World Occult User Guide

Chapter 131 Back to two years ago

Lin An contacted Brother Luzi and Sister Shuzi before the inspection team lost their fear and tried to test them.

Facing three people at the same time, Lin An is currently a bit overwhelmed.

Although the two local gods will definitely not stand idly by, what will Simon do after they save Lin An?

Lin An didn't want this adventure to end with the captain unfortunately becoming a fifth-level disability.

This is not "Forrest Gump"!

A certain possibility flashed through his mind. Since Beaver was still listening, Lin An did not dare to think deeply. While dealing with the inspection team, he asked the system to display Chinese information so that the moose could be captured.

"Brother Luzi, I hope you can let me go back as far into the past as possible."


"There are some questions and ideas that have been bothering me for a long time... they must be confirmed, otherwise I will keep thinking randomly without getting answers, and one day I will go crazy!"

"Great Holy Spirit, I don't want to see you in pain, Lin An."

The mist filled the air around Lin An's feet, slowly surrounding his body, and the wind continued to blow gently.

"Forgive me for stating in advance that my mysticism has limitations. It can only go back to the day when 'I' awakened in the past, which is November 5, 2036."

"OK! Just choose this day!"

It has been too long, and Lin An is afraid that none of St. Annilov's old acquaintances have joined the job yet.

When the white mist cleared, just like the last time he came to Xunlang Tribe, Lin An found him standing in the bathroom of a cafe.

The moose should be chosen for fear of causing a commotion.

Sister Shuzi, are you there?

Many thoughts related to beavers passed through his mind. Lin An listened for a long time, but there was no response from the other party.

It seemed that it could not track the moose in its illusion.

Taking a long breath of relief, Lin An finally let go of his thoughts.

Regardless of whether this "experiment" is successful or not, at least he can escape from Beaver's ubiquitous and outrageous mind monitoring.

Lin An muttered a few more words to himself, and the sound of a moose floating like mist came.

"Notify me when meditation is over."

After understanding the situation of the two local gods, Lin An fell into thinking.

Moose said that the "God of Truth" cannot change history. What happens in the fragments of time cannot be projected into the real world. What Lin An did is like a dream and cannot affect the original timeline in the slightest.

In other words, the radiation and pollution he added inside, the items he obtained, and the dew he made will all disappear simultaneously when the moose's mysterious technique expires.

However, after leaving the illusion, the reality is completely different.

So, what is happening now with Deacon Guy Agnimo?

If Guy is still alive, does it mean that Lin An can use the "God of Truth" to go back to the past and record a large number of entries in the "illusion" of time fragments without affecting the living people in reality at all?

If he died...

Or maybe Guy's existence was erased from that moment...

Due to a series of butterfly effects, the family may find a replacement to become the deacon who awakens Nazhechen.

Based on the hesitant reactions of the three deacons, Lin An felt that the first guess was more reliable. Guy had died recently, and the family had not yet found a replacement for him.

During the last time he traveled through time, Lin An just wanted to get out of the car and take a look at the chassis, but was taken directly to the Xunlang tribe by a moose to complete four sacrifices. As a result, he brought nothing with him except a piece of clothing.

Now Lin An came prepared, not only carrying a mobile phone, but also a pistol issued by the foundation.

Putting it in his trouser pocket, Lin An's expression became a little subtle.

The phone is gone, but the pistol is still there.

By the way, the moose claims that when it goes back in time, it also goes back to the state of all things. Lin An is the only case. Machines do not have such special treatment.

His mobile phone was a new product released at the end of 2037, and it had not yet been assembled at this time.

Broken, I should have brought the Nokia.

Lin An turned his attention to the powerful pistol. As the saying goes, my neighbor is my granary and I am my gun...

But he quickly gave up the idea of ​​buying it for zero yuan.

If what he did could really be mapped to the real timeline, what if he accidentally killed an ordinary person in the process, and the moose was watching him in the dark, so it would be impossible for it to approve of this "Waxi Chu" behavior.

Walking on the streets of the town, Lin An admired the scenery on the roadside.

The transformation from the dark and chaotic riots of the Foundation to the peaceful and tranquil border town gave him an unreal sense of trance.

San Francisco is one of the cultural, entertainment and commercial centers of Eagle Country. At the end of the city's railway extension, this small town located on the coast is quite isolated from the world.

The architectural style in the town is still Californian-style and informal, more retro than the city center, with a strong colonial style.

The tour guide leading the tour group passed him and talked about the history of the town through a loudspeaker.

"As early as the 19th century, this neighborhood was filled with shops, taverns, hotels and hardware stores. In modern times, these places have been modernized, and more gift shops, museums and coffee shops have replaced the functions of the old era and become a place everywhere. ’s new favorite.”

Lu Zige woke up on a Sunday. In the central square of the town, the free market organized by the townspeople was in full swing.

Lin An dived in with great interest. About two hours later, he left the market. The pistol in his pocket was replaced by an old mobile phone and 223.5 dollars in cash.

The foundation's pistol was definitely worth more than this. The buyer was an elderly man. He stared at Lin An for a long time with his cataract eyes, and without hesitation offered a fixed price, for fear that Lin An would find someone else. people.

Lin An was eating fish and chips bought at the flea market, holding an old mobile phone with one battery left in one hand, and checking the distance between the town and the foundation headquarters.

The star track of "Comes" has not yet approached, and that place is not a hidden secret fortress. The icon displayed on Sister Gu's map even has a funny "spa center".

For St. Annelov, this must be a lingering dark history.

Lin An didn't care that the online ride-hailing service was late. Anyway, there was no time limit for backtracking, which was just enough time for him to return to the market and buy another "Blue Angel" ice cream.

Sitting in a long-lost car, Lin An was not used to it.

The space in the back seat is so narrow, it is completely different from the spacious seats of the RV.

Finally finding a comfortable position, he looked out the window and backed away. The town of San Francisco was gradually replaced by the blue sky and sea. Just when he was about to take a rest, suddenly a carp jumped up again, and his fingers were on the old mobile phone. Quick activity, enter a line of URL.

A black background page appears on a cracked screen, and precise and gorgeous white background patterns can be seen among the fragments.

Skulls with roses in their eyes, six-pointed stars and demonic sheep are presented in electronic form. Crows and white doves are two common UIs, and a line of ancient Norse language is engraved in the center of the interface.

"Yggdrasill, the World Tree".

Lin An still remembers the good memories of running the forum two years ago. At that time, there were not many users on the registration page, and it was considered a very niche gathering place for occult enthusiasts.

His life was boring at the time, so he spent a lot of time on it.

Seeing the deserted World Tree Forum homepage again, Lin An felt more at home. Unlike now, when he opened it every day, he was bombarded with all kinds of eye-catching headlines, as well as a bunch of very violent users attacking, reporting, and being harassed. title.

Lin An randomly selected a section and posted a post.

Ranger_12: Dear occult enthusiasts, have you ever thought about what it would be like one day in a world where all myths, legends and folklore come true?

Ranger_12: If one day, everyone on Titan has some kind of power that cannot be explained by science, and these powers correspond to ancient legends, what will the world look like?

Ranger_12: Have you ever imagined that occultism is actually real, or that it has indeed successfully demonstrated its effects at a certain point in history?

DaoFaZiRan: No, no, no, the more you understand the ancient stories, the more you will find that supernatural phenomena all over the world can be analyzed using scientific methods.

DaoFaZiRan: Moreover, there is no mysterious power that is difficult to understand on Titan.

Fogлес: It’s just a hypothesis, it doesn’t hurt.

Fogлес: As for me, when the day mentioned by the poster actually comes, I just hope to use mysterious power to build a new social system, at least to prevent some idiots from killing each other and destroying the entire planet.

: Maybe it's time to use those powers to do something good for other people.

: Such as healing, resurrection, um... Although it will also cause chaos in the world. For example, how do you decide who deserves to die and who deserves to live?

Heviaaaa: Yeah, yeah, the discussion is quite serious!

Heviaaaa: Poster, your question is quite interesting. It looks like you have traveled back in time two years later.

Ranger_12: Oh my God, how did you know my real name is John Tito?

Heviaaaa: Of course, because I am super high school level lucky, Maria-sama DA☆ZA

CreazionediAdamo: If mysticism comes true, I will climb the path of divine knowledge until I reach the golden cloud where there is no concept of life and death. The survival of the Titans is not my concern.

DaoFaZiRan: The one above is a bit too radical. We still have to care about human beings, after all we are all human beings!

Creazione di Adamo: The pre-Socratic Greek philosopher Parmenides taught that the only thing that is true never changes, while Heraclitus said that everything changes.

CreazionediAdamo: If you add up their two views, you get this: nothing on Titan is real.

CreazionediAdamo: So I want nothing more than to go to heaven.

Heviaaaa: Wow, your chuunibyou is worse than me. Please change your online name to dio!

: Only when the earth under your feet exists, can the heaven above your head be called heaven.

Fogлес: It’s just a hypothesis. There is no need to take it seriously, and there is no need to quarrel. The World Tree Forum is simply a place to discuss mysticism and supernatural phenomena.

DaoFaZiRan: Yes, harmony is the most important thing. For example, if there is a post next door about burning salamanders, I will give him a lesson on science and breaking down superstitions.

Fogлес: Where? Private message me the link.

Lin An scrolled through the replies from old users, couldn't help but smile knowingly, and reluctantly turned the screen of his phone to black.

Because the online car-hailing GPS showed that the headquarters of the Saint-Annelov Foundation was in sight.

A circular embankment in the distance surrounds a clear artificial lake. In the quiet blue center, a highly advanced building filled with a spiritual atmosphere rises from the ground.

Far from conflicting, the two completely different qualities cast a different kind of charm on the metal tree of life.


The ride-hailing service was stopped in front of the facility's gate, and a security guard knocked on Lin An's window until the latter was put down.

"Do you have an appointment, sir?"

Thanks to book friend 20221219213003270, History of Struggle 12, I Hate Names Most, Guanzhi Sanren, What other names haven’t been named, Yunyoushanyin, Youlongjun, Wizard Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions

Happy National Day to all my readers~

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