Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 131 Clearance Team

Zhuang Cai's words fell, and his hand turned into a sword and pointed directly at Milan, who was wrapped in blood.

The sword finger was hooked upward, and the power of the talisman appeared.

There seems to be some force at work.

The high priest who was kneeling on the ground felt very keenly that the ceremony was inexplicably affected.

Moreover, Milan was affected most of all, and his face became crazy, even mixed with undisguised panic. He shouted in the direction of Zhuang Cai: "What did you do!"

He got up, kneeling and crawling, and wanted to rush to where Milan was floating. I want to stop it, I want to see what the problem is.

The arrogant look on his face before had turned into one of complete panic.

That arrogant smile changed on Zhuang Cai's face.

"Oh my God, bad luck!"

Burned by the spell hidden on Milan, the invisible force is cleaning away the dirt on Milan.

The blood was gathered together by invisible force and separated from Milan's body. Then it condensed into a ball and fell from Milan's body.

At this time, Milan, the rabbit-eared girl, was clean, without any dirt or blood on her body.

With this blow.

The entire ritual was simply cleared away at the last moment, even the thin blood cells that held the defense were removed.


The high priest's voice was incredibly miserable, and the sorrow and pain in it was so rich.

It can also be heard that there is another layer of invisible tones superimposed on this sound, coming from an unknown direction.

Milan's figure fell.

At the moment when the high priest wanted to rush out and grab it.

The three of them moved.

The moment the blood cells disappeared, they were already in action.

A heavy blow hit the high priest's waist, and he was kicked out like a ball, hitting his throne and instantly smashing his throne into a pile of rubble.

Yang Rongrong, who had transformed into a monster form, shouted in a hoarse voice: "Weren't you quite arrogant just now?"

"Did your temper get worse after the transformation?" Nan Subei murmured as he watched this scene.

The figure disappeared with a burst of distortion.

Zhuang Cai followed closely behind, and came to Milan's side nimbly. He quickly backed away with Milan in his arms, and then handed her to Ali.

At this moment everyone reacted and immediately surrounded Milan on three levels inside and three outside.

Beware of Milan being taken away from you again.

"You guys deserve to die!"

The high priest among the ruins got up, covered in dirt, but his voice was staring at them and yelling angrily.

"I will sacrifice all of you, and then welcome the coming of my god..."

Before he finished speaking, Nan Subei, who was hiding in the dark, threw out a few invisible threads and tied them to the high priest. A large amount of electric current poured into his body along the silk thread, and in an instant, the words of the high priest turned into a vibrato before he finished speaking.

"Lin forehead uh uh uh~"

His body shook, and a flying knife flew towards him. The flying knife flashed clear light and arrived almost in the blink of an eye.

However, after his previous experience, Zhuang Cai's flying knife did not penetrate directly towards the enemy's head, which would only make the enemy transform into a more powerful monster.

Instead, it penetrated the throat in an instant, making him unable to speak anymore, and the penetration of the throat could not take away the enemy's life.

Yang Rongrong followed closely behind, her fingers together and her nails together like sharp blades.

Parallelly, he slashed away at the high priest's neck.


The sound of metal clashing sounded.

What was displayed in front of them was not that the high priest's neck was cut directly, but that it turned into a metal-like object to block the attack.

As if some hidden ability was triggered, the high priest began to change while being completely paralyzed.

A large amount of flesh and blood turned into tentacles and broke through his skin, waving towards the surroundings who began to attack in a disorderly manner. The tentacles swung randomly and even the transparent silk threads tied to his body were abruptly torn off.

Yang Rongrong also had to retreat, temporarily avoiding the attack range of these tentacles.

The high priest also transformed into a complete flesh and blood monster.

In an instant, he lost his human form and turned into a pile of meat balls. Even the ritual just now was not completed. The pile of blood turned into blood balls with the cleansing talisman also melted into the monster's body, increasing his size.

What was displayed in front of them was like a mountain of meat, and a large number of tentacles began to spread out and attack.

"Back off, I want to see how powerful he is."

Zhuang Cai said, he was ready to take the meat mountain, this huge target, to test his current ability.

Along with the royal talisman, 5 talismans appeared in front of him, and then the 5 talismans were superimposed on each other to form a stack, and then Zhuang Cai slapped them out.

The talisman immediately flew out and stuck tightly to the monster's body. As it burned, a dark cloud floated above everyone's heads.

But this time, the dark clouds seemed to be condensed, and a large number of raindrops began to fall from the top of the meat mountain.

This time there are five "Rain Callers" stacked on top of each other, condensing its range but making the rain even bigger.

The rain curtain that fell at this time was like a heavy rain, directly covering the monster's body, even in the heavy rain, making it impossible for everyone to see the monster's appearance clearly.

Zhuang Cai used the talisman again, and two more talismans floated out in front of him.

Facing the tentacle attack that came at this time, Zhuang Cai directly controlled the shield transformed from the talisman to block it.

The two talismans he was using were once again stacked using a talisman array.

These are two "cold fire talismans".

The heavy rain comes and goes quickly.

Soon after the stagnant water and the completely wet monster fell down, the rain clouds dissipated.

Taking this opportunity, two cold fire talismans were attached to the monster's body.

Although this monster is huge, it moves too slowly, like a mountain of meat. When a few people keep a distance, it can only destroy the surroundings like a child, but cannot cause effective attacks on them.

The two cold fire talismans easily stuck to the enemy's body and burned.

The faint blue flames caught on the raindrops were like hot fire meeting fuel.

It spread throughout the monster's body in the blink of an eye.

Different from normal flames, the Cold Fire Talisman is a cold flame, and what can help it burn is cold weather, wind, snow, and stagnant water.

The faint blue flame burning on the monster's body brought an extremely cold breath, and instantly froze the rain that had just fallen under their feet into solid ice.

These solid ice began to spread towards the monster's body. As the blue flame burned, the monster's swing speed began to slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Above the wind and snow all over the sky, the faint blue flames brought a chill, even causing the surrounding temperature to drop a lot.

The cold wind howled, and right in front of them, the monster like a mountain of flesh was frozen in the solid ice. Became a lifelike statue.

As the last bit of blue flame disappeared, the enemy was almost a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

"Rong Rong, give it to him!"

Hearing this, Yang Rongrong smiled.


He kicked hard and jumped into the air, turned around and punched the solid ice hard.


Following the position where she struck, dense lines began to spread all over the ice.

With a crackling sound, the ice shattered.

Also broken into pieces was the monster's body.

It turned into snowflakes all over the sky, scattering light spots like starlight.

The moment the light spot fell.

The surrounding scenery began to fade, and pure white color appeared in the surrounding space, and Zhuang Cai and the others were in it.

The appearance of pure white space indicates that they have cleared the dungeon.

This time the copy ended successfully, no more accidents occurred, and they completed the final mission.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Cai sat directly on the ground and exhaled heavily.

It's finally over.

The last set just now consumed a lot of his energy and energy.

Fortunately, Qi is a balanced energy body that can circulate endlessly.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to withstand his consumption.

The same is true for Yang Rongrong and Northern Jiangsu.

Compared to Zhuang Cai who mainly uses spells instead of his own power to attack.

The two of them, who relied on their own physical strength and energy to attack, fought until the end. When attacking the high priest, there was almost no physical strength and energy left.

Fortunately, Zhuang Cai's attack does not require these. As long as there are enough talismans, he can fight the enemy until the sky is dark.

"It's done, it's done, it's really not easy this time."

After lying like this on the white floor for a while, Nan Subei quickly got up and came to Zhuang Cai in a few moments, looked at him and said.

"Why is there a cleansing talisman on Milan's body? And the most outrageous thing is why the cleansing talisman, a charm that is only used to clean dirt, can exert such power to remove the blood from that body?"

This kind of question has been held in Nan Su Bei for a long time. If the battle just now was not too fierce and there was really no time to communicate, he would have asked it out long ago.

Hearing this, Yang Rongrong next to her also raised her head and looked at the two of them. It was obvious that she was also very curious.

After hearing this, Zhuang Cai recalled: "Just last night, Milan was very curious about the talisman.

After all, she is an archaeologist and has an equally strong understanding of tattoos.

I was wondering if she might have some interesting comments about the charms, or a comparison of the tattoos they used, so I gave her one.

In addition to the cleansing talisman, she actually also has the stride talisman on her body, but she has no chance to use it. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Cai couldn't help but smile on his face and said: "To be honest, I didn't expect it to be so useful. Mainly because I felt the cleansing talisman on her body, and then I could feel that the cleansing talisman could be used through the cleansing talisman.

That's a feeling you can't have when using it. "

“I have a skill called Talisman, which is the skill that you can use as you see the talisman floating around me.

After all, I made the talisman, and I have far deeper control over the talisman I made than you do. "

The bonus brought by the Royal Talisman is Zhuang Cai's all-round control and more detailed understanding of his own spells.

The same talisman is used by Zhuang Cai, the talisman maker who owns the royal talisman, and it is completely different when used by others.

Take the cleansing charm as an example.

For example, people such as Nan, Su and Bei use it most for themselves to make themselves clean or to remove dirt from utensils or rooms.

But if Zhuang Cai uses it, he can accurately deeply clean a certain area of ​​a certain object in a certain area.

He has more detailed control over the talismans, and he can also use the cleansing talisman to feel how serious the dirt is in this place.

It was precisely because of this method that he was able to detect that the blood on Milan's body was actually recognized as a kind of dirt.

In other words, that ceremony was actually very fragile, so the high priest used blood to protect it.

Even at the end, a layer of blood will be left as a defense to prevent others from disturbing you.

That layer of blood was really just a layer of blood floating on Milan's body, as if it was preparing to penetrate into the body through this layer of blood, and then use the body as a container.

The squirming blood, like the blood of a living creature, is actually just the manipulation of blood by the high priest through rituals.

The blood is still the same blood, without much strange power, so it is recognized as dirt.

When he realized this, Zhuang Cai already had an idea and was waiting for the last moment.

Remove the blood all at once.

"That's why I said that the high priest god was really unlucky. He just happened to meet him, and it was something I didn't even expect.

Sometimes luck is like this. "

Zhuang Cai said with a smile.

After speaking, he patted his butt and stood up.

"Compared with these, let's take a look at our rewards this time."

Hearing this, both of them stood up. Nothing is more exciting than a reward.

And if nothing else happens this time, they will definitely be able to get the highest rating.

They thought that what they did this time was almost perfect.

Killed the cult group, stopped the ritual, explored the ruins and learned the secrets. Even the people in the soldier camp and the camp where the airship fell were protected as much as possible.

We also got the fuel, started the ship, and had a vehicle that could allow everyone to leave.

If this is not perfect, it is really unacceptable.

South Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu have never been so confident that they can get full ratings.

He stood up and looked at the evaluation that was about to appear.

However, a problem arises.

A problem that none of the three had encountered appeared in front of them.

There was no single information column in front of them. The information columns were grouped together and displayed directly in front of the three of them, and were enlarged.

This sudden scene made the three of them widen their eyes and hold their breath.

At this time, it was enlarged and information appeared on the information bar that could be seen by three people.

[Congratulations to your team for successfully passing the trial. 】

[Congratulations, your team is the first to pass the level. 】

[Congratulations, your team is the first to pass the evaluation. 】

[This team’s points evaluation: 420+420]

[Overall behavior rating of the team: S+]

[Obtain a pass token—student card]

Looking at the completely changed information column, the three of them could be said to be confused, and their brains were completely blank.

what does it mean?

They looked at each other and could see each other's confused eyes.

"Wait a minute, let's take a look at the current situation first." Zhuang Cai said aloud.

The two of them, South and North, nodded.

He rubbed his brows and then took two steps forward and came to the information panel: "If we cleared the level individually before, it would not say your team, but you.

Now it has changed to your team, which means that for some reason, the three of us formed a team.

Not a spontaneous team, but a team recognized by this copy space. "

Having said this, Zhuang Cai looked at Yang Rongrong.

Compared to the fact that they have only been in this circle for about half a year, Yang Rongrong has been in this circle for a year and a half, and has stayed in LV·2 for a long time due to mental issues.

Compared to them, Yang Rongrong must understand these sudden things better.

Seeing the looks that Zhuang Cai and Nan Su Bei were looking at, Yang Rongrong quickly shook her head: "I don't know either. I have never heard of this information, let alone seen it."

"Trouble, so why are you suddenly recognized as a team?"

Zhuang Cai looked at the expanded information column and couldn't help but scratch his hair.

A change that I didn't even think about at all.

At this time, Nan Subei's eyes suddenly lit up, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Opened his mouth and shouted: "That, is it that?"

"Which one can you tell me?"

"It's that piece of parchment, remember?" Nan Subei's eyes flashed as he thought of something.

"It's the piece of paper Ali gave us, and the three of us dripped blood on it. The effect it brought was an unbreakable covenant for two years.

Is that thing the key to forming a team? It makes sense if you think about it, right? And isn’t the effect of the covenant just like forming a team? "

Hearing what Nan Subei said, Zhuang Cai and Yang Rongrong couldn't help but recall it. The more I recall, the more I feel that the possibility is very high, and it must even be the case.

"Forget it, forget about it for now. Just go out and exchange points for items later, and you will know if the parchment is what we think."

After hearing Zhuang Cai's words, the two of them couldn't help but nodded. This was indeed true.

Zhuang Cai looked at the 420+420 points.

In other words, it is equivalent to bringing together the total points of the three of them.

Looking at the points, he said: "In other words, if you form a team, the points of the team members can be used universally.

Does this mean that we can also redeem items that require significantly more than the maximum point redemption like we saw in the dungeon before? "

This is a very obvious, very straightforward benefit.

"That should be the case. After all, if the exchange price exceeds the limit of the current copy, it means that the effect of the item exceeds the level of the current copy."

Yang Rongrong said from the side.

"Is this the only benefit of forming a team?" Nan Subei asked with some pity.

If it's just points that are universal, it's good, but it doesn't seem to be as good as imagined.

If that scroll can be used to exchange for team formation, the price is not cheap.

That would be equivalent to a gamble.

Bet they can pass the level, and there are high-value items in the dungeon that need to be exchanged as a team.

But then I thought about it, as long as I cleared the dungeon that had been discovered and exchanged it for a certain item, it seemed to be very cost-effective.

Thinking like this, Zhuang Cai shifted his attention to the last one in the information column.

"Then the question is, what is this thing? Where is the student card?"

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