World Occult User Guide

Chapter 116 Countdown

The clear scenery turned into a ball of light, flickering on the two figures chasing each other.

Lin An controlled the airflow of the wand and took advantage of the chaos to escape from the scene of the incident, while Evancia gritted her teeth and followed closely.

The streets of the City of Rapture passed beneath them, with a colorful nightlife that never ended, and a huge neon billboard with a big slogan: "If you keep to yourself, your life is over! You must be loud, colorful, and lively!" "

Evancia spread her wings like an owl blending into the night, her eyes fixed on Lin An's direction.


She snapped her fingers on her right hand.

Across the bright and dark city lights, Lin An also observed her actions.

As the snap of his fingers fell, the power of Evancia's ominous omen became stronger and stronger, and his chest became increasingly gloomy and heavy, almost suppressing the beating of his heart. He couldn't help but his eyesight turned black and he had difficulty breathing.

At the same time, Evancia's left hand gesture changed and finally stopped at four o'clock.

A feeling of stagnation spread across his limbs and bones, and Lin An suddenly felt an uncontrollable dizziness and sleepiness. It seemed that Evancia had cast a mysterious hypnotic technique.

Four points, the effect is above average.

Lin An reversed the wand and aimed the healing gem at his forehead and chest. The green light burst out, instantly dispelling the abnormal control and suppressing the spread of evil omen.

However, since the functions of the wand could not exist at the same time, his figure suddenly fell downwards.

Evancia was stunned and saw Lin An's figure flying quickly from the corner of a building before being smashed into flesh, making a figure-eight circle, leaving her far behind.

Was that... a tactic?

Really unable to see through tonight's situation, Evancia was somewhat reluctant to give up.

Holding on to the last bit of luck, she walked around the building that spanned the two of them. The light beams of the major casinos alternated and rotated. Occasionally, two of them intersected in an X shape, illuminating Lin An who was stopped in mid-air.

What happened to him?

Lin An had escaped Evancia's pursuit by using the building's visual difference to rise and fall, but before he could fly far, a familiar touch suddenly came to his skin.

The invisible hand surrounding the body appeared again, this time grabbing Lin An, trying to drag him somewhere.

It's Hill Kesheli.

After seeing the real picture of the drone through surveillance, she obviously understood that she had been tricked by Lin An.

Unfortunately, in order to create chaos earlier, Hill used three "restraints". At this moment, he was unable to cause fatal harm to Lin An. He could only restore the out-of-control situation while dragging him back to him as a scapegoat. Take the blame.

The energy tied to his neck and wrist is called the marriage vow ketubbah, which are the property rights, labor rights and sexual rights agreed by both parties respectively, and represent the indestructible bond between the husband and wife.

Using them as a medium, Hill can not only strengthen his energy, but also firmly control Lin An's life.

However, these "restraints" are date-based, because the law stipulates that a healthy adult man only needs to perform his marital obligations once a day, take care of common property once, work outside the home once, and have sex with his wife once.

Hill had to wait until the next day for the three restraints to appear on Lin An again.

In the original plan, Evancia was responsible for killing people and silencing them, so Hill had already regarded Lin An as a dead person and used up his rights unscrupulously, making it impossible to kill him remotely now.

Damn bastard! She's going to kill him!

And we have to be one step ahead of Evancia! She must not be allowed to get the "Repeater" fragment!

Thinking about the strange behavior of that woman before, Hill always felt that maybe she and Lin An were in the same group, or maybe the holder of the MGM Grand Inspector was not sincere in cooperating with the inspector group at all!

Unlike the branch president, Hill had been staying at the MGM Grand Hotel in order to take care of the effective scope of the "Presiding Judge". At this time, she pushed aside the chaotic flow of people and walked faster and faster.

The next moment, to her surprise, the "hand of support" encountered strong resistance.

Lin An crossed the wand, and the wind whined past him. He was pulling against Hill. Not only was he unable to do what she wanted, but his strength was even faintly superior.

The gem seems to create an ordinary air flow, but as a mythical mysterious item, the wand can already suppress Efron, so how can it be at a disadvantage against Hill's energy weakened by distance.

Feeling the strong resistance coming from the other end, Hill gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Is this... the Philosopher's Stone? Damn it! This guy is so hidden! But as long as our engagement is still in effect, I will always be able to interfere with your every move! One day, one year, all your life!"

You are right, the remaining "hand of support" is still a threat.

In order to compete with her energy, Lin An had to control the airflow wholeheartedly and pull in the opposite direction.

Evancia, who was watching from a distance, narrowed her eyes.

In just a few seconds, the two women reached an agreement as if they were connected with each other, and suddenly took action at the same time, racing against time to use their own mysterious skills to kill Lin An before the other party could do it.

Shura Field.

Lin An sighed.

If you switch to the healing gem of the wand, you have to abandon the floating gem, causing Lin An to be pushed to the drone position by Hill; if you switch to the floating gem to counter Hill's energy, you cannot suppress the ominous black that keeps winding up in your chest. Wire.

It was a dilemma, but Lin An quickly figured out the next step.

He gave up fighting against the bad omen and instead fought with Hill with all his strength.

No matter how much Evancia urged, the death caused by the bad omen was long and gradual, but Hill's supporting hand was so strong that even if Lin An tried his best, she still couldn't avoid being pulled back to the MGM Grand Hotel. direction.

Using all the functions of the wand at the same time may have to wait until I refine the real Philosopher's Stone. Lin An thought to himself.

Not only Hill and Evancia stared closely at his figure, but the two people crossing the sky were occasionally illuminated by the strong light from the casino, bright and dark, and looming, so that more and more tourists below noticed it. Chaos in the sky.

Fortunately, due to the 24-hour carnival atmosphere in Las Medos, it did not cause too much panic.

"Look, dear, there's someone flying in the sky!"

"How could it be a human being? It's just an inflatable plastic doll. It's probably for the promotion of some casino."

"Something's wrong, I feel like a real person. There happens to be that one - give me the telescope - I can't see clearly, they are flying too fast."

"That's why they proved to be fake. The human body can't withstand such a fast speed. It will break bones."

"Well, aliens do indeed exist! Look, there is a person with blue light all over his body...Hey, the blue light has disappeared again. Is it Ma Cao's illusion?"

Seeing the riot expand, Evancia finally lost her temper. Although she didn't want to give up the "Reply Reader" fragments, she also didn't want to become the headline of tomorrow's news.

After a few seconds of mental preparation, she made up her mind and flew back to the top platform of the MGM Grand Hotel as if giving up.

What a failed bet.

As soon as he landed, there was a strange sound of wind behind him.

Evancia turned around suddenly, and was shocked to find that Lin An did not take the opportunity to escape further, but followed closely behind her, her figure floating in the air, with an unpredictable smile on her face, and gestured to her A gesture.


Are you performing mystical magic?

She was stunned for a moment, and the number became 9 and kept decreasing.

"What does this mean?" Evancia frowned and muttered to herself, "Countdown? What on earth is he waiting for?"

While talking, Lin An's fingers were reduced to just a few.

3, 2, 1...

The air flow was circuitous, allowing Lin An to bypass a beam of light that broke through the sky, avoiding revealing his identity and appearance. In the distance, the Eiffel Tower rang the hourly bell, echoing in this city of ecstasy that never sleeps.


At the same time, a cold yet familiar voice sounded in his mind.

"This self-debugging is completed, and the [Mysterious Encyclopedia] has been reactivated."

"After your testimony, [Ayncks]'s illustrated book has been unlocked."

"I'm back, Lin An."


The office at Caesars Palace was in a mess, with corpses scattered everywhere and people swaying, seriously injured and unconscious.

In the conflict between the Dawn Association and the inspection team, both sides suffered varying degrees of casualties, but the inspection team was ultimately unable to prevent them from breaking into the office due to their numerical disadvantage.

After the smoke cleared, the knight and the remaining members of the Dawn Association broke into the base camp filled with surveillance videos.


Harsh and sharp electronic sounds spread throughout the space, and the buzzing air-cooling device rotated crazily.

The sound reached the ears of the branch president who was leaning against the wall, and he let out a long breath.

Fortunately, I caught up.

The sound means that the remaining researchers used their delay to completely delete all the data.

Although it cannot be said to be a victory for the inspection team, at least it was not a complete defeat. After all, the Dawn Association did not know how to send an emergency contact to X and could not interrupt the meeting midway.

By the time they hurriedly submitted tonight's report to the headquarters, tonight's meeting had already ended, and there was no possibility of changing the voting results.

The branch president closed his eyes weakly, this thought flashing through his mind.

I don’t know how well Deacon Kesheli handled it. With her ability and means, she can at least make up for it.

However, a voice sounded from the office, saying something so clear that the branch president couldn't believe it.

"Don't worry, if you make a copy, I still have one."

Turning his eyes full of bright red blood, the branch president widened his eyes and looked in vain at the invisible interior.

who is it?

who's that person?

Through a closed door, the knights of the Dawn Association watched the man who spoke. He twisted a micro USB flash drive with his fingers and turned it around like playing cards.

This person had just stayed behind to help delete information during the melee. Since he had no ability to fight back, after the front line fell, the rest of the researchers surrendered, including him who had infiltrated them.

The knight recognized his face, stopped his companion who was holding a gun, and gave him a slight nod.

"It seems you and Lin are on the same page, Barry Fenton."

"Of course." Barry said, "Now is not the time to explain. I know the sending code of the inspection team. If we don't transmit this video to interrupt the meeting, I'm afraid the dust will settle over there."

Thanks to Suhua 203, onimiko, Shuyou 20230409559_db, Shuyou 20200823065651411, and Cromya for their monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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