Zhuang Cai looked at the man in front of him. Bloody patterns were densely crawling on his body and face.

The clothes he was wearing were obviously not the animal skin clothes owned by these indigenous people, but rather leather jackets that exuded a civilized atmosphere.

Moreover, the logo of the airship treasure hunt group that was completely uncovered on his clothes was also clearly printed on his chest.

Not to mention that Zhuang Cai had seen the group photo and had met the captain several times on the ship before.

Even though the change was large and there were bloody spells all over his face, Zhuang Cai could still recognize it at a glance.

Regarding the captain's words, Zhuang Cai smiled and said, "How are you sure we didn't deliberately achieve this?"

These words seemed to give the captain some psychological comfort for his foolish move, and he nodded in realization.

"I see, then you installed the spies on my team as well. No wonder they blew up the ship in mid-air."

Although he didn't know what he was talking about, as soon as these words came out, the questions in Zhuang Cai's mind were completely answered.

The first unexpected explosion in the airship was not caused by the captain, but by the other party.

The people who caused the explosion must be the same ones who died after the fall, but they were really dead, and the captain just made a fake corpse and ran away.

This makes much more sense.

As for the person who caused the explosion, it is unknown which force he belongs to.

But once he got here, Zhuang Cai had no time to chat with him anymore.

Now that this person is standing in front of him, a problem arises.

If you want to kill him quickly, you will definitely make him change and become that kind of flesh and blood monster.

Zhuang Cai himself had such confidence that he could turn him into a monster within a few rounds.

But if it turns into a monster, this type of monster that looks like an elite boss will definitely be like the Minotaur that attacked the camp before. Simply attacking the brain will not kill it.

Perhaps the only way to kill him would be to cut off the whole head and separate it like they did in the camp.

If you don't kill him, he will stand in front of you. At this time, the group of figures carrying Milan and fleeing quickly were about to disappear from his sight.

There is no other way to avoid him, and Milan will definitely be sent into the enemy's camp.

At this time, Macio had clearly noticed the impact on his body after the golden needle that had just been shot on him disappeared.

The ordinary people Zhuang Cai has met so far, no matter how strong their physical fitness is, they are not that strong.

The strongest one is the tauren that attacked their camp last night. It is conservatively estimated to be around 10.

As for Macio in front of him, even though Zhuang Cai had noticed that he must have the power of the tattoo on his body, the power he showed now was just that.

As the golden needle took effect, his arms began to tremble uncontrollably.

Macio himself has also noticed his own problems.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Cai had a smile on his face. This was the choice he made.

Use poison to contain him and prevent his death.

In this way, Zhuang Cai could quickly skip him and chase those people.

The effect of the spell needle came much faster than he thought.

Only ten seconds or about half a minute had passed since he used the "Spell Needle Talisman".

The effect has already been produced.

With a kick of his feet, he quickly wanted to bypass Macio and rush directly towards the people behind him.

Whether you want to kill him later or something else, you have to rescue Milan first.

This time, Macio naturally discovered the problem and saw Zhuang Cai rushing towards him.

It was obvious that Zhuang Cai wanted to skip him and pursue the people behind him.

Seeing this situation, Macio's eyes widened, and fierce emotions burst out from his eyes.

"My God has given me grace, and I will sacrifice my flesh and blood!"

Macio suddenly fell to his knees and embraced the sky, shouting, his voice full of crazy piety.

Suddenly there was a burst of blood.

The bloody lines on his body seemed to break out of his skin, taking the blood and body with him and turning into tentacle-like things, flying towards the sky.

The bloody tentacles on his body carried his flesh and blood and pierced the skin, spreading around like a spider web that suddenly opened.

The expanding trend prevented Zhuang Cai from trying to bypass him, and then these tentacles attacked Zhuang Cai like long whips.

Obviously trying to stop his actions.

Seeing these tentacles approaching, Zhuang Cai had no choice but to stop, kick back, and retreat back.

Then he turned to look at Macio at the center of the bloody tentacles.

At this time, Mercia's skin had completely fallen off and turned into a monster-like flesh and blood human form.

The pupils of his eyes had long lost their luster and turned white, and the whole person had completely lost his mind, turning into the flesh and blood monsters that Zhuang Cai had encountered before.

"What a crazy belief." Zhuang Cai couldn't help but say.

It was obvious that Macio had noticed his intention, and was unable to stop him, so he made a change that seemed like suicide.

Even if he is willing to enter the form of a mindless monster, he must be stopped.

So far, Zhuang Cai has not seen anyone enter this state voluntarily.

This change is only made after being killed by him, or almost certain to die, which is equivalent to wanting to drag people to death together.

Even if these people believe in the abnormal madness of the Blood God, they will not want to voluntarily enter such an ignorant monster state.

The Mesio in front of him was the first one he had seen. If he thought carefully about it, if it wasn't for this kind of madness, he would not have given up his life in the civilized world and his identity as a captain, and fell into this incomprehensible madness. in faith.

Seeing this situation, Zhuang Cai calmed down and was no longer anxious.

Because he couldn't catch up anyway, and the monster in front of him obviously wouldn't let him catch up.

"You like to stop me so much, don't you? And you still engage in such drama of sacrifice, then go see your god!"

Zhuang Cai was a little angry now and laughed. He had already done everything he had to do to hold him back, so what could he do?

We can only let the captain die.

In the bloody camp

Nan Subei was still hiding, observing the entire camp carefully. He had now seen the camp thoroughly.

He even picked up a small notebook and recorded some topographic maps of the camp, and compared the location of the camp with the maps he knew before.

This camp was definitely connected to the outside world, as he had thought before.

The external supplies were stored in the warehouse of the wooden house, at the edge of the camp, and some traces of dragging could still be seen.

This camp is relatively close to the coast. Although it is invisible, as long as you walk a few hundred meters to the side, you can see the coast below.

Although Nansubei didn't see anything like a ship, he did see a building that looked like a simple port.

So there is a connection.

At this time, South and North Jiangsu were wondering whether there was any fuel in that warehouse?

I am really too curious about this thing.

The reason why he is still so leisurely is because the man named Amer is still gathering his team.

Nearly half an hour has passed since the order was issued. At this time, the prototype of the team has been assembled, and it seems that they should go forward.

Nan Su and Bei were waiting nearby, ready to follow this team.

Or take the first step.

However, at this moment, the entire camp suddenly broke into commotion.

Hearing the commotion, Nan and Su Bei stuck their heads out to see where the commotion came from and what happened.

Then he saw several people rushing in carrying a person in a panic.

One of them was still wearing an airship uniform.

Although he already knew through observation that there must be people here who were cultists from the civilized world, but he did not expect that there would be people from the airship among them.

Doesn't that mean there are always spies in their camp?

Looking at it this way, these people must have done it before the crash.

Nan, Su and Bei stared at it as if they had discovered something extraordinary.

Then he saw what these people were carrying.


He had no idea that the person these people captured and carried was actually Milan.

Since this NPC was rescued by Zhuang Cai, and he obviously had a good relationship with Zhuang Cai, he recognized and had talked a lot with this girl with bunny ears.

Why isn't it her?

And why was Milan arrested? Isn't he with his brother?

It was obvious that something went wrong on Zhuang Cai's side while he was squatting in the camp collecting intelligence.

After seeing Milan, Nan Subei looked at the priest with a solemn expression, and ran to the side of Milan as if he was very panicked.

Looking at Milan lying on the ground, he examined it carefully.

Then he yelled like crazy: "Haha, my god's container is here, my god is coming soon, and we will start to worship."

Finally, he stared like a roar at Amer's team who was about to set off but had not yet left: "What are you still dawdling about? Go and bring those sacrifices. Without those sacrifices, how can we let my god enter the container and descend?" world?"

Hearing this, Amel and the people she led nodded quickly.

Looking at this scene, Nan Subei's mind started to spin rapidly.

In other words, Milan is a container. Although I don’t know why, Milan is a container.

But to come, sacrifices and rituals are needed. The container is already there, and Amel is asked to arrest people because these sacrifices are needed.

That is to say, before the sacrifices for blood sacrifices have arrived, the early stages are just preparations.

Just now, Nan and Su Bei were thinking whether they should take advantage of this moment to secretly take Milan away.

However, such thoughts were dismissed the moment they came out. At this time, Milan had been carried to the center of the altar and placed on the altar. There were densely packed people surrounding him making arrangements.

The entire camp came to the center to listen to the high priest's speech.

Trying to snatch away Milan at this time is tantamount to a fool's dream.

Taking this opportunity, Nansu Bei suddenly concealed his figure and quickly walked around the city wall to the warehouse.

He has been staring at this place for a long time.

With everyone in the center, it was his chance.

After digging in, he searched among the pile of items. There were clothes and various tools, and then he saw a few oil drums.

Although I don’t know what the fuel is, the ship printed on the oil drum must be correct.

It looks like fuel.

Without hesitation, Nan Subei picked up the oil drum and turned it over.

If anyone was watching at this time, they would see two oil barrels flying up in a space distortion.

It's just that no one sees it now.

Carrying two oil drums, Nan Su Bei quickly ran in the direction of the team.

Following that team, he quickly overtook that team.

Then I saw figures fighting.

Looking from a distance, I saw tentacles flying all over the sky and the obvious Zhuang Cai.

Those same cultists saw it too.


A cultist seemed to want to say something but was interrupted by Amel.

"Ignore them and let's go quickly. The high priest is waiting for our sacrifices."

As they spoke, they ignored the sound of the two fighting and continued to move forward quickly with the team as if they hadn't seen it.

But Amel knew clearly that such a change in flesh and blood was either a bull or Macio.

To become like this means that he is dead, and he can still fight back and forth with such changes in flesh and blood.

Even if they succeeded in the past, they would suffer huge casualties and may not be able to kill the enemy.

Might as well take this opportunity to do something really important.

However, Nan Subei who was following him could not ignore it. He had already seen Zhuang Cai and ran over quickly.

At this time, Zhuang Cai was here.

Most of the tentacles covering the body of the flesh and blood monster had been cut off.

After fighting with him for a while, Zhuang Cai almost knew how to deal with this monster.

He reached out and touched it, and a brand new suppressing flying knife appeared in his hand.

He only made two such flying knives, one was almost broken, and only this one was brand new.

A piece of talisman wrapped around the flying knife as he controlled it.

The two talisman shields floated upwards, blocking the incoming tentacles.

In an instant, 4 talismans floated out, and the 4 talismans flew out, transforming into 4 flying knives.

Facing the four flying knives, the flesh-and-blood monster that had suffered a lot immediately began to hide.

Taking this opportunity, the suppressing flying knife wrapped with a charm came through the middle.

While avoiding monsters, accurately predict the hit.

The monster didn't expect that the moment this little flying knife hit him, his whole body seemed to be pressed down by a huge weight.

The tentacles flying in the sky quickly fell into the snow as if they were pressed by invisible gravity.

The entire monster's body was pressed against the snow, even pressed into the snow, and the snow covered his body.

Even the wounds on the body no longer had blood flowing out. It seemed that even the blood was suppressed in the body and could not be exposed.

But this effect also caused the cracks on the suppressing flying knife to spread at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, suppressing such a monster is beyond the range that materials such as flying knives can withstand.

The charm wrapped around it began to burn.

The burning spell turned into a blue flame. This blue flame burned more and more vigorously in the ice and snow, and instantly began to spread on the monster's body through the flying knife.

The snow on his body and the cold wind around him actually fueled such a blue flame, making it burn even more fiercely.

It spread to the monster's body almost in the blink of an eye.

This kind of spread made the monster completely unable to resist, because it was suppressed motionless and could not even make a roar.

At the same time, the flying knife that had suppressed the monster for a while was completely broken into a pile of fragments.

The moment the pressure disappeared, the monster immediately jumped up.

The tentacles on his body also began to wave wildly, but the blue flames spreading across his entire body showed no intention of dissipating.

It burned against his body, and as it burned, the waving movements became slower and slower. As if being slowed down by time, more and more frost covered its limbs.

Finally, the flames were completely wrapped, but the monster was completely frozen in the snow.

Zhuang Cai walked over, the forging hammer in his hand had expanded, and he smashed it at the ice sculpture in front of him that had been completely frozen.

A heavy hammer and a violent shock wave caused the ice sculpture to shatter and the flames to dissipate. The monsters frozen inside also turned into a sky full of ice and snow.

Its flesh and blood is frozen in the broken ice of the world.

It turned into frost all over the ground, and even the monster's head was shattered into pieces.

The dead can no longer die.

Hearing the movement coming from the side, Zhuang Cai turned his head keenly.

The space was distorted, and the two balls of fuel in his hands fell down.

"Su Bei?"

"It's me, brother, please listen to me first..."

Nan Subei, who showed his figure, immediately told a series of things he saw in the camp.

After hearing this, Zhuang Cai stood where he was.

The mind is running wildly.

At this time, there was movement from behind Zhuang Cai, and it was Yang Rongrong who finally caught up.

Zhuang Cai's Shenlong Swimming Technique was at home in such an extremely complex terrain covered with snow and ice.

But Yang Rongrong did not have such an ability. He could only see some grass roots and leaves on her body, and it was obvious that she had rushed all the way.

"Where are the people? Did they run away?"

Then I saw Southern Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu, and I had no idea why Southern Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu were also here.

But Zhuang Cai did not answer his question. He had already made a decision in his mind and turned around and said: "Su Bei, if you go to the soldier camp alone to support, can you annihilate that group with them and attack their team?"

Nan Subei's mind turned around for a moment, then nodded: "No problem, I still have a few of your charms on me."

There were 10 people in the team going, and the only one who might be considered a threat was the man named Amer.

According to the battles in the past few days, Nansu and Bei are confident that they can kill Amer in an instant.

He had such confidence in being caught off guard.

It might even make Amel unable to transform into a flesh and blood monster.

As long as he kills this Amel, he will definitely be able to kill the monsters together with the brief delay of the soldiers.

His ability to hide his body and the extremely paralyzing lightning, coupled with the invisible thread, have great suppressive power against these flesh and blood monsters.

The battles over the past few days have proven this.

"Okay, now take the oil drum in your hand and go directly to the soldiers' camp to ambush them.

If the fuel is available, just sail over here. It's very close to the sea and the speed is faster.

Then try to persuade them to come and attack the camp, even with the threat of force. "

Then he turned to look at Yang Rongrong, who had just come over with a confused look on his face: "Rongrong, you follow him, but you return to our camp, tell them the situation here, and then bring people over.

Tell them the situation here, tell them they have no way out, either die or fight. "

After saying that, Yang Rongrong, who had just arrived, was taken away by Nan Su Bei.

Zhuang Cai himself started to move forward. He planned to observe the perimeter of the camp to avoid more accidents and problems.

His speed and strength are enough to ensure that he will not fall into the enemy's siege, and whether it is Nansu Bei or Yang Rongrong, it will take a certain amount of time for their actions to be fruitful.

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