World Occult User Guide

Chapter 207 The sacrifice ends

The wind in the rainforest was so wet that it almost dripped with water. The Thunderbird carried Lin An through the shady woods and landed on a dark and soft muddy ground.


Seeing that he had arrived at his destination, Lin An jumped off the thunderbird's back. As a result, the short legs of the villain in the bottle almost fell into the swamp.

When the Thunderbird saw this, he plucked a feather, tore it in half, and made him shoes.

"Thank you, Brother Lei Zi." Lin An stepped on the smooth feathers of the thunderbird, and it seemed as if air currents were lifting his body, preventing him from sinking further. "Is the little canine tooth here?"

"Listen to the sound of the stream over there, Lin An."

Lightning lit up from Thunderbird's fingertips, like a candle made of dark clouds. The flickering white light illuminated the world around Lin An: every tree, every bush, and every blade of grass.

"Go find her."

"Brother Lei Zi, won't you follow?"

"You have always had my blessing." Thunderbird pointed at Lin An's eyebrows, indicating the kiss from the sky, "Besides, unlike the nervous Shou Tent, I don't want to stop the little canine tooth from pursuing her wishes."


Lin An was slightly startled. The Thunderbird charged up its wings and flew into the sky. I don't know if it was an illusion. He seemed to have a helpless and emotional expression before leaving.

After thinking for a moment, Lin An came to a conclusion.

Sister Shuzi does not want to get too close to the four local gods. As the leader of "Wakataka", Thunderbird cannot take sides with any of them, so she hopes that Lin An will personally negotiate with Coyote, the other creation god. Get closer to each other.

It seems that at least Brother Lei Zi intends to form an alliance with me.

Lin An thought as he held the warm and harmless lightning and stepped forward.

On the banks of the flowing Amazon River, yellow and orange torches flickered, and the halo of light reflected the colors of the rainbow in the water mist, illuminating the lake. Lin An caught a glimpse of a bunch of butterflies passing by with their blue scales shining like powder. Flashing like fireflies.

Hearing the joyous singing of dew splashing into the river, he took another step, and the layers of banana trees, banyan trees and patches of ferns gave way to a small open space.

The vision suddenly opened up, and the moon hung in the sky.

Along with the gurgling sound of water, Lin An vaguely heard a sigh.

"anyone there?"

His question was met with a silence that lasted for five seconds, and then there was a sudden sound of wind, like a leopard running wildly in the jungle, and someone emerging from the dense vegetation of the jungle.

Although the visitor was wearing a coyote mask, Lin An recognized her as Little Canine at a glance.

After all, when he first met her, Little Dogtooth was still an ordinary human.

After more than a month of separation, Little Canine is as strong and tall as he remembered, with his arms covered in thick gray-purple hair. Only his abdomen is still human muscles, with eight-pack abs painted with red and green paint.

Feathers of different colors are dotted on her dark hair flying in the wind, like a finely woven woolen blanket.

"Lin An?"

Her eyes were first attracted by the lightning of the thunderbird, and then turned to the little man in the bottle, which was about half a meter long. She hesitated for a moment and asked uncertainly.

"Who are you? Your voice is exactly the same as Lin An."

Lin An cleared his throat and sang loudly.

"Two-legged creatures, take courage! My strength will become your strength, and you also need this strength. A beautiful nation is about to travel across the earth!"

His singing instantly ignited the passion in the little canine's eyes, because this was exactly the song Lin An sang at the sand painting ceremony. She swooped over, then stopped in place, carefully holding the little man in the bottle with both hands, for fear of breaking it. Got him.

"Lin An, you're only this high?" Her tone was laced with a hint of heartache, "You must be injured, right?"

"This form is called the 'little man in the bottle', and I have a relationship similar to that of a puppet and my master. The Lin An you have seen is still alive and well."

Little Canine felt relieved after hearing Lin An's explanation.

"How long are you planning to stay this time? Well, if I had known you were attending the carnival, I wouldn't have left so quickly."

"Actually, we have to leave in five minutes." Lin An replied, "This time I just came to [Thirteenth Heaven] to take a look and see how you are doing."

"Why are the times we get together so short every time? Lin An, you once danced a dance at a sand painting ceremony. From now on, we have to gather less and stay apart like sand paintings. We can only wait before the wind comes. Preserve the beauty of the moment?”

Little Canine expressed her dissatisfaction frankly, paused, and then added.

"I love our tradition of visions, but I don't want you to be a fleeting vision."

"Don't worry, I'm a living person, not the VCR video that Brother Lu Zi plays every day." Lin An quickly comforted, "Little Dog Tooth, I believe that I will be able to really sing and dance with you in the near future."

Hearing this, Little Canine was finally happy: "In this way, we can talk to each other all the time."

"Until you can't be bothered to pay attention to me."

"So long." The little canine's shining eyes almost shattered the coyote mask, turning into stars and falling on Lin An, "You gave me a new desire for the future. Unfortunately, today you are unpredictable again. sand paintings.”

She picked up Lin An and walked step by step towards the Amazon River under the light of lightning.

"Is this the end of the carnival?" Lin An said eloquently as the countdown entered its final stage, "Your ceremony ended by a river."

"Yeah, we take off and throw away our masks. Let the water take everything away."

The little canine tooth took off the mask on her face, and Lin An finally saw her face.

The girl's facial features were full of wildness, her skin was smooth and tight, almost copper-colored, and her eyes were big and beautiful. When she looked at Lin An, the latter couldn't help but think of the look on a cat's face when it preys on a sparrow.

Feeling his gaze, Little Canine smiled generously.

"You can throw the mask into the water too."

Lin An took off the poison dart frog mask and threw it high in sync with the canine fangs. They drew an arc and splashed in the turbid river water.

"The mask of the Thirteenth Heaven represents the medium between us and death, our ancestors, and the spiritual world. When we put on the mask, we actually put the so-called death on our face."

Lin An watched thoughtfully as the mask was washed away by the river water, while the little canine stared at him unblinkingly and continued to explain.

"But by understanding death, a person can truly feel the finitude of life and its certainty. At the end of the sacrifice, we throw the mask representing the ancestors into the water, sending death back to the spiritual world, and at the same time interacting with the physical body. Farewell to disease.”

"It sounds like the people of Lower Dongzhou believe that death and life, good and evil, divinity and humanity are one and the same. They originate from two sides of the same sacred concept." Lin An said, "Is this what you mean, little one? Canine teeth?”

"No, I mean, I hope you're always healthy and strong."

Little Canine's arms became stronger and stronger, hugging Lin An tightly in his arms, his heart thumping like a drum in his chest, and he spoke in a firm tone.

"Hold on to the good things, even if they are a handful of sand; hold on to the responsibilities you have to bear, even if they are as heavy as a mountain; listen to my heartbeat, even if we are about to part."

Lin An was greatly shocked by the emotional words.

Just as the other three local gods said, even if the shape of the soul is determined the moment it is put into the body, the personal experiences along the way have already given Lin An the opportunity to replenish, shape, and fill it.

"Thank you, little dog tooth, you are such a passionate person." Lin An patted her shoulder happily.

"So when can we meet?" Little Dog Ya felt the energy around Lin An gradually distort, and did not hide the disappointment in his words, "I hope it will not exceed a month."

"Definitely." Lin An vowed, "In the meantime, you might as well go to a nearby supermarket to apply for a SIM card and make a video call to me."

"Will this make that red exclamation mark disappear?"

"Ask Shou Tent, she knows how to buy it." Lin An said with a smile, "Except Brother Luzi, all three of you can use green bubbles now, or I can just form a group."

"But I still want to see you in person!"

"Give me a little more time."

Little Canine thought for a while, then raised Lin An, and the two of them looked at the vast and beautiful scenery of the rain forest.

"You swear by these things," she said. "You swear by shadows and eagle feathers and silence. You swear by green mountains and standing rocks that you will come back to me."


Before Lin An could finish saying "Of course I do," in the little canine's reluctant eyes, the space was moving, and her face was shattered in front of his eyes, turning into a dark and boundless void.

The witch's teleportation was activated, the magic array of the six-pointed star flashed, and the smaller five-pointed star emitted a faint white light, guiding Lin An back to the original coordinates.

On the boat near the International Bridge, he opened his heavy eyelids and saw that the witch had fallen asleep. The other three people saw him regaining consciousness and quickly came over with concern.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Joshua, who was nearest, asked.

"Very healthy and strong."

Lin An stretched and finally returned to a normal human body, no longer having to experience the perspective of the villain in the bottle looking up.

The dry air from Detli City flowed into his lungs, refreshing him after having breathed in the humidity of the rainforest.

"Exactly two hours." Anna glanced at her watch, "Master Ghost, was your experiment successful?"

"Beyond my countless imaginations." Lin An's mouth curved slightly, "Perhaps as they said, the realization of one personal experience is far more than tens of thousands of pale and empty preaching and words."

"Xiao Lin, you're finally back safely." Zhou Qingqing let out a long breath, "Then I'll go back to the restaurant to help. It's almost the evening rush hour."

"Goodbye, senior sister."

"Bye bye, Xiao Lin, I wish you a happy 22nd birthday again." Zhou Qingqing picked up the takeout box, "I'll bring you something delicious next time." (End of Chapter)

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