World Occult User Guide

Chapter 165 Domundo’s Dream

Is he... a ghost?

De Waal was immediately shocked. This was the adult who had mentioned this legendary figure in Ditry!

The former Beta-004 of the Foundation was a dangerous and wanted criminal who mastered the art of crushing souls. What's more terrible is that no one has ever known who he is!

It’s okay if the Foundation can’t find out through the investigation. Even Bavomet’s witch of the Free Mystics faction and that Lord know nothing about the ghost’s name, origin, and identity.

This means that this person does not belong to any ancient family or sect of mystics in existence!

Not only that, according to records, this person mastered the power of the "Comoth" law very quickly and skillfully, without anyone's guidance, and his rating is probably very high.

In fact, when that adult discovered that De Waal had the mysterious ability to affect the soul, he took the lead twice, creating two cases of intimidation to the foundation, and subjectively induced them to equate De Waal's subsequent actions with [Ghost].

In other words, Doris was the first person to impersonate the ghost, followed by De Waal.

This move is not only to shock the St. Annilov Foundation, but also to draw out the ghost's true identity.

The adult told De Waal that he must notify him immediately if he encounters someone he has impersonated.

Unexpectedly, the other party was very calm. Even if his reputation was taken away by the imitator, he still maintained a leisurely and contented attitude that it had nothing to do with him. He neither exposed his identity nor took action to stop him.

Even since then, the real ghost has completely disappeared from Detli City and even the state of Michigan.

De Waal never dreamed that the legendary [Ghost] would be such a young man!

De Waal desperately wanted to inform the adult of the news, but he was tightly imprisoned in the commandments of light and could not even move a finger.

Then he understood.

How could the ghost be an employee of the Foundation!

No wonder he doesn't care how many people I plan to kill!

For this casual and mysterious person, even if the entire city of Ditry turns into a sea of ​​blood, if there is nothing that interests him, he will not bother to take a glance!

De Waal thought that Lin An had some scruples and did not dare to take action. Now he recalled that the ghost could control him as a legend with one move. He did not change his expression when faced with the siege of seven spiritual portraits. His calmness only came from a kind of Cat plays mouse with ease.

Not only does he understand the mystical arts related to the soul, but he can also formulate commandments and control metals... How many types of mystical arts does the ghost master?

It turns out that I have always been replacing such an unfathomable existence?

At the same time, Lin An felt even worse.

He originally thought that Unit 2 was so powerful, but when he saw it with his own eyes, not only was his character and thinking very extraordinary, but his mysterious rating was only legendary E-level, and he happened to master the relatively hidden witchcraft of Nanzhou.

Are you worthy of being an Alpha alongside Brother Lei Zi?

Doris Wood, do you have a problem with me?

However, after glancing at Der Waal's horrified expression, Lin An concluded that Doris didn't know that the [ghost] was him, and maybe she wanted to use a poor imitation to fish out the real person.

Unfortunately, her plan failed because while Deval was running amok in Dietrich City, Lin An was on a business trip and had no chance to crack down on counterfeit products.

After confirming this information, Lin An was ready to officially say goodbye to Unit 2.

All that is needed now is a grand burial to bury the [Ghost] vest forever at Ann Arbor University.

"De Waal, you are doing it for me..."

Lin An had just sent a message to Barry when a trembling voice came from one side. Sangsang, who had just been slapped away by De Waal, stood up tremblingly.

"Sancher! Save me!"

De Waal shouted, but the other party was unaware. Only then did he realize that as long as he was imprisoned by the five-pointed star, only Lin An could hear his voice.

He could only look at Sangsang silently, and she looked back with tears in her eyes.

"I thought you were going astray, but I didn't expect you to kill someone..." Sangsang's tone was full of disappointment and complexity, "I knew before that you were addicted to entertainment and alcohol for some reason, and I can accompany you to come out together. , but you can’t…”

"This is not for you, Sancher!" De Waal couldn't help but angrily argued, "If I didn't love you, how could I become such a human being! Damn it, you have to take responsibility! "

"There are things in the world that cannot be turned back, De Waal..."

Sangsang put one hand on the railing at the edge of the rooftop and measured his movements with his elbow. When De Waal saw this, he suddenly panicked and broke out in cold sweat.

"What do you want to do? No, don't! Those words I said were all a joke!"

However, his voice was blocked by the precepts of the "Presiding Judge" and could not be conveyed. He had to watch with his own eyes as Sangsang made a secret farewell gesture between the two of them and jumped from the rooftop.

"Let's reunite by Orisha's side!"


De Waal opened his eyes as wide as possible, so that two streaks of blood flowed from the corners of his eyes, mixed with tears.

Lin An didn't stop him, he just jumped off the building.

This height cannot cause death, at best hemiplegia, and mere fatal injuries are not worth mentioning in front of the powerful healing power of [Philosopher's Stone].

But obviously this was a fatal blow to de Waal, like a world falling apart.

With his back bent, he knelt down in the candlelight area full of candles. He huddled in a ball and remained silent for a long time. He didn't know what kind of psychological journey he had gone through, and suddenly murmured to himself in a seductive way.

"I didn't want to kill so many people at first... But she told me that if I didn't inject that, she wouldn't help me master these mysterious powers. Not only would I die, but Sangsang would also..."

Lin An raised his eyebrows: "Oh? You didn't take the initiative to fly the leaves?"

He had long discovered that Unit 2 had been in a psychedelic state, so he didn't care about his sudden fits of madness and nonsense.

At this moment, Sancher's "death" and the premonition that his end is coming, De Waal's sanity seems to have returned a little.

Anyway, the ghost will definitely not let him go. De Waal knows that he no longer needs to obey Doris's instructions. The past grievances are flooding into his heart. De Waal actually wants to take advantage of his last moments to do everything without stopping and backhand. Doris' information is sold to the ghost.

So he burst into tears and complained with tears.

"No, no! Growing up in Lower East Island, I knew that some things should not be touched. I was controlled by that woman with drugs! So much so that in order to get more white powder, I was forced to offer sacrifices to her... I never meant it Yes!"

"Sacrifice?" Lin An asked.

"Blood..." De Waal swallowed, "My witchcraft can steal the blood of the dead and enhance the aura of the saint's medium, but I don't use it up every time. I only use a little each time, and leave everything else behind. She took it! And she only wanted women’s blood!”

"What's that woman's name?"

Seeing that his words had piqued the ghost's interest, Deval took a deep breath.

"Domundo Dream!"


Lin An, who expected to hear Doris' name, was stunned.

"She drives a ferry to and from the border between Maple Leaf Country and Eagle Country, and always trades with me near the International Bridge... Lord Ghost, please avenge me!" De Waal roared at the top of his lungs.

Listening to his description, Lin An suddenly had a flash of memory fragments.

He had seen this ID on the World Tree Forum before. This person and a group of netizens were discussing the "water monster" on the International Bridge. When Simon wanted to ask her about her specific location, Domondo Dream incited her emotions and used Lin An to automatically ban her. The reporting mechanism banned the captain’s account.

Later, Lin An manually banned her, but she might have registered a new account.

Lin An remembered the new detection system Sasaki installed a while ago, which marked all new IDs registered in Ditry City in red in the background. If "Domundo Dream" had recently registered a new account, he should still be able to search for it.

Domundo, the capital of the Maple Leaf Kingdom, the headquarters of the Wood Group under [Xi Yong], and the hometown of Doris.

Could it be that this Domundo Dream is Doris' vest?

Will this ferry be her "experimental base"?

By the way, the witch's paradise is also near that bridge, and the two are not far apart...

Considering the cooperation between Cardenas and the Free Mystics during the last riot - the Witch and Doris should have made the deal near the ferry!


De Waal's excited words were interrupted by uncontrollable pain. He groaned, scratched his hair, swallowed with a whimper, and squeezed out a few syllables through his teeth.

"No, I can't be the only one suffering..."

After receiving the unexpected information, Lin An stopped talking nonsense. The [Candlelight Festival Prayer] merged up and down, and all the candles burned brightly, like a bloody mouth with fangs up and down, and the holy light melted Derval's flesh.


It was as painful as falling into a furnace, and De Waal's screams were isolated in the square and gradually became fainter.

"The entry "Ashes of the Saints II: Yemaya" has been included. You have obtained the media 'Mother of Desire' x5 and 'God of Farming' x2."

The moment De Waal died, all the spiritual portraits trembled, screamed uncontrollably, and rushed downwards with claws and fangs.


The drums beat violently, converging into a "dong-dong" sound like ocean waves, which is breathtaking.

On his deathbed, de Waal gave the order for the massacre, true to his word.

"Da da da……"

A black spot of a helicopter approaches in the distance, and Barry has notified Simon and Regan to arrive in time.

As de Waal said, the foundation is helpless with the spiritual portraits and can only protect the students from retreating and wait for the aura of these portraits to be exhausted automatically.

But according to the speed of action of the spiritual portrait, they had no time to evacuate everyone.

"Trace the origin of this entry with "Encyclopedia of Magic IV"." Lin An said to the system.

"Tracing to the source has been completed. By including the entry "Ashes of the Saints II", the rating of the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic IV: Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies" has been improved. The illustration for this entry has been updated."

"Search for ways to counter Yemaya witchcraft."

"According to the entry "Encyclopedia of Magic IV: Black Witch, White Witch, Scarlet Witch and Their Allies", a solution that meets the conditions was found - [White Witchcraft - Medicinal Bath Synchronized with Meditation]."

"Do you want to consume the medium 'Seeker' x1 and 'Mother of Desire' x2 for use?"


As Lin An flashed his thoughts, he walked back a few steps and leaned against the door of the rooftop.

Chamomile, marigolds, lavender, sage, henbane and hemlock appeared as phantoms of herbs and flew up into the gloomy sky.

Thank you gyyyyyyyy for your reward, thank you book friends 20220502204651493, MRSaltedFish, Medieval Fantasy Broken Brother, Charlin, and Extreme Decay for your monthly pass, thank you all for your recommendation votes and subscriptions ~

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