World Occult User Guide

Chapter 136 Tea Party in the Underworld

At the end of the corridor was the elevator, which rose about 15 feet. Lin An walked into a circular hall.

The cue light flashed, pointing him in the direction until he came to a wall covered with ivory grids.

Lin An felt that this was a bit like the corridor of the research department. He tentatively reached out and pressed a raised metal detector. He heard two beeps and the hidden door opened and closed, revealing the room inside.

The decoration here is much better than the lower level, and the style is like the foundation's staff dormitory.

The moment he entered, the gate "Gada" was closed. Lin An turned around and found that there was no operating switch inside. If he wanted to get out, he could only wait for someone else's remote control.

Lin An tried it, but there was no signal in the room.

It was getting late, he yawned and fell asleep.

Anyway, in the fragments of time, there can be no danger.

He stayed in this room all night, and the next morning, the door to the room finally opened.

Lin An walked out and found that the slightly dim and empty circular corridor had completely changed its appearance.

The view is bright and wide. The original ceiling has dropped, and the upper and lower floors are merged into one. The black and blue tables and chairs are connected to the floor. The electric light flashes, and a transparent cylinder in the center is particularly eye-catching.

It runs through the entire “wisdom” area.

Non-humanoid robots were walking around. One of them was carrying a metal plate, which was sizzling on the carpet. The plate contained only water.

Lin An was not the first person to arrive in the hall, there was a familiar face sitting on the chair first.

He was in a daze with a gloomy expression, but when he heard the footsteps, the man stood up suddenly and smiled like a Sichuan Opera expression.

"Hello, are you also a deacon who passed the 'White Dove Certification' and was selected by Team Leader Joshua? We will be colleagues from now on. My name is Guy Agnimo, I don't know how to call you?"

Yo, Brother Ji, long time no see.

Lin An made a few casual remarks, and soon a third person came. He was the short old man who was confronting Lin An.

Guy went to say hello as usual, and the old man chatted with him tacitly, not talking about the bloody nightmare, as harmoniously as two people walking in the park they met.

The fourth person who came out was the arrogant man who robbed the car, and then Hill and the little woman...

The "White Dove Certification" is over and they are the future deacons of the inspection team.

Although Joshua's fueling the situation is the biggest reason, their own personalities are also somewhat selfish and murderous, otherwise they would not be able to resonate with the "Presiding Judge" medium.

It would be fine if they lived a peaceful life. After receiving such a great stimulation, the hidden dark side of these people was completely aroused, and they became more and more fearful, jealous, and disgusted with the integrity and kindness on the other side.

However, the moral standards of these people are also high and low, which can be seen from the order in which they left the room and the scars on their bodies.

Guy hardly felt the guilt of his conscience. He had a strong body and no scars. He probably struck cleanly and was not beaten. He was full of expectations because he was about to become a "master" and was talking loudly to the old man.

No wonder he started to perform tasks for the family a dozen days later.

The last person to leave the room was the lost Efron. Seeing that he was leaning on a cane, limping and feeling listless, Guy pulled out a chair.

"Deacon Ruben, are you okay? Sit down first."

Efron raised his head, and a hideous scar cut across his upper lip, exposing the blood-red gums and muscle tissue.

"Oh, you need treatment..." The little woman was startled.

Efron shook his head and murmured: "It makes me always remember"

"Alas, their origins were worthless, and the team leader kindly gave them three months, but they did not show any value worthy of attention, so they died." Guy enlightened him.

"He was only 18 years old, still a teenager. What reason was there for his death?"

"If you are thrown into the deep sea and refuse to swim, you will drown." Guy raised his thick eyebrows. "Just keep swimming, what do you think?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Guy was hit on the back of the head.

"Lin, Deacon Lin, what are you doing?" He smiled subconsciously.

"I heard that this is the way of greeting in the Isbanian Kingdom." Efron explained seriously, and slapped Guy with his backhand, "Eula."


Guy is 100% sure that no country would greet people like this.

While the deacons were gathered together, Lin An pulled out the wand from his waist. The red gem glowed brightly and dealt a moderate blow to everyone in a clockwise direction, except for Hill Kesheli.

The owner of the MGM Grand Casino was suspected of being a "knowledge seeker", and he took away Hill's secrets. Although Lin An still had many questions, he decided not to attack Hill in the past, in case he wanted to get a "Mishnah" The broken page creates the possibility of enmity with this person.

At this point, the task of going back in time is half completed.

Just wait 72 hours.

Efron's mood seemed to improve after discovering that Lin An was still alive. The other deacons felt Lin An's nonchalant mood and relaxed a little.

"Why did you ignore me on purpose?" Hill lifted up his long blond hair, exposed the back of his white neck, and forced himself to continue the casual conversation, "Hello, can you see me?"

"No, you are so beautiful that I can't bear to do anything to you." Lin An bowed to his "ex-wife" and said, "Good morning, dear Ms. Hill Kesheli, may all the birds in the sky sing for you."

Hill's face was slightly red, Guy was fooling around by laughing, and the old man took the opportunity to stir up a new topic.

They must talk without stopping or else they collapse in silence.

Lin An was embarrassed and sat in the corner.

Talking and laughing with a group of people who are either dead or on the road to death in reality is really too much for the underworld, giving him the illusion of being in the underworld.

Besides, I killed half of them myself.

Especially Efron and Guy, Lin An can still recall their unrecognizable corpses!

Gee, that’s weird.

Unexpectedly, a group of deacons followed. Everyone was trying hard to maintain normalcy. In fact, their sanity was already like a taut string, on the verge of breaking at any time. Only when they were close to Lin An, who was truly relaxed, did they get a glimmer of it. comfort.

Lin An was surrounded by enemies whose voices and faces were still there in the past. He had so many mixed feelings that it was difficult to express them in words.

Fortunately, the strange feeling did not last long, as the cry of pigeons flashed across the ceiling screen.

"Gu Gu Gu Gu..."

The big screen projected a cathedral like a snow-white giant, with angular buttresses clustered around tall six-light windows, a closed arch composed of triple shafts, superimposed by a shorter, wider molded arch, carved There is an ancient and awkward inscription:

I am who I am.

Like the background of the dome mural, a bust of Joshua appears.

Everyone's whole body tensed up in an instant, with no extra emotions left, and they looked at the man who had given them a lifelong nightmare with fear and fear.

Joshua was satisfied with this, cleared his throat and spoke.

"Welcome, People of Mount Sinai. Your presence here means a lot, and I think you understand that. You are a select minority. You stand at the top of the human pyramid. Today, you will begin to The path of struggle for world peace.”

His eyes flashed with a feverish light.

"My name is 'Joshua', and the organization you are about to join is called the 'Saint Annilov Foundation', or to be more precise, the inspection team that manages it."

Joshua briefly introduced the scope of responsibilities of the foundation and the inspection team, as well as the world of "Comes" and the spiritual medium, which shocked the deacons from ear to ear.

Then Joshua told them that the sacrifices of those people were not meaningless, because they would bear death and contribute to the peace and contentment of the people of the entire Eagle Country.

These words ignited a glimmer of hope in the dim eyes of the deacons, as if they had found the meaning of future life from the emptiness.

Lin An raised his eyebrows slightly. Although Joshua's eloquence was impeccable, these words could easily brainwash the deacons and make them quickly forget their fear and hatred of him. There was no shortage of mysterious blessings in it.

It had no effect on him.

Could it be that the prototype of Joshua is...

At the end of his speech, Joshua asked the group to wait where they were while he would receive them alone.

The church arch projected on the ceiling suddenly lights up, revealing the upper passage. The stronger light mixes 2D and 3D together, making it difficult to distinguish between reality and virtuality, as if the real heaven has opened its door.

In the glass cylinder connected to the circular hall at the entrance, a spherical elevator rose and stopped parallel to several people. Joshua was the first to call Guy's name.

Guy quickly got on the elevator and ascended to the floor above. Joshua's image disappeared and was replaced by an ethereal and pure hymn, playing continuously from the speakers, surrounding the room in a holy way.

After a full two hours, Guy got off the elevator.

As soon as the iron door opened, Lin An saw the repeater's panel and data on his face.

He officially became the Mystic.

Lin An noticed the reflection of the catechumenal oil (olive oil) on Guy's forehead and raised his eyebrows.

The oil that has not yet dried draws a special symbolic pattern that means the anointed one is being separated from the sins of the world through the anointing.

Not only that, Guy's whole body was wet, as if he had undergone a cleansing ablution ceremony, which was somewhat similar to the baptism of the Redeemer sect.

Water symbolizes the belief that sin can be washed away and also represents one's awareness of one's "dirt" and is an important part of the ritual that initiates a new state of consciousness, power and existence.

The speaker happened to play a verse.

“The Holy Spirit will cleanse him from all sin, through the humility of his soul to all the commandments of God, when his flesh will be cleansed by being sprinkled with holy water and sanctified in the flowing water.”

“He will stand firm in his steps, fully observing all the ways of the Mishnah, obeying God’s commandments regarding the regular feasts, and not departing even a step from His word.”

“He will then please God with the delightful atonement, which will obtain for him a covenant of eternal community.”

After Guy, the other deacons were called to the upper floor one by one. Lin An was waiting for the wand gem to take effect, his stomach growling with hunger.

There is nothing to eat here except water.

Probably fasting is also part of the ritual.

From 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., Joshua spent a full 12 hours awakening the mystery among the six deacons. After the last little woman left the elevator, Joshua finally called out Lin An's name.

Due to the effect of the worm curtain, the deacons gradually became uncomfortable to varying degrees and returned to their respective rooms to rest early. Hill Kesheli always wanted to chat with Lin An, but was ruthlessly rejected by the latter.

He doesn't want to be intimate with a "dead man".


The elevator went up and the door opened. Lin An squinted slightly due to the bright light, and then saw Joshua's appearance clearly.

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