Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 111 Air Crash

Go back to your room.

Zhuang Cai began to search up and down in the room.

Since they boarded the airship midway, they must have luggage and the like.

Generally speaking, this kind of thing will be restored to some extent, but it does not mean that they are explorers and there will be no such thing.

Since what they experienced was a replication based on real existence, their so-called explorer status should have replaced the people who once existed.

I took a brief look at the bookstore on the desk. It probably wasn't something they brought here, but it was already in this room.

I didn't find much useful information in the book, because it was all novels to pass the time.

Moreover, it is a relatively classical kind of chivalry novel, which is very boring.

The entertainment culture of this world still needs to develop.

After searching for a long time, I finally found a suitcase under the clothes hanger at the end of the bed.

Take it out and open it.

It's really ordinary luggage, just some changes of clothes.

There isn't much information.

It seems that the information given at the beginning will be clearly stated, and there will be no situation for you to look for it blindly.


There was a voice at the door, and Zhuang Cai turned his head to look.

He didn't close the door, because this was his own room, and he wasn't doing anything sneaky. He just came down to take a look at the books to see if there was any information he wanted.

Standing at the door was someone I hadn't seen above just now, a young girl.

She couldn't tell her specific age. The only thing that caught Zhuang Cai's attention was the rabbit ears on her head.

The white rabbit ears stand straight up, making him look a bit petite. With the rabbit ears, he is probably about the same height as himself.

Wearing an off-white coat, she looked at Zhuang Cai curiously and said hello.

Zhuang Cai looked at her: "Hello, what's the matter?"

Hearing Zhuang Cai's question, she seemed a little embarrassed, but still said: "I don't think I have seen you on the ship. Are you also an archaeologist?"

Zhuang Cai stood up and shook his head: "I'm not an archaeologist, I just boarded the ship yesterday.

If you don't mind, come in and sit. "

This is a good opportunity. At least the girl looks a little shy, but after all, she is a person in the dungeon who can ask about the background of this dungeon.

When she heard Zhuang Cai's invitation, she didn't seem to mind. She nodded and walked in with the book in her arms. Then Zhuang Cai pulled out the chair next to the desk.

"You who got on the boat yesterday came from a border town, no wonder.

I thought you were one of the other archaeologists going to excavate the ruins with us. "

Zhuang Cai, who was sitting at the head of the bed, shook his head and kicked the door open with his foot.

Then he said: "That's not true. We just took a boat ride and waited for the airship to return."

The girl nodded and seemed to understand: "Yes, I heard that the airship to the border town only happens once every few months.

It is indeed too troublesome to hike through the Tokento Mountains. "

"You are archaeologists, why are you staying with this group of people? It doesn't look like these people are good people. They are a bit dangerous." Zhuang Cai looked at the girl and asked.

He told the truth, and he was able to get more information by the way.

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, the girl seemed to resonate with her and nodded repeatedly: "I think so too, but after all, they are friends that the instructor is looking for. I heard that they are an airship treasure hunting group. These guys sometimes destroy those ruins in order to hunt for treasures." .

I really don’t know why the mentor wants to act with them. "

It seems that this girl is very unhappy about working with people like these mercenaries.

So are these people an airship treasure hunt group?

Probably literally, a person who has his own airship and searches for treasures all over the world?

When searching for treasure, you have to face some dangers. Sometimes it is not impossible to do some gangster work.

Zhuang Cai couldn't help but think of it.

Then he asked: "Are you going to that so-and-so island this time for archeology? Why did you go to such a far away island for archeology?"

Zhuang Cai could be sure of the exchanges just heard above. The place they went to was a bit far, and many people complained because it was too far.

And I don’t know how much money I can make from this trip. If it’s too far, it might turn into a loss-making business.

These are some of the concerns Zhuang Cai heard.

Although these people look like mercenaries, from their communication and simple information collection, at least now it seems that they are relatively principled and they are doing legitimate work.

It just may require a little bit of violence, which is a bit dangerous.

"It's Anfisa Island, and the ruins that are inaccessible have been excavated by other colleges or some people.

Because Anfisa Island is too far away, no one has organized a team to conduct archaeological excavations.

This island is a topic we have only started in the past six months.

Our previous research found that there might be ruins on that island, so the teacher organized a team to go there and conduct excavations.

I'm lucky enough to be a part of it. "

Upon hearing this simple explanation, Zhuang Cai nodded.

What do you say about this information? Let’s just say it’s better than nothing.

I briefly understood the background of this operation.

"Isn't it dangerous to excavate archaeological remains?" Zhuang Cai asked.

After all, the temperament of these people does not lie.

Hearing this, the girl's expression was a little strange. She stretched out her fingers to dig at her cheek, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, this is also my first time, but I heard from my instructor and some seniors in the school. Some ruins will It’s very dangerous, that’s why we invited the treasure hunting group to join us.”

Zhuang Cai nodded clearly.

However, it seems that no traces of transcendence have been found yet, but after all, it is a copy of LV·2.

There is no trace of the extraordinary, it is not very realistic.

After chatting for a few words, Zhuang Cai looked at her and suddenly said: "I am also interested in history. Do you have any relevant books? After all, this is my first time seeing an archaeologist, and I want to borrow them.

Life on this ship is a bit boring. Just staying there for a day makes people feel a little bored. "

Hearing this, the girl nodded and handed her the book in her arms.

“This is our course material. Although it cannot be said to be completely related to history, it is also a summary of the development in the past few decades.

If you are interested, you can take a look. After all, I am out for archaeology, so I didn’t bring a few books with me.

Other books are too esoteric and make little sense. "

Zhuang Cai took it and nodded with a smile: "Thank you, I'm just a little interested. Sorry to trouble you."

"No, no, no," she waved her hand and said with a smile.

"Milan? Where did you go?"

Suddenly, a male voice came from outside the door, shouting.

"The tutor is looking for me." Milan stood up from his chair.

Quickly walked out of the room.

"I'm here."

"What are you doing in someone else's room?"

The person who made the sound walked over quickly and saw Zhuang Cai sitting on the bed in the room.

She smiled at him with an apologetic look: "I'm sorry, sir.

This student of mine is too naughty to bother you. "

Zhuang Cai smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, we just chatted for a while. Your students are very knowledgeable."

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, the teacher smiled apologetically.

Then he patted Milan on the back of the head.

"You guy."

"Sorry sir, I'm going to take my students and leave first." He turned around again and said apologetically.

Looking at this elegant middle-aged man in his 40s, Zhuang Cai smiled and nodded.

Milan behind him also smiled and waved to Zhuang Cai.

After the two left, they could still hear the sound of lessons coming from the distance.

"This is not a school and this is not in the city. You should be a little wary of these people.

And you're still a girl, so you should be more careful. "

"is teacher."

"Okay, get ready. The captain said we might arrive at our destination tomorrow morning."

When Zhuang Cai heard these voices, he just smiled, closed the door, and sat on the bed, reading the books in his hands.

The book is somewhat of a hardcover version, protected by a very thick case.

Looks like it's been a while, but is very well preserved.

The title of the book is "Time to Run"

The title of this book doesn't look like it's about history.

Thinking like this, Zhuang Cai opened the book and began to understand the information in the book relatively briefly and quickly.

He just wants to obtain information, not to understand the history of this world in detail.

This book talks about a period of rapid development in the world from about seventy or eighty years ago until now.

Most people refer to this period as the running and leaping period.

There is such a name because the development in the past few decades is really very fast.

It can be described as changing with each passing day.

The explosive development of leaps and bounds can be named after running for the era.

Looking at the words in this book, Zhuang Cai probably has a certain understanding of the background of this world.

Because of the opening, I made a simple summary of the entire time period.

“Does the development of science and technology all depend on archeology?”

This is Zhuang Cai’s simple summary of the background.

The book says that seventy or eighty years ago, with the advancement of culture, these people began to discover relics, trace history, and protect cultural relics. Understand the importance of history and culture.

Then during such excavations, something extraordinary was discovered.

What is certain is that in a certain era before their era, there was an era of extremely high technology and culture.

And through the excavation of these ruins, they learned about some technologies that were much more advanced than today.

Through the inference of information and technology in these ruins, the entire civilization began to move forward faster.

It has also made archaeological excavations an important means of development in this world.

All progress depends on archeology.

This gave rise to treasure hunting groups and the archeology industry in various colleges.

There are also various supporting industries.

The struggle for and excavation of some ruins has even become a flashpoint for disputes between countries.

"Are you reading?" Yang Rongrong's voice came from the door.

Zhuang Cai raised his head and looked at the door.

I don’t know when Nan Su Bei and Yang Rongrong came down.

Zhuang Cai nodded: "I borrowed it from those archaeologists, so I can probably understand the background of this copy."

No wonder Zhuang Cai didn't even come up after they had been waiting up there for so long.

"Are you interested?"

After hearing Zhuang Cai's words, the two quickly walked in and closed the door.

One was sitting on a chair and the other was sitting on the bed staring at him.

Clearly interested.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Cai simply told the two of them the information he learned in the book.

"Then the background of this copy is quite interesting." Nan Subei said with great interest.

Zhuang Cai asked: "Did you two gain anything from it?"

Yang Rongrong nodded: "We briefly chatted with the people on the boat, including the archaeologists of course."

"They feel that this time the risk is not very great, but it is more time-consuming."

"But what's strange is that the time period we came in is a bit wrong. Why did we just stay on the airship for a whole day?"

Hearing Yang Rongrong's doubts, the two turned to look at her.

Yang Rongrong explained: “The time period when entering the dungeon is a very important clue.

You can recall this. "

After hearing this, the two thought for a while.

It seems true.

After going through so many dungeons, they have never encountered a situation like this. It has been more than half a day since they entered the dungeon, and there seems to be no progress.

In movie terms, it is equivalent to saying that the story has not yet begun.

Generally speaking, entering the start of a copy is the stage when things start to develop.

And it seems that they will still be on the ship for a whole day, and may not start to develop until they reach their destination.

Judging from the past situation, in that case, shouldn't the time for them to come in be just when they are about to arrive at their destination?

Like tomorrow morning or tonight or something like that.

"Perhaps it is to give us more time to understand the background information of this world?" Nan Subei thought for a while and said.

This sounds quite logical.

Yang Rongrong didn't look very sure, so she could only say: "Maybe."

The gap between copies is still huge, and not all information has a pattern.

Zhuang Cai added next to him: "In other words, if we look at the normal time, there may be some things or dangers at night?"

Yang Rongrong nodded, that's probably what she meant.

"Then we can take turns to rest at night, with the door ajar, how about that?"

The two of them had no objections to Zhuang Cai's proposal and nodded.

It's a good habit to be as vigilant as you should be.

As night came, they walked to the restaurant on the top, had a simple meal, and then returned to the room to rest.

The confirmed news from the captain is that it will arrive at its destination around noon tomorrow morning.

The three of them took turns to rest at night.

There was no danger until daybreak when people on the ship started working.

After waking up with these people, Zhuang Cai and the other three came to the restaurant.

Eating the breakfast provided.

"There is really no danger." Yang Rongrong was a little surprised.

If there is no danger, why spend a whole day flying them in the sky just to experience the journey or understand the background?

She didn't quite understand it, and it didn't quite fit with her experience.

After all, there are many copies, and it might only take one day and one night from start to finish.

It turned out that this copy was not good, and their time had been wasted day and night before the story even started to develop.

And they just used this day and night to get to know most of the people on the ship briefly, and became familiar with them.

You are sure that although these people may not look easy to mess with, they are actually law-abiding citizens.

This is what it looks like so far.

Although the three of them were eating breakfast, everyone on the boat was busy. After all, they were about to arrive at their destination, and these people were already making preparations.

This made the three of them look a little too leisurely. After all, they were just hitchhikers and had nothing to do with their purpose.

At least that's how it seemed to those on board.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from above.

The entire airship began to shake violently, and the tables, chairs and various foods in the restaurant were overturned.

The sudden accident caught everyone by surprise.

While shaking, Zhuang Cai instantly grasped a heavy table next to him, fixed his body, and stood up from a squatting position.

"Are you okay?" he asked, looking at the two of them.

The two of them also stood firm and shook their heads.

Nan Subei said: "You really got it right."

At this time, Yang Rongrong actually breathed a sigh of relief because of the unexpected arrival: "This is experience, haha."

For the three of them, accidents seemed to be normal.

But what came next to my ears were the panicked shouts of some people in the restaurant.

"What's wrong? What happened."

"Overhead, over the head of the airship!"

Hearing the shouts of some people, Zhuang Cai and the others looked upward through the window next to them.

You can see thick smoke burning in the sky above the airship on the left, and it seems that there was an explosion there.

At this time, the entire airship was still shaking and seemed to be falling downwards.

However, the feeling of falling was not very strong, and everyone was able to stabilize their bodies.

It can be called a forced landing.

"Quick! Put on your life jacket!"

Hearing such shouts, the three of them looked at each other.

This is not at sea. Can we still have life jackets?

If the emergency landing fails, not everyone will die.

Although they didn't know why, while they could still move, the three of them immediately started taking action.

The still shaking cabin only affected their speed.

The man named Angel moved very quickly, walking smoothly on such a swaying deck.

He rushed directly to a door next to him and smashed the door directly.

Inside was a life jacket like a vest.

"Come to me quickly!"

As he shouted, people around him approached him and took the life jacket he handed out.

Then he picked up a few life jackets, tied them up, and threw them towards Zhuang Cai and the others.

These people seemed to be no strangers to life jackets, and one or two of them put them on very quickly.

"You guys take it too!"

"Get your life jackets. Once you've put them on, hold on to the solid objects around you. We're going to make an emergency landing!"

The airship was blasted and must land.

The three people from Zhuang Cai just took over the life jackets and imitated the people around them to put them on.

There was another explosion.

Then the entire cabin began to overturn.

Everyone was screaming and sliding towards the back.

Zhuang Cai and others also smashed towards the wall.

The tables, chairs, benches and various furniture around were all sliding down.

In such an environment, Zhuang Cai tapped the items around him lightly.

The whole person becomes like a fish in water in such a chaotic environment.

He grabbed Nan Subei and Rongrong and asked them to adjust their positions to avoid being injured by falling objects.

After all, the current situation is not easy to focus on, and it is easy to get hit.

After helping the two of them adjust their positions, he let go.

With the strength of the two of them, they didn't need much help from him.

At the same time, catch some people who fell down and throw them around the pillar next to them, so that they can catch them.

The flexible figure was extremely natural in the chaotic environment. He turned around and kicked away the tables, chairs and benches that were about to hit other people.

A person flew over in a group, and Zhuang Cai hugged him amidst the screams.

From the windows and broken places, it could be seen that they had passed through the clouds.

After falling rapidly, they were only a few hundred meters away from the island below.

There were chaotic shouts mixed with some screams.

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