Word-savvy, explore the copy

Chapter 213 Activation Conditions of Color

In the training ground.

This pure white space has become different from the beginning, because there are many more training facilities here.

As for the tall pillars that stood in the training ground before, they have long been demolished.

I don’t know which dungeon obtained the new skill. Rainbow Tong no longer needs to let her wire rope actually wrap around some physical objects.

The steel cable that helps Iridescent move quickly and flexibly has been able to catch the air a long time ago.

At this time, Zhuang Cai rarely came here to sit on a resting stool in the training ground, watching Taoist Master Tian in front of him doing strength training.

To say who among them has the most unique special effects in his exclusive skills, then there is no doubt that it is Taoist Master Tian.

At least on the surface it seems to have the most special effects

The black and white carp produced by his special power can now be said to have become a characteristic of Taoist Master Tian.

Even the lotus flower, which was originally blue in color, has now been completely dyed in the style of ink painting.

In other words, all of Tian Daozhang's special effects have now become ink painting style, and blue special effects have become a thing of the past.

"Director Tian, ​​can you feel it?"

After hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Tian Daojing frowned and shook his head.

He sighed and said: "I can't feel it, I really can't feel the fiery red lotus flower you mentioned.

But in that copy before, I did use the skill special effects of that color. I still remember it very clearly, but I just don’t know how I did it at the time. "

After hearing what Taoist Tian said, Zhuang Cai also felt a little regretful, leaning back in his chair and rubbing his brow.

This time he came to Taoist Master Tian specifically for training, just for the performance of lust that he had been able to see before.

"Why are you paying attention to these colors recently?" Jiang Shuyu, who was also found nearby, asked with some confusion.

When he had just cleared the dungeon, Zhuang was obsessed with all kinds of information about lust for a few days.

But it was only for a few days. Later, Zhuang Cai's attention focused on his own strength.

As a result, Zhuang Cai now turned his attention back.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Cai replied: "You also know the recent situation, right? The explorers of the first echelon have basically reached LV·4."

Everyone nodded.

Wu Nian even put his hands together and prayed.

Mainly because the various data and news reports this time are not necessarily good things.

Although promotion from LV·3 to LV·4 is a threshold and a torture of the soul.

But it has to be said that with such a large number of people, there are still many people who choose to be promoted in the face of torture.

But in such a situation, death is inevitable.

Although Zhuang Cai and the others always said that the first echelon didn't sound like there would be too many people, but in the face of such a large population base, the number of the first echelon was really an exaggeration.

Compared with the original LV·4, it suddenly expanded hundreds of thousands of times.

According to incomplete statistics, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the first echelon across the country.

Don't think it's less. Looking across the country, these people are already one in a million.

Not to mention that these hundreds of thousands of people have been promoted one after another in the past three months. They are all considered to be in the first echelon.

But just like that, hundreds of thousands of people were promoted to LV·4, even with early strategies and recommendations for various early stage copies.

1/4 of the people still died in the copy.

This is a very large number.

The main reason is that although there are a large number of team props produced, we have to admit a reality. That is, compared with such a huge number of explorers, the output of team props still cannot take into account everyone.

And these 1/4 explorers died in the dungeon, which also brought huge shock to the entire society.

This is not a minority. After all, there are many people in the first echelon who are well-known on the Internet.

Their deaths made the entire society truly aware of the cruelty that comes from copies.

Really know the price you need to pay to gain more power.

This is different from games, and it is also very different from work.

This is a bloody road.

The sequelae brought about is that more people in the second echelon will stop moving forward.

This is why they call those who have been promoted in the past three months the first tier.

Under such circumstances, a lot of information that high-level officials would conceal was no longer concealed and was directly released.

For example, the most important thing is that if the copy is not cleared, it will explode and cause monsters to rush out and become a reality.

This copy once again caused social shock, and many so-called doomsday declarations were developed.

But it's useless. In the face of enough benefits, you have to pass the customs.

But the problem was that a huge number of people died in the dungeons, which also caused many dungeons to start breaking out.

Fortunately, although many copies broke out, there were also many more LV·4 explorers.

So this period can be considered to have been passed without any danger.

"With such a huge amount of LV·4, there are a lot more situations and experimental samples. I recently searched for some information on it and found more color records.

There are more people who have color-related skill effects appearing in this level of dungeon clearance.

The clear answer can be obtained, that is, color and emotion must be strongly related. It is precisely because of the change caused by a certain point of emotion that such special effects become real. "

As he said that, Zhuang Cai looked at the three people among the 12 of them who had produced special effects.

"During that battle, did you feel anything different from before?"

Wu Nian frowned and thought for a while, but shook his head: "No, you said my color is golden, then my special effects are also golden. But the problem is that my Buddha's light is also golden, I don't know what There have been different changes over time.”

"I have a very obvious feeling." Daochang Tian said.

"After all, my special effects were red. The lotus I exploded at that time changed from blue to a burning flame. The special effects were indeed a very big change.

And I can clearly feel that the destructive power of my attack is much greater than before. "

After hearing this, Zhuang Cai asked him in more detail about the time when the special effects were displayed.

There is no doubt that this is the time when those cultists attack the city.

Zhuang Cai set his sights on Jiang Shuyu at the end.

"The time when I changed should be the same as Tian Daojing, but at the time I thought that my golden special effect was the influence of Master Wu Nian, but it seems not to be the case.

If there was anything different about my attack at that time, the golden dragon-shaped shadow I chopped out had a more... purifying effect? "

Jiang Shuyu thought about her previous battles.

She could indeed feel the change, but she couldn't be too sure about where the change was.

After listening to the three people's words, Zhuang Cai thought about it.

"Wait a minute." Zhuang Cai discovered the problem.

"Why do you think your golden special effects are the buffs brought by Master Wu Nian?"

This is a problem. Although Master Wu Nian practices Buddhism, most of his abilities cannot bring beneficial effects to others unless he forcibly instills Buddha's light into a person.

But this is not considered a gain effect. It is just an addition to the state, and it is very obvious and will not be unconscious.

To put it simply, Master Wu Nian does not have a wide range of buff skills.

"Because at that time..." Jiang Shuyu froze on the spot, recalling the situation at that time.

He couldn't help but say: "Because I was very close to Master Wu Nian at that time, and the officers and soldiers around him were also stained with golden light."

After saying this, Master Wu Nian frowned.

He frowned and thought and then shook his head: "I can confirm that I did not use similar skills at that time, and I did not have the effect of this skill."

With such a connection, Zhuang Cai or everyone probably understood it.

"It seems that the change brought about by Master Wu Nian's special color effect is to gain some kind of Buddha's light on everyone around him."

Then Zhuang Cai looked at Taoist Tian again: "Taoist Tian's special effects bring more powerful destructive effects, and the special effects are also fiery red flames."

"As for Jiang Shuyu, I can't tell for the time being. It may be that she has obtained some kind of purification effect similar to Buddha's light."

Looking at it this way, although the color of the two people is the same, the effects vary from person to person.

Just like in Zhuang Cai's eyes, everyone's color expression is different, and the represented color objects are also different.

It is also gold, and Master Wu Nian is a golden bead. Zhuang Cai thinks it may be a Buddha relic.

Jiang Shuyu is a golden dragon-shaped statue.

"I still want to know why they changed like this?" Yang Rongrong couldn't help asking from the side.

Others have been listening for so long, but they still can't figure out how such color effects are produced.

Although it is the expression of emotions that brings about changes, what kind of emotions can bring about such changes?

This is an important question.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Cai replied: "Based on the newly released data reports, my guess is that it is some kind of extreme expression of emotion."

Seeing everyone's doubts, Zhuang Cai organized his words and said, "Do you still remember the situation at that time?"

"Faced with a potentially fatal situation, all three of them stood up and were willing to make some kind of sacrifice.

Thinking about it carefully, at that time, because of special reasons, I did not give them any hints, so they did not know more about the situation. "

Zhuang Cai then pointed at Master Wu Nian: "Just like what Master Wu Nian said at that time, as long as we take a step back, we will have passed the level.

But Master Wu Nian couldn't pass the test in his heart, so he was willing to stay even if he might die in the dungeon. "

Of course, everyone knew at that time that they would not die in the dungeon, because they had signed a contract to form a team, and as long as the team was not destroyed, it could not be said to be death.

At most, it is just after death and being seriously injured when teammates fail or when they clear the level and leave the instance.

This is why in the end, everyone forced Liu Yueliu to stay without telling them, and the reason given was that they could not be destroyed as a group.

From this aspect, the three of them also knew that they would not really die, but were just facing death that would not die again.

Facing that near-death situation.

Although such death is useless, they are willing to do so, perhaps because they cannot pass the test in their hearts, or perhaps because they are very angry about their previous actions.

Anyway, they chose to stay at that time.

"Thinking about it now, I actually noticed the color change on them at that time, but I didn't think about it at the time."

Zhuang Cai said, looking back at the scene he saw at that time.

"In other words, if we want to activate the special effects of color, we have to make sacrifices under certain circumstances like the three of them?" Nan Subei asked.

This is the simplest and most direct answer, after all, it is the same for all three of them.

Zhuang Cai shook his head: "No, it's not like that. It's about making corresponding behaviors according to your own character. Let your emotions or the characteristics of your character reach the extreme."

Having said this, facing everyone's gaze, Zhuang Cai began to think deeply.

He seemed to have grasped something.

Recalling the information, Zhuang Cai seemed to have figured out something.

He raised his head and looked at Master Wu Nian and said, "Just like Master Wu Nian, he is a monk. From our perspective, he can indeed be called a master.

It fits our impression of a good monk who saves all sentient beings and is compassionate.

So after knowing what kind of tragedy would happen to the civilians in that city, what Master Wu Nian wanted to do was to protect the residents of that city and do his best.

A performance that is very consistent with the golden character. Master, is that what you thought at the time? "

After hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Wu Nian couldn't help but nodded while recalling.

“That was indeed what I thought at the time. After all, we had discovered the problem at the time but did not solve it. This is our responsibility.

Even though I know that the residents in the copy are fake, my interactions and eyes are deceiving me. In my eyes, they are living people.

I couldn't abandon them, not to mention that the reason why they suffered was because I failed to perform the duties that I was supposed to perform. "

After hearing the exact answer, Zhuang Cai looked at Taoist Tian again: "Taoist Tian, ​​your thoughts at that time must be different from his. Although you also made sacrifices at that time.

According to Red's personality preferences and understanding of you, the main reason for staying is definitely not to protect those residents.

Part of the reason is to accompany Master Wu Nian, part of the reason is also because you have not discovered and solved the problem, and part of the reason is because you are angry and want to get rid of those who are engaged in conspiracy.

It is a kind of disgust for those evil people, anger and hatred for them, an emotion that rises from the heart and wants to make them pay the price. "

All these emotions mixed together can be called courage, which is a relatively extreme kind of courage.

The courage to accompany friends to death, the courage to punish rape and eradicate evil, and the courage to shoulder one's own responsibilities.

Hearing Zhuang Cai's words, Taoist Master Tian was a little embarrassed, but he still nodded: "I feel ashamed to say it, but it was true at the time. I didn't consider it because of the safety of those residents. I just held my breath and accompanied the monk."

"What about me?" Jiang Shuyu pointed at herself. She was now very curious about how Zhuang Cai could guess her emotions at that time.

Upon hearing this, Zhuang Cai shrugged: "To be honest, my guess may not be accurate, but it should be a mixture of multiple emotions.

It may be more of a responsibility. You may have thought that you would not die anyway. Since you were a teammate at the time and a friend of the guild, it would be nice to have someone to take care of you.

There was also a certain feeling that Liu Yue Liu was really not suitable at that time, and your team really wanted to keep one of them, so you chose to keep Liu Yue Liu and go on your own.

This should also be regarded as a manifestation of responsibility? I'm not sure, but based on this theory, this situation is the most realistic. "

Compared with Master Wu Nian and Taoist Master Tian, ​​who have distinctive personalities and actions that can be clearly matched.

Regarding Jiang Shuyu, Zhuang Cai really couldn't guess much. After all, Jiang Shuyu had always been mature, sensible and responsible.

Judging from Jiang Shuyu's performance, the most correct behavior at that time was actually to prevent the two people from staying.

Hearing Zhuang Cai's simple explanation, Jiang Shuyu smiled: "It is correct to a certain extent, but it is not completely correct. I can't really tell what it is.

But judging from the character performance of Master Wu Nian and Tian Daojing at that time, your guess is most likely correct. "

In other words, judging from the performance of the three people, the conditions for activating color can probably be clarified.

The first condition should be to at least reach the full level of LV·3, and it must be in a dungeon of LV·4 or above.

In fact, it can also be regarded as level reaching LV·4.

Then, follow your own will and make extreme actions that are in line with your own wishes, your own character, and your own emotions.

To put it simply, it can be called the top.

Regardless of the consequences, make a certain choice based on a certain character instinct.

In such a situation of emotional excitement and extreme personality, it is possible for your color to appear differently.

Looking at it now, at least let your emotions be extreme, but they must be positive.

The exchanges between a few people made other people next to them think deeply.

After all, the performance of color concerns everyone.

At this time, Rainbow Eyes walked in from the door.

"Zhuang Cai, you are here, let's see if this new copy is the one you want." (End of Chapter)

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