World Occult User Guide

Chapter 203 Kurupila

Lin An looked at the person who caught him.

This is a boy with fiery red hair and dark skin. He has golden tattoos on his shoulders, arms and ankles, and a leaf necklace hanging around his neck. He is short but muscular.

The boy only wore a dark skirt covering his whole body, covering his key parts.

It wasn't until Lin An took a closer look that he realized that he didn't cover his key parts with a grass skirt - instead, his key parts were wrapped around his entire crotch and waist!

I go……

This must be more than three meters long...

Lin An looked down. The boy had a pair of feet that pointed in opposite directions, with the toes pointing backward and the instep forward, which made people feel numb.

He recognized this strange mysterious archetype, Curupira, or Curupira, which in Guarani translates to "child's body", was a god of Brasilia folklore and Guarani mythology.

Kurupila has two gods. One is to protect forests and animals from hunters, mainly against human beings' excessive demands from nature.

The second is the god of mischief, fertility and sexual desire. When unmarried women in the central Lower East Continent become pregnant inexplicably, they will accuse Kurupila of forcibly plundering them while they are sleeping, and their elders will also name them monsters. Death to these born children.

Around the 16th century, the Kingdom of Portugal invaded Lower East Asia and colonized Brasilia.

When the Putogosas wrote the native myths, they distorted Kurupila into the incarnation of the devil. Since the Guaraní civilization was passed down orally, they were unable to refute their malicious modifications.

In fact, Kurupila is the will of the rainforest, the embodiment of the soul of trees and plants, a serious god.

Lin An, who was in the form of a villain in a bottle, had no system and could not see Kurupira's data, but he estimated that the opponent's rating was mythical, with a radiation value of about 20% and a pollution value of between 40% and 50%.

Mystics of this level are very rare, and Lin An was surprised to encounter one just after falling.

Although he didn't know the deviation value of the witch's teleportation, he thought for a moment and felt that the appearance of Kurupira was not accidental. It was probably the "home" of the Guarani god system not far away, and Brother Luzi happened to be there. work.

"What are you?" Kurupila asked again. Fortunately, he spoke in Portuguese that Lin An could understand. "You are not like any animal I have ever seen. Are you a human?"

Lin An said tentatively: "I come from a distant place and am a goblin - do you know my tribe?"

At the same time, he stared closely into Kurupila's eyes. Whenever the latter showed a hint of hostility, Lin An immediately asked the witch to teleport him back, and the experiment failed.

"I understand! There is something similar to you in Ireland, called a 'fairy'." Kurupila said to herself and smiled, "You must be a fairy!"

You are such a fairy!

Lin An couldn't help but glance at his three-meter-long "thing", suppressed his thoughts, and nodded.

Guarani is very similar to Celtic mythology. It is also a civilization that advocates nature and sacrifice, so it can understand the concept of "goblin".

Kurupila's eyes lit up at first, then became alert, and his head tilted to one side.

"How do I know what you say is true?"

"Then what do you think I am? Have you ever seen a human like me before?" Lin An asked, swaying the baby-like short arms of the little man in the bottle, "Whether you believe it or not, put me down first. "

Kurupila thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I believe you. Such a small thing can never lie." He took a step back and leaned against a rubber tree, "But I won't let you go. , because I picked you up, and you belong to me now."

Damn it, let’s just play the little prince, right?

Lin An said expressionlessly: "The person I'm looking for is not you, but a stag with a white body and feathers on its horns. You should know him."

"Gaoma? A new guest from our tribe?" Kurupila said in surprise, "But if you want to find him, with your short legs, you won't be able to reach your destination in a hundred years. Now you agree to play with me, I’ll take you there.”

He looked Lin An up and down, simple and straightforward curiosity igniting in his eyes. This interest came from the young man's strong energy with nowhere to vent, rather than a well-intentioned enthusiasm.

Lin An didn't care what Kurupila really thought. The witch only gave him two hours, after which the little man in the bottle would return to Ditri City.

You’re here, you might as well give it a try.

"It's safer to travel with two people than alone." He agreed to Kurupila casually.


The boy with fiery red hair put Lin An on his shoulders and asked him to grab his leaf necklace. He used his thick thighs to jump more than ten meters away.

The moist breeze blew by, and the branches of the rainforest rustled and swayed like ballroom dancers.

As Kurupila ran like the wind, a vibrant world full of animals passed through Lin An's eyes. Between the magnificent tall trees in the forest, the Amazon River flowed rapidly and meandered through the forest.

Smiley monkeys jump from tree to tree in search of food, making leaves rustle.

The songs of various colorful parrots, the buzz of insects and the roar of wild beasts come from all directions. The three-toed sloth slowly climbs the snake-like twisting tree; to its left is a huge python, and above it is a long-sounding eagle. .

"You run so fast."

Lin An estimated that with Kurupila's speed, he would definitely be able to see Brother Lu Zi before the witch lost the coordinates of the villain in the bottle.

"Haha, this is just a small thing for me." The boy said with a smile.

The sound of water flow became louder and louder, and Lin An saw many colorful poisonous frogs living among the ferns. From time to time, they made loud calls that echoed along the thick fog.

The clouds descended, and the entire rainforest was shrouded in mist and darkened.

This was worse than rain. There were small water droplets suspended in the air. If it weren't for Kurupila's extremely fast speed and Lin An's energy state of a villain in a bottle, the water mist would have soaked into his clothes and skin, making it difficult to move.


Suddenly, a strange cry that was different from a toucan appeared in the thick fog. Kurupila suddenly slowed down and put a hand to his ear to listen.

"What's wrong?" Lin An asked.

"Shh, don't make a sound! That's my 'brother' Taiwei. It has too little Antupuri power and too much Tau power in its body, so it went crazy."

"The power of Tau?"

"The other names are called 'radiation value' and 'pollution level.'" Kurupila explained, "It's too ugly and obscure. Our name is more appropriate, don't you think?"

For most people, your title is even more confusing. Lin An thought.

He does know the origin of these two terms. In the Guaraní creation legend, Tupa, the highest god, created everything on the surface of the earth, including animals and plants, with the help of his wife, the moon goddess Arasi, and placed stars in the sky. .

Tupa then mixed clay with water and created humans next to the Amazon River.

After giving life to humans, he left them with "good" and "evil" souls.

These two souls are called Antupuri, the good god, and Tau, the evil god.

The first humans created by Tupa were Rupave and Sipave, whose names mean "Father of Mankind" and "Mother of Mankind" in Guarani respectively. They had three sons and an unknown number. daughter.

But the most important character in Guaraní mythology is the granddaughter of both, the beautiful Keilana.

It is said that the evil god Tau coveted her beauty, so he transformed into a handsome young man and abducted her. The good god Antupuri intervened to stop her, but was defeated by Tau. Unfortunately, he failed.

Seeing Tau and Keilana getting married, Antupuri placed a curse on them, turning each of their children into monsters with strange looks, cruel personalities, and unacceptable personalities.

Tau and Keilana gave birth to seven children, who are also the main seven monsters in Guaraní mythology.

Kurupila is one of them, and he is also the only descendant whose appearance is similar to that of humans. Therefore, he is accepted and widely spread by countries such as Brasilia and Uruguay.

This is the Guaraní myth that Lin An learned from books. However, Kurupila calls the pollution level the "Power of Tau" and the radiation value the "Power of Antupuri", which profoundly explains the meaning of the local people. A different understanding from the Portuguese who recorded the myth.

The main idea of ​​Zhongzhou philosophy is monism and the concept of "In the beginning there was Tao". Western philosophy advocates dualism, believing that good and evil are separate and opposed, just like God and the devil are mortal enemies.

The indigenous philosophies of Upper and Lower East Asia are distinct from both, blending monistic and dualistic theories by embracing complexity.

In some ways, they are supporters of dualism, such as Tau's evil, greed, and selfishness, or Kurupira's lust and cunning.

But they also believe that all things come from the same source, and that these supreme substances, like "the Holy Spirit," are already integrated into the individual's body, mind, and spirit as part of a larger whole.

They respect individuality without emphasizing the loss of self by trying to integrate into the sacred. At the same time, they feel that most things exist within a range and are not composed of an absolute whole.

That is, everything is independent, but at the same time it is one.

This idea is already reflected in the local mythology, and it is further elaborated in the Guaraní mythology, with Antupuri representing the benevolent and slightly cold divinity, and Tau representing the pure and emotional human nature.

The local philosophy brought Lin An more understanding, and also made him think about his recent experiences, and he became more and more eager to see those familiar figures.


The strange chirping of birds was getting closer and closer, and a huge shadow loomed in the mist.

It has the head of a giant parrot, and its lower body is that of a thick python. Two men's arms grow from its abdomen, pushing its body on the ground and moving slowly.

It was Taiwei, the god of swamps and alligators, the third son of Tau.

"I'm afraid he found you, little fairy."

Kurupila's name made Lin An's mouth twitch, and he couldn't help but say: "You can call me...Lin An."

"Oh, then you can call me 'Gabriel Manuela'." A smile appeared on the boy's auburn face, "I will take you across his territory, Lin An."

After saying that, Krupila put her hand to her mouth and blew a sharp whistle.


Legend has it that his whistles can cause dizziness, sluggishness, and headaches, ultimately leaving unruly hunters disoriented and unable to find their way home.

When the parrot-headed snake heard the whistle, it paused as if struck by lightning. Kurupila took the opportunity to move its big feet that grew in opposite directions and crossed the dense mist where the stream trickled.

The two people's journey lasted about half an hour. The setting sun gradually sank into the horizon, and the shadows of stars appeared on the clear sky. They hung low in the rainforest that had not been destroyed by humans, close to the moss-covered tree trunks, with berry-like tentacles. Reachable.

While Kurupila was running, he did not forget to chat with Lin An. From his mouth, Lin An learned that not only Brother Luzi, but also others were in their tribe.

"Where is your 'tribal center'?" He took the opportunity to trick Kurupila.

"In the house."

"A building similar to a temple?"

"No, we don't want a temple because it would teach us to quarrel with the Holy Spirit, like the Redeemers and the Protestants do. We don't want to understand that," Kurupila said. "We are children of the Holy Spirit and want to Learn it and get its thumbs up.”


The sound of the waterfall came and Lin An raised his head.

It turned out that they followed the Amazon River until a waterfall appeared at the end of the tangled rainforest. The densest part of the water was as thick as an oak trunk.

"You hide under my hair, otherwise you will be washed away easily." The boy said, "After crossing the waterfall, we will soon be our tribe! You can see the singing moose."

"Thank you, Gabriel." Lin An said sincerely.

He originally had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect that Kurupila actually brought him to Brother Luzi.

"Well, I will ask for payment from you, Lin An." Kurupila shook his head, "Have you ever heard of a bank?"


"The Portuguese put their money there for safekeeping and soon got it back with interest. We had no such bank; but when we had enough food or blankets, we gave them to others, and after a while, They'll pay it back with interest, too. That's our bank."

As the boy spoke, he entered the waterfall, pressed his body against the wet rocks, and passed through the fast water curtain like the wind.

Lin An hid under his hair so he didn't get wet.

There is a cave inside, and the entrance looks quite dark. The faint light casts from the cracks and cracks in the rocks, gathering into shadows on Lin An and Kurupila.

"Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..."

As the water drops fell, a fresh scent hit your face, mixed with the smell of dry sheep manure and burning dead branches.

Kurupira opened her arms and ran in happily.

"That's where the Holy Spirit lives!" He didn't forget to introduce it to Lin An, "It smells like my 'sisters' cooked a pot of black bean stew, ah, and barbecue! Lin An, I hope you don't eat it all in one go. Half a pot!”

Lin An narrowed his eyes slightly. There was a cave behind the waterfall, and a group of low buildings appeared.

The light of the torch dispersed the fog in the rainforest, but did not completely dissipate it. On the contrary, the clouds and rain were illuminated by the light, making the surrounding world become colorful.

A figure came into view. It lowered its head, with colorful feathers flying in its horns. It was drinking sugarcane wine from a leaf glass. The rainbow cast a halo on its snow-white fur, making it look both illusory and real. grace.

"Brother Luzi!" Lin An called.

The moose noticed it immediately and looked around with its big, deep eyes.

"Is it an illusion?" it murmured to itself, "I seem to hear Lin An's voice." (End of Chapter)

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