World Occult User Guide

Chapter 182 The giant ship sank

Lin An looked at Bennett in the "Philosopher's Stone" and did not expect that she would still be conscious after being made into a spiritual portrait.

Can all mystics remain themselves?

However, her screams were irritating, and Lin An didn't like the idea of ​​someone pressing Lai Lai at close range.

"Be quiet."

"Let me out!" Bennett yelled, "How can you torture me like this!"

Lin An sank his consciousness into the statue of the small world. The figure with both male and female characteristics moved, flew up and kicked Bennett on the waist.

Immediately afterwards, the statue raised its wand and descended from the sky, cracking his head open like a walnut nut.


The soul screamed in agony and recovered not far away.

In less than a second, the wand pierced Bennett's ribs, lifted her up, and inserted her into the ground again, over and over again, until her soul dissipated and regrouped.

"You are simply inhumane!" Bennett's wave weakened, "Give me a break, please!"

Ignoring his pleas, Lin An and the rest of the Foundation gathered together, and the cold river water reached their crotches.

"There's no time, let's leave quickly!" Barry shouted.

In the flooded cabin, they half swam and half walked, and it took them a full three minutes to swim to the captain's cabin in front.

The water was up to her chest, and the shortest female member of the punishment team had difficulty breathing and walking awkwardly.

Suddenly, a "hissing" sound came from the communication equipment.

"Can you hear me? This is the foundation's second control team leader, Regan Modiric! We have learned your location and are ready to launch rescue!"

Has the signal been restored?

Canaan magic also has the ability to block communications?

Really keeping pace with the times... Lin An thought to himself.

Everyone looked surprised, followed Simon's familiar command, filed in through the narrow door on the right side of the captain's cabin, and went up the stairs to the open cockpit.

Waiting for them was the flashlight of the rescuers shaking. Lin An heard Caroline grabbing the drowning female team member and shouting to the staff behind her.

"There's someone here who needs rescuing!"

Lin An wanted to be the last one to go up, but saw Simon staying there without saying a word.

The boy is shorter than the female team member, but uses wings instead of legs and feet. He shuttles nimbly through the water like a fish, with a faint light looming in the darkness, like a reflection on the other side.

"Captain, what's wrong with you?" Lin An greeted him.

"You go first, Lin. Don't worry about me." Simon swam towards the captain's desk, his wings supporting the impact of the waves and holding up a space.

"Are you looking for Carlo Bennett's transaction records and tax books?" Lin An saw his intention at a glance, "Then I'll come too."

"No, Lin, you are still a don't have to bear this."

"We're all here. There's strength in numbers."

The captain put too many death flags on himself along the way. He was like an old general on the stage. He was afraid if he didn't follow Lin An.

He urged the air flow technique to come to Simon, who had no choice but to tell him to be careful.

The cabin rumbled and shook, and debris was thrown around, reminding them that time was running out.

"Zhang San, where is the evidence of your crime?" Lin An simply asked the culprit.

"I thought I couldn't talk."

Lin An raised her portrait twice without saying a word, and Bennett replied tremblingly.

"I confess, I confess...You are such a young devil. If Raul Olymp knows your true identity, he will definitely kill you without hesitation!"


"That's your captain."

Passing by Simon who was rummaging for information, Lin An glanced at the computer with a bright screen. It turned out that the "Domundo's Dream" in the World Tree Forum was not Bennett, but the girl who controlled the mosquito.

Out of a strong mentality of worshiping evil, she abandoned her family and came to Bennett, and established "dreams and illusions" in her heart with drug dealers. In the end, she was ruthlessly abandoned by Bennett, leaving only a headless body in the cold cold. Standing water floated here and there.

Sure enough, pornography, gambling and drugs are not allowed.

Arriving near the locker, Lin An took out Bennett's keys and used one of them to open the door. What he saw was a fingerprint-coded lock that looked like a matryoshka doll.

Bennett was about to burst out into a joking laugh when he saw Lin An turning the Philosopher's Stone expressionlessly, the locker melted into a puddle of soft mercury, and the confidentiality mechanism looked like an out-and-out joke.

Damn it, damn Commerce...

Bennett gritted his teeth. If it hadn't been for the sudden radiation from the planet, how could she have fallen into the hands of a kid and let him manipulate her as he pleased!

A thin laptop fell out, and Lin An grabbed it. This was probably Bennett's usual office tool.

Some papers were scattered along with the computer, most of which were washed away by the cold water. Lin An only had time to save a few folders.

But so much conclusive evidence was enough for the government to start a bloody storm in Detli City.

With the mentality of leaving professional matters to professionals, Lin An organized notebooks and folders, and a photo came into view, which showed Bennett in his youth and a strange man.

He is probably in his early thirties, with beautiful and smooth black curly hair, melancholy eyes, and thin and angular cheeks.

Very familiar temperament.

"Oh, this is Simon's old photo." Bennett chuckled and said, "You are always happy to hear gossip, right? By the way, what should I call you?"

"Luo Xiang."


Bennett talked about his old enemy's life in detail, with a touch of contempt in his tone.

"Your captain, Simon Lloyd, was born in a remote town in Michigan in 1989. He has two sisters and one brother. After graduating from high school, he dropped out of school due to family poverty and joined the Marine Corps, serving for six years."

"Due to his excellent performance, the military arranged for him to take up a position at the police station in his hometown town. Simon returned home with this good news and was preparing to marry his childhood sweetheart who had been in love for 10 years; he was supposed to have nothing to do with me. .”

"But he discovered that his fiancée, who had been away for many years, 'went astray' - she later committed suicide anyway. A stupid woman, she can't survive anywhere."

"Lin, where did you find these?"

At this moment, Lin An had used the air flow technique to come to Simon's side. The latter's eyes lit up when he saw the notebook and folder.

"Are they enough to convict?" Lin An asked.

"Yeah, well done. We can leave."

The water completely submerged the heads of the two of them. Simon came over and took Lin An's hand, and they swam together to the upper level of the black ship.

Bennett was still muttering to himself, describing the biggest failure of his life.

"So Simon went crazy. He abandoned his originally stable life and joined the DEA. Later, in order to gain my trust, he worked under me for 14 years and finally betrayed me at a critical moment!"

Hector on the deck breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two of them.

"Is there anyone else down there?"

Simon shook his head, and Hector gestured to the rescue team, indicating that they had rescued all survivors.

Sailors and crew were arrested and lined up on their knees on the shore, while unseen officials directed police cars and controlled the chaos.

Simon spread his wings, grabbed Lin An and flew to the shore.

The land under his feet finally stopped swaying from side to side with the waves. He turned around and saw this magnificent ship sinking slowly against the setting sun.

The hull disappeared first, then the tall masts and funnels, and finally the fluttering, grinning black dog flag.

Bubbles bubbled up, various items floated on the water, and countless kilograms of white powder were destroyed.

The breeze blew through the hair of Simon and Lin An, cold and salty, and the cry of seagulls broke through the noise and sounded not far away.

"Lin, you are really good." Simon said in a gentle and approving tone, "The cabinet members headed by the Dawn Association issued the policy. Now, everyone involved is doomed."

In Lin An's mind, Bennett's tone of voice rose, and his blatant anger was mixed with faint provocation.

"So what if you put me in jail? I have contributed at least 1 billion dollars in taxes over the years, and the officials of Detli City cannot do without this black ship!"

"Those who praise guilt can hardly express sympathy for innocence." Simon continued, "Lin, don't let the darkness of human nature go, and don't let evil enter your heart."

"Monsieur, no matter how close Simon is to you now, as soon as he finds out that you are cheating on him - Pong! You will suddenly become your eternal enemies!"

Bennett laughed, his French accent beguiling.

"Lin, utilitarianism allows most people to survive better, while ethical beliefs make us more civilized."

Simon turned around, and the setting sun shone on his handsome profile. He was like a marble statue in a church that cannot be profaned.

“Honesty, kindness, kindness, tolerance, these qualities define us as human beings and sometimes propel us to greatness.”

"The first power in the universe is the power of oneself. Why let ants stop you from moving towards freedom." Bennett disagreed and whispered.

"Yakama wash!"

Lin An manipulated the statue of the Philosopher's Stone and punched Bennett in the face. Her soul shrank and she stopped making noises.

A tool in the toolbar that plays a double act with the captain.

"Captain, Lin, you scared me to death!" Mi Xi on the shore came closer, "You suddenly disappeared while walking! I thought you were washed away by the waves."

"Don't worry, we won't sink with this ship."

"Only certain executives are about to be buried." Barry snapped his fingers. "During this period, the president contacted Washington. I am afraid that the city of Detli will change."

"It should have been changed a long time ago." Simon said coldly.

Just as Lin An was about to say something, Joshua's deep voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Teacher, I'm back. There was an accident just now, but I have taken care of him."

Thanks to Chen Yixi, the already crazy Du Moyi for the reward, thanks to the boring idler 01, the peerless Meng Xiaoxiao, Kizurin, Half Moon Knight, Evening Starry Sky, Drunken End of the World, Lord of the Ark, Book Friends 20190524145228293, Monthly votes for Scholar K, Charlin, and the already crazy Du Moyi. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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