World Occult User Guide

Chapter 184 Doris’ Notes (Part 1)

Just as Joshua was about to say something, the sound of falling water suddenly sounded from the Bluetooth headset, followed by three minutes of noise.

There was a strange noise, and he thought it was a new staff member. His eyes trembled, and he quickly chased after him, only to see Lin An swaying and trembling, holding on to the cargo box to stabilize his body.

"Teacher, you are here!"

Joshua looked at this scene in surprise. He was very sure that there was no one here!


As expected of a teacher, he directly ignored the physical space. What a powerful substitute messenger!

Lin An turned the [Philosopher's Stone], and the green healing power covered the whole body, relieving the discomfort.

Zomo Rabbit is just a Kaidan-level mysterious item with limited abilities, and its mysterious technique is more like a rapid space "jump" than space teleportation.

After injecting the "Dreamer" medium into the rabbit, the scene in front of him changed rapidly. Lin An quickly transformed into a ghost deer, so he had enough reflexes to follow the navigation guidance and walk towards Joshua's coordinates.

It was as if someone put him on a supersonic conveyor belt and then pushed him into the VR world. He traveled more than 30 kilometers in three minutes and almost vomited Lin An.

As long as we reached our destination, he nodded slightly to Joshua.

"Quick fix. Steve, where is that container?"

Just now, Lin An plunged into the river, causing his companions to scream. At this moment, they probably started a search and rescue operation.

There might be a better excuse to get out, but it was only twenty minutes before Doris left at five o'clock, and Lin An ran out of time.

Joshua took Lin An around several cargo shelves and saw clearly the appearance of the container. It was as gray and dirty as in the surveillance video. The light of Hebrew text leaked through the gaps, as if a group of blue people were imprisoned. color fireflies.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Lin An discovered that its fluctuations were different from the barrier of "separation of spirit and flesh". Not only that, it seemed to be subtly different from the Canaan magic he had seen before.

Doris’ fifth ability…

Although the outer shell of the container could be dissolved with the Philosopher's Stone, Lin An was not yet sure of the internal structure, so he took out Bennett's key and tried it piece by piece.

Joshua saw this with guilt on his face.

The previous battle was too real, which made him doubt Lin An's purpose. He always felt that this place was not like a simple "newcomer induction test".

Now he was sure again that the teacher really wanted to test him and set up a wonderful game.

Lin An still has the key to the final trial!

"Oh la la, what rare treasure are you looking for?" Bennett's voice rang in his mind, "Don't try too hard, Monsieur, there is nothing in it. If you really want to dig for gold, you might as well grab two handfuls of gold and gems. It’s enough to be worry-free for the rest of your life.”

"If you talk about these useless clues, I will kill you four hundred times a day."

"Oh my god, what a misunderstanding!" Bennett immediately panicked, "This box has been here since three years ago. I've gone in more than once, and it's really empty!"

"How does Doris feel about it?"

"Miss likes to stay alone inside, and no one is allowed to disturb her during this period; but when she is away, I often ask the cleaners to clean the interior rationally, and she never prevents us from coming in and out." Bennett said, "This box should be Miss's heart. refuge."


Lin An has tried the correct key, but out of caution, he released Bennett's spiritual portrait and asked her to go and find out.

For the first time, Bennett truly felt that he was being controlled by Lin An. After struggling violently for a few times, he reluctantly floated into the container.

Lin An and the spiritual portrait were unable to share a field of view and could only give rough orders. He asked Bennett to walk around inside a few times, and after confirming that there were no traps that would harm the soul, he called Joshua to take the lead.


The harsh sound of the door opening echoed, and Doris' "treasure trove" came into view.

The enclosed space is almost spotless, with no artificial lights. The illuminated Hebrew characters on the four walls rotate in a clockwise direction from left to right, bringing a soothing blue light that can only be seen by the mysterious.

The five-pointed stars are spread to the end like a carpet, each about the size of an adult's head, spinning in circles.

Furthermore, as Bennett noted, the interior of the container was empty.

Lin An stroked Zomo on the shoulder. The timid rabbit lay obediently, further proving that there was no danger here.

"Is this the final test?" Joshua's doubtful voice echoed through the horrifyingly large space, leaving a series of echoes, "I'm not sure I know how to do it."

The entire interior of the container was shrouded in Doris' magic, and Lin An didn't know what effect it had.

Not getting an answer, Joshua tentatively stepped on the pattern of a five-pointed star, and the note "Duo" sounded.

The sound coming from the energy of "Comes" is like ripples.

Joshua took a step forward, and this time the sound was "dou" again; he took a step to the left, and the note that sounded changed to "he".

Doremi trembles?

"It's actually a musical instrument!" Bennett listened carefully. "My 'radiation level' was too low to hear it at all, let alone those cleaners. It turns out that the lady is playing the piano here leisurely and elegantly."

The pentagram is...a musical scale?

Lin An was deep in thought. Joshua on the other side stared at the five-pointed star on the ground for a while, and then suddenly spoke.

"Teacher, does the five-pointed star represent the devil? I watched a Hollywood movie in the amusement park screening room. Every time a corpse appeared, there was a five-pointed star painted on the wall."

Lin An glanced at him and thought that your memory is really very little. All the sacred symbols in your family have been brainwashed into demonic symbols.

"No, long before the formation of the Messianic sect, the pentagram was synonymous with holiness, guidance and soul."

Lin An stepped on a note and made sure there was no danger. He started walking forward, and a string of repeated notes sounded along the way.

"Teacher, you speak so well." Joshua smiled, "Your words always make me kind."

"Ever since Canaanite religion, the pentagram has been a microcosm of the world, because there is only one point above the pentagram, known as the 'ascending point', which is a symbol of the handover between gods and humans. The balance and symmetry of the other four corners are also It means balance between yin and yang and harmony in the universe.”

"Symbols have changed throughout history. The early Redeemer Church changed the meaning of the pentagram. As part of the Vatican's campaign to purge the Old Testament and convert the masses to Protestantism, the pentagram was restructured, distorted and misunderstood."

"I don't feel the aura of harm from these five-pointed stars. Is its owner a Canaanite believer?" Joshua said, "But its usage is... different from what I imagined."

You guessed it right, Doris's cousin, you are related to the Lamechites and the Enochians.

Lin An continued to talk while clearing his thoughts.

"Regardless of the struggles between old and new schools, the pentagram remains one of the most powerful ritual symbols in magic. Legend has it that it was the image that 'guided' the Magi to the stable of the Infant Messiah, and is also closely associated with the underworld and apparitions."

"For example, a ritual record that hides things from reality, draws a five-pointed star on a lambskin with cinnabar; puts incense, myrrh, aloe, sulfur and rosemary in order in the north, south, east, west and Ignite the center position and exhale the names of the five Calaba angels to enter the soul space."

"So I think the secret of this space has actually been revealed to us for a long time, and there is only one code left from the truth.

Lin An walked to the end of the container and counted 30 notes in total.

30 is a magical number. It is not only the number of silver coins received by Judas before his betrayal, but also closely related to a secret "Requiem".

"What kind of password?"

"Since a certain family is particularly fond of Leonardo da Vinci... I will make a bold guess that the password to enter the hidden space is the 30 notes of "The Last Supper". Do you know that painting, Steve?"

"Please tell me, teacher."

"It was a masterpiece that Leonardo da Vinci completed in Milan, Italy, when he was about forty-five or sixty-six years old. It depicts the Messiah's last supper before his death. He himself sits in the middle, spreading his hands. Announce to everyone that someone is about to betray you.”

"The twelve disciples formed a wave-like layer around him, with different expressions, some excited, some sad, some nervous, some in disbelief. The expressions are vivid and lifelike, and their artistic attainments alone are enough to make them famous throughout the ages."

"But this painting is most famous for its occult message. For example, it is clearly called The Last Supper. Behind the Savior is a peaceful day, and the bright sky seems to be a halo from heaven."

"It's really strange to say that..." Joshua said.

"That sky may be similar to the magic of the five-pointed star, and it refers to 'another hidden spiritual space'."

"What does this painting have to do with the staff?"

"In "The Last Supper", if all the disciples' hands were connected, it would be a requiem that could be played. Its melody is peaceful and holy, starting in the key of E and ending in the key of E, forming a perfect cycle."

"Just a painting..."

"As soon as this study was published, it was immediately criticized by the secular world. The reason is that in Leonardo's time, there were only four-line notation, and five-line notation gradually became popular two hundred years later."

"It seems that this score is just the imagination of future generations." Joshua pondered, "Similar to the five-pointed star in a Hollywood movie?"

"And Guan Gong fights Qin Qiong."


"It's not important. It can't be said to be completely imaginary. In 2007, a wealthy man released Leonardo da Vinci's "Hamer Manuscript", which clearly recorded the painter's attempts at staff notation, and was far ahead in the industry."

"Maybe he is trying to attract attention, just like the so-called 'Pentagram Killer'." Joshua said by analogy.

"This rich man is quite famous around the world." Lin An said, "He once used this manuscript to create screensavers and desktop programs on a system called Windows95; his name is Bill Gates. "

"I do not recognize."

Joshua shook his head, perfectly explaining the level of education that comes with a blank slate after amnesia.

"In any case, this idea is worth trying." Lin An directed Joshua, "Let's step on it together. The order is E1, E1, G1, C2..."

The soft and soothing melody trickles down, indescribably soothing to the heart, making people feel so weak, and yet the kingdom of heaven is so sacred and immeasurable.

The hymn played and the container was slowly revealed.

In Lin An's eyes, a mirage-like scene crossed the specific boundary. A strange altar appeared out of thin air in the dark container, within reach from point to surface. (End of chapter)

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