse himself.

Yes, the knowledge in his mind is very comprehensive, and there are several corresponding skills.

I now have the ability to make spells on my own according to my own ideas.

It was just his habitual thinking that prevented him from thinking about this for a while, and he got into trouble.

Although he may not be able to make any very good talismans, he can definitely make a low-end talisman, and there is no problem in making a beginner-level talisman.

The ancestors of this path were able to construct talismans from scraps of divine characters. If they knew a complete divine character, could they still not be able to construct a talisman?

At most, it may take a lot of time to slowly improve, but this is definitely a rare opportunity.

In the future, I will definitely create my own suitable spells based on different situations and my own knowledge.

You can start accumulating experience now.

With this thought in mind, Zhuang Cai immediately stood up and moved at his will.

I still have a lot of materials left over from making the "Rain Suppressing Talisman", which I can just use to practice with.

Start by choosing a suitable piece of paper.

It's easy, just get the cheapest paper

The cost is cheap and everything is available.

The second step is to adjust to the appropriate ink, which Zhuang Cai has already adjusted.

Now I have to figure out what kind of effect this spell of my own should have.

In line with the function of the word "town", there is no doubt that it is the effect of various seals or suppression.

Very matching and appropriate.

Then according to the desired effect, suitable words are selected from the mind to write on the spell.

Then according to a certain combination, a font on the spell and appropriate surrounding patterns are constructed.

Because there are complete divine characters, there is no need to get too hung up on these.

You can be direct and use force to defeat cleverness.

Then it takes a lot of time to build it bit by bit.

When he thought of this, Zhuang Cai was full of energy.

Putting all other things to a later date, he now devoted himself wholeheartedly to the drawing of new spells.

"Ah, I'm finally back."

In the lounge of the combatants at the rear, Rainbow Hitomi and others who had returned from the hospital came here as soon as they returned.

Of course, even though they came back from the hospital, it didn't mean that their injuries were healed.

Han Qu's hands were hung in plaster around his neck.

What is temporarily helping him now is a mechanical arm on his shoulder. It should be a temporary thing specially customized for him by someone from the guild.

Temporarily help him perform some actions that require hands for easy operation in the past few days.

Chen Jianping also had a bandage on his head, but the bandage was wrapped diagonally, and you could see that his right eye was still covered with gauze.

He was shot in the head and then exited the instance.

Naturally, he was injured on the head and was unconscious in the ward for several days. Even if he wakes up now, his right eye is blurry. Of course, this does not mean that he is blind.

It's just a punishment similar to that of a copy. As time goes by, the vision in his right eye will slowly recover.

Of course, he could only see things with one eye during this period, but at least there wasn't much interference in his life.

Everyone else also has their own injuries, and of course these injuries take time to heal.

There is little point in lying in the ward.

Naturally, they all chose to return to the guild.

Nan Subei, the only one in the whole room who seemed to have healthy limbs, looked at the others and said with a smile: "Welcome back."

As soon as he saw Nan Su Bei, Han Qu ran over and looked at him and said, "This time you will follow the big brother to clear the dungeon and make a fortune. Get an S+."

As Q's senior, I've never even seen S, let alone S+. I'm so envious.

Without further ado, go get me a meal. "

Hearing this, Nan Subei just shrugged and ignored his last sentence. He said with a very helpless expression: "There's nothing I can do about it. Who said that was my brother?"

"Besides, I'm not just a tool for clearing the dungeon. I did a lot of hard work."

Hearing this, Rainbow Tong, who was sitting in the wheelchair, suddenly asked: "What about Zhuang Cai? Why didn't you see him?"

It is already 7 pm at this time. Logically speaking, under normal circumstances, Zhuang Cai would not continue to study his affairs in the studio at this time.

"You said my brother, he is different now. For some reason these days, he has been staying in the studio, forgetting about food and sleep, as if he is possessed.

Not to mention that I can’t see him here, I even have to bring him food.

I really don't know what he is doing, but he has an idea. "

Nan Subei shrugged and said helplessly that if he wanted to chat with Zhuang Cai these days, he would be kicked out by Zhuang Cai.

Tell yourself not to disturb him. He is too lazy to even eat sometimes, to the point where he forgets to eat and sleep.

If he hadn't known that Zhuang Cai's current physical condition could withstand this kind of exertion, even Su Bei would have asked someone to pull him out.

Said Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

They were just chatting about Zhuang Cai.

The door was knocked open and Zhuang Cai rushed in.

"Hahahaha, Su Bei, let me show you something good! I am really a genius!"

Zhuang Cai's heroic laughter rushed in, and you could tell from his laughter how excited he was now.

To be honest, everyone present has never seen Zhuang Cai so excited in such a long time.

Under normal circumstances, Zhuang Cai is a relatively stable type.

Then Zhuang Cai, who had just finished getting excited, saw the other people in the room, turned his attention and said happily: "You are all back."

At this time, several people looked at Zhuang Cai and stared at him.

Despite his enhanced physical fitness, Zhuang Cai's eyes are still bloodshot and thick black circles surround his eye sockets.

His face was still a little shiny, and his mouth was covered with stubble.

He looked extremely slovenly.

"Brother, I still suggest you take a rest first."

Seeing Zhuang Cai's appearance, Han Qu couldn't help but say.

After hearing this, Zhuang Cai turned around and looked at the full-length mirror placed behind him, looking at his current appearance.

He waved his hand and said, "It's not important."

As he spoke, he took out a charm and waved it in front of everyone.

"I made a charm."

After everyone heard this, they looked at Zhuang Cai.

To be honest, I don't understand what's so exciting about this.

Just made a charm.

And Han Qu, who has a relatively keen sense, can feel the energy reaction on the spell when he looks at it.

Judging from the reflection, its energy intensity is only a little more than the "Purification Talisman", so it can be known that it is not a powerful thing.

Although they did not understand the meaning of this spell.

On the contrary, Nan Subei's eyes widened in surprise: "You made it, a talisman that you designed and made yourself?"

"Yes, it's done."

Everyone will understand after hearing this.

This is a brand new spell designed and drawn by Zhuang Cai himself.

In an instant, they replaced their alchemy self with a self-made elixir in their minds, and the pharmaceutical self invented a potion.

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