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Chapter 152 Twin Cities

After learning about their goals from Tom, Jinghe Order. Zhuang Cai left his tavern.

It was only the morning of the next day.

"Where are you going?"

Zhuang Cai walked to the door and asked Nan Subei who was also getting ready to go out.

"Oh, let's go out of the city. Help Uncle Tok move some food with him. There is not much food in the kitchen, and they have to go outside the city to buy some."

Uncle Toke, who was putting on his coat, also smiled and nodded to Zhuang Cai.

"Then be careful."

After finishing speaking, Zhuang left the tavern.

Recalling the information in his mind, Zhuang Cai began to wander around the city.

In any case, he must first understand the overall structure of the city. Fortunately, this city is located on the edge and is remote, coupled with xenophobia and rejection of industrial development.

So it's not that big.

Zhuang Cai walked on the street, facing the slight cold wind, and looked at the residents on the roadside. They chatted and said hello to each other, looking happy.

Under these circumstances, it is difficult to compare these residents to ignorant xenophobes.

It looks a little unreal.

"There should be newspapers here, right?" Zhuang Cai thought.

After all, he had already seen the newspaper on the train. Then he thought about the situation in the city and shook his head helplessly.

It seems unrealistic to find newspapers.

And there is another important problem, which I only discovered when I just left the village.

That is, they are penniless, which gives them a higher status and background, but does not give them even a shred of financial support.

This is the most embarrassing thing.

With such random thoughts, Zhuang Cai unknowingly came to the statue of the big tree in the center of the town.

From a distance, I saw the high-end clothing store where Yang Rongrong was staying.

The cloak shop was already open at this time.

Zhuang Cai wanted to go in and take a look, but he happened to see two well-dressed men push open the door and walk in.

Then he turned around and left silently. Obviously this was not a good time to go find Yang Rongrong.

Following the information given by Old Tom in his mind, Zhuang Cai slowly arrived at the eastern part of the city.

There are a large number of residents here, and these residents can be compared to the middle class in the entire city.

Of course, the city's middle class can only say that they are not worried about making a living at the moment.

The surrounding floor tiles are in better repair, and the house has also undergone some repairs.

As soon as he arrived, Zhuang Cai noticed that there seemed to be more people on the street for no apparent reason, and they were leaning on each other, talking and laughing, and walking in the same direction.

Seeing this situation, Zhuang Cai quickly followed their direction, walking slowly and observing his surroundings from time to time.

These people also held a small book in their hands. The packaging was blue and white, and the details of the book could not be seen by Zhuang Cai.

These people slowly arrived at a church.

Zhuang Cai looked at this church. This church seemed a little out of place with the surrounding buildings, because at a glance, he knew that the church had not been repaired for a long time.

It forms a very sharp contrast with the ancient traces on the surrounding buildings.

There is also a less cumbersome pattern drawn on the wall, with a wavy line crossing it horizontally, and where the wavy line crosses, there is an inverted triangle.

It is the symbol of the Jinghe Order.

This should be what Old Tom said was the main place for church preaching.

Most of the people who gathered here were women and old women, with only a small group of men among them, and these men were still in their twilight years.

At this time, the door of the church was closed tightly, and these people were just like this, talking to each other around the door of the church.

The mood of the conversation was relatively peaceful, there was no noise, and everyone seemed to be neighbors.

A lady looked at Zhuang Cai, who was standing at the back, and couldn't help turning her head to look at him.

Facing the woman's eyes, Zhuang Cai smiled and nodded towards her.

She also nodded politely, but Zhuang could feel her vigilance.

It seems that extreme xenophobia does exist.

Zhuang Cai thought for a while, then lowered his voice and said, "Is this the church of the Jinghe Order?"

Hearing his words, the woman frowned slightly, but still nodded in a friendly manner.

"Thank you. I am working in an orphanage now and have just returned to Sozsk. As expected, the peaceful atmosphere of my hometown suits me better."

"Just came back? Whose child are you?" the woman asked, her brows slightly relieved, but her vigilance did not weaken much.

Because judging from Zhuang Cai's temperament and his performance, he is definitely not one of those poor people.

“I used to stay in an orphanage, and then I left here after being adopted by kind-hearted people.

But my adoptive father and mother passed away some time ago, so I came back here, to this hometown.

It's still the same here as before, nothing has changed, which is great. "

Seeing Zhuang Cai's peaceful smile, which seemed to be true, the woman almost believed him and nodded slightly.

His attitude was obviously much closer, and he said with a smile: "Yes, this city is so nice, the peace and tranquility are all gifts from God.

Unlike those outsiders who always want to destroy the peace of the city, those uneasy and well-meaning guys. "

Zhuang Cai also nodded angrily: "Yes, my adoptive father and mother are very good, they are kind people, but the people in their hometown are too rough.

Always thinking about changing something, always thinking about destroying other people's beauty and destroying other people's peace. "

"Yeah, those people..."

The lady seemed to have found a common ground with Zhuang Cai. She nodded very understandingly and immediately started chatting with Zhuang Cai.

The people around him soon joined in the exchange.

It is all about praising the beautiful state of peaceful life now and criticizing the crude ignorance of those outsiders.

Zhuang Cai also echoed wildly beside him, changing some topics by the way, and simply said words that were suitable for the general public in this city.

These old women look at Zhuang Cai, and the more they look at him, the more they like him.

An older, fat woman smiled and said, "Son, are you ready to stay in this city now?"

"Of course, my hometown is very good, and the children in the orphanage are also very good. Being able to take care of those poor children and find them a warm home makes me very accomplished."

"What a great guy from Sozsk, unlike the brat from my family who always wants to leave here. Why doesn't he understand? How can there be such good things outside?" Another woman shook her head and sighed.

"Did you come back with your wife?" A somewhat elderly woman looked at Zhuang Cai and asked?

Because here, at Zhuang Cai's age, it's almost time to start a family, and faster children can run away.

Zhuang Cai shook his head, blushed slightly, and said shyly and awkwardly: "I'm still young and haven't considered this yet."

"Oh, look, you're still shy. It's normal for a man. At this age, it's time to..."

As she spoke, she sighed and said, "It's a pity that my daughter has been sick these days, otherwise I would have designated you to get to know her. Hahaha."

As he said that, Zhuangcai saw the door open and a man in blue and gray robes came out.

He was holding a book in his hand.

Just like these people outside, blue and white.

It should be the scripture.

He quickly changed the subject and said, "The door is open."

After hearing this, the ladies who had been chatting animatedly just now turned their heads and looked over.

The man who looked like a priest who came out just slowly pushed the door open, and then stood aside and nodded slightly to everyone.

Then everyone filed in.

Zhuang Cai also followed.

The whole prayer did not last long. Zhuang Cai simply calculated it with his watch, and it added up to less than 20 minutes.

After 10 minutes of daily simple prayers, people left one after another, and only a few people remained in the church.

At this time, the pastor just came up to talk to Zhuang Cai, and naturally saw him, a stranger he had never seen before.

In Sozsk, a city that is like a backwater, unfamiliar faces are very rare, let alone here.

Zhuang Cai showed a calm attitude again and repeated what he had said before.

However, this pastor was obviously not that easy to deceive. He just lowered his vigilance slightly and then preached to Zhuang Cai.

Their teachings are conveyed in and out of words.

Zhuang Cai also showed great interest, and combined with his real-life experience of bragging online, he mixed it all together and expressed a unique understanding that was in line with the teachings.

It didn't take long for the priest to let his guard down.

He had just been praying, and coupled with what Old Tom had told him before, he understood the general teachings of this sect.

As a beginner, he seemed to suddenly realize it, talking about his own thoughts, and then made up some reasons based on his own background. He looked like a confused lamb praying for peace.

After a while, they became close.

After about an hour, Zhuang Cai looked like he had learned the lesson. I imitated the prayer gestures of those people just now, and gestured towards the front of the church, with a light pious expression.

But what he was thinking in his heart was: "God wishes me a fortune, a long life, and good health..."

Looking at Zhuang Cai's appearance, the pastor nodded with great satisfaction and said with a gentle expression: "There will be a preaching event in a few days. Maybe you can find peace in your heart by then."

Zhuang Cai nodded, as if he wanted to take something out of his pocket, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Returning to my hometown to arrange the funeral has spent too much of my savings. I am unable to make a donation, so please forgive me."

Fortunately, when he just introduced his background, he thought of this and made some preparations.

When Zhuang Cai looked slightly embarrassed, the priest just nodded and smiled, as if he already understood.

Basically, he has completely given up on Zhuang Cai. He was wary of the stranger he first saw.

"Tranquility does not require donations. Thinking about tranquility carefully and having peace of mind is the greatest gift and the greatest gain."

Zhuang Cai repeatedly said yes, then said goodbye and left.

After maintaining this state and leaving this neighborhood all the way, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. He wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

"Is it so tiring to create characters? Huh, it really isn't that simple."

Make up a reasonable background for yourself and create a personality. It was really difficult for him to try his best to show less exaggerated emotional expressions.

It can only be said that it's okay. His physical attributes and mental attributes are passable, and he can control his emotions and facial expressions relatively well.

I have temporarily started talking to this sect, but I haven't gained anything yet, so I have to take my time.

After walking slowly and thinking, Zhuang heard the sound of the river flowing.

"Is there a river?"

Walking towards the sound of the river, sure enough, after crossing the street and turning the corner, I saw the mouth of the river not far away.

There is also a stone bridge built leading to the other side of the river, and a building can be seen on the other side of the river.

But there are people guarding the area around the river.

Something was obviously not right about this situation, so I looked in that direction and observed.

Only then did the villagers on the other side of the river see guns in their hands, weapons that looked a little bit like old-fashioned muskets.

In addition to wearing something like a helmet on his head, he wore thicker clothes.

There were also a bunch of people standing on their side, but their weapons were more confusing.

It looks a bit like a militia.

However, at the entrance of the bridge, the residents always looked at the other side indifferently, with relatively unkind eyes.

However, there are still people commuting on this road, but the commuters are more appropriately dressed and are hauling some cargo.

They all seemed to be businessmen.

Moreover, looking at the clothes and attire of these businessmen, it is obvious that they are out of tune with this city.

Zhuang Cai stood by the river and looked towards the other side. Even the buildings on the other side were obviously much more refined and had a post-modern style.

You can also see some street lights on the roadside.

These are completely two worlds!

If you have to make an analogy, he might have lived in the 15th or 16th centuries, or during the Renaissance.

The opposite side has already entered the 18th and 19th centuries and entered the industrial revolution period.

This spans an era.

Something is obviously wrong with this situation. Why didn't Old Tom say anything?

As soon as he had such doubts, Zhuang Cai patted his head.

In the eyes of his old Tom, they were all secret police, or international secret police.

Does he need to say this kind of obvious information? It seems a little outrageous.

At this time, a carriage that was not very exquisite slowly wanted to cross the bridge, but the soldiers on the opposite side stopped it and said something.

A man who was obviously dressed in a wealthy manner stepped out of the car. He seemed to be cursing something and closed the newspapers in his hands.

I crossed the bridge with several people carrying boxes, and received warning looks from the militiamen as I crossed the bridge.

He just curled his lips in disdain, but did not do any more provocative behavior.

Zhuang Cai looked at the newspaper in his hand: "Isn't this a coincidence? No. I can only borrow things from him temporarily. This rich businessman probably won't mind."

Zhuang Cai followed him silently, and as some people crowded over, he quickly stepped forward.

His flexible body smoothly pulled away the newspaper under his arm in an instant.

Then he quickly walked away.

On the way back, Zhuang Cai silently opened the newspaper and read the news.

"Sozsk Monthly"

I looked at the date above and saw that it was already at the beginning of the month several days ago.

Take a look at the information above.

There is not much information, after all, it is only such a small city, and almost half of the pages are mixed with outside information.

There may only be a small amount of information about this city, because there are also some advertisements printed on it.

This small half was accumulated in one month.

The newspaper itself only opens and closes.

But less than half of the information came forward to criticize the existence of the position he is currently in, calling this side the unruly people on the other side of the river.

There are also some conflicts mentioned above.

A big conflict last year was highlighted.

The above also reminded the businessmen who are coming here to pay attention to safety. After all, they are all ignorant and unruly people.

The other chapter is actually not about the country where it is located, but another country far away that seems to be engaged in some small-scale conflicts.

It also caused some refugees to flock towards them, but the newspaper above said that they wisely sent all the refugees to the troublesome people here.

The complacent look above made Zhuang Cai frown a little.

Although he still doesn't understand the overall appearance of the city, his initial impression has already made Zhuang Cai a little disgusted.

Neither side of a city is a good thing.

After reading the newspaper and folding it up, Zhuang thought about it and quickly walked towards the orphanage.

He was going to ask some employees of the orphanage some questions. After all, his character was that of a wanderer who had just returned.

If you want to understand the current problems in the city, it is a matter of course, and basically there will be no flaws.

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace.

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