World Occult User Guide

Chapter 219 April 1

"Knock knock knock."

A woman in her forties knocked on the door of the museum's staff lounge. She had an elegant and gentle temperament. She wore thick black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose, her long golden brown hair was tied up high, and she was wearing a one-piece dress.

If anyone from the Foundation were here, they would recognize her as Research Minister Siglo Pedersen.

"President, I'm coming in."

When no one answered, Siglo pushed open the door and entered. The room of less than ten square meters only had two sofas and a coffee table. The blond boy hid on the armrest farthest from the door and looked at her nervously.

Siglo was a little strange, but she didn't dare to say anything. She put a stack of files and an ultra-light laptop in her hand on the coffee table and reported meticulously.

"I have finished replying to the foundation's email for you and submitted an application to leave to John Arthur Williams. Mr. Alberg, it is time to make the final preparations."

The boy looked at her warily, and Siglo frowned.

"Please don't forget that on Wednesday, April 1, 2038, Your Excellency asked us to officially take back the seven major relics and sixteen minor relics placed by the Heritage Foundation in Ditry City..."

Her voice weakened until she was silent.

Silence filled the narrow space. Rocky licked his lips nervously and asked uncontrollably.

"Who are you?"


Siglo didn't answer immediately. She took a tentative step towards Rocky, who curled up his body even more.

"Your name is Rocky Alberg." She said the opposite answer.


The boy bit his thumb, and his face that was once full of amusement was only confused.

"So my name is Rocky, but why don't I remember? I'm still so young, I should have a mom and dad! Auntie, where are my parents?"

Siglo was silent for a longer time this time, and then she stretched out her hand, and the words in Old Norse were flying all over the sky. Rocky looked at them in surprise, as excited as a child seeing fireworks for the first time.

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"I understand what's going on." Siglo withdrew her energy, and a strange arc appeared in the corner of her stern mouth, "That person destroyed your original body and caused you to lose your memory. Otherwise, you would usually hate these things." A pledge of fidelity and mercy'."

"Really?" After seeing the familiar words, Rocky moved forward a little bit with his hands on his body, "It means someone has made a grudge against me? Auntie, you seem to know me very well, can you avenge me?" ?”

Siglo looked down at the boy's fair and beautiful face. After a while, she suddenly threw a rope around Rocky's neck and roughly pulled him to her side. Then she reached out and grabbed his throat and lifted him into the air.


The boy tried his best to kick his legs and struggled, but was unable to do anything.

"Very good, the divine power has also been lost, and the radiation value has been reduced by almost 10%." Siglo said with a faint smile, "Unfortunately, your character is still so bad, and it is hopelessly annoying."

"Why are you bullying me! When my parents come, believe it or not, I will let them deal with you!" Rocky's eyes first showed fear, and then he threatened angrily, "Hurry up and let me go, you old woman! Who's going to come? , help!"

"What a hopeless bad guy." Siglo snorted, "Friday's information is indeed correct. As long as you are allowed to enter that special clock tower to explore, with your personality, you will definitely anger that person. existence, followed by the permanent loss of memory.”

"Ah! You want to harm me too!" Rocky shouted.

"I never thought you would fall into the control of our lawful faction in this way, God of Mischief."

Siglo put down Rocky, who held his throat that was almost suffocated and coughed desperately.

"Ahem, what do you want to do, old woman!"

Hearing this scornful name, Siglo slapped him without hesitation, causing Rocky to fly backwards, his back hit the wall, and his bones made a snapping sound.

He slipped down and leaned on the handle of the sofa. Blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. His eyes suddenly became clearer, and he looked at the woman with coiled hair in horror.

"Rocky, don't worry, we will only beat you when you make a mistake." Siglo rubbed his fists and said sincerely.

The boy covered the painful wound and unexpectedly discovered that the broken ribs and broken internal organs were slowly recovering.

Even so, he didn't want to be slapped by her again.


"After returning to Xizhou, there will be a total of 3 source level and 15 myth level people ready to line up to 'educate' you." Siglo didn't care about his feelings, "until you die or completely repent."

Rocky's vision went dark. In other words, there are eighteen people like Sigyn waiting to slap him?

What crime did he commit that is outrageous to both humans and gods!

"But I don't have any memory, how should I repent?" Rocky asked tremblingly.

"Haha." Siglo laughed meaningfully, "Treat it as a wonderful drama. This is what you like and are best at, right? It's just that this time, you are the only actor."

Rocky couldn't help but open his mouth. Doesn't this mean that he is basically dead?

And he was beaten to death by a group of people...

"Thanks to the Uncrowned Queen of [Black Capital], we finally have a way to punish you." Siglo took Rocky's arm and dragged him out of the employee lounge, "It's already April 1st, it's time This long and boring mission is over."

Rocky wanted to push her away, but his delicate arms were completely powerless.

The lights at Ann Arbor University's museum had long been turned off, and darkness enveloped the exhibition hall, just like his life from now on.


Lin An has dreamed of this place countless times.

But every time he stood on the edge of a chaotic image, feeling the blurry scene in front of him like a bystander.

Somehow, he knew that this place must have extraordinary significance to him. Although he couldn't tell how long ago he had personally participated in it, this scene vaguely evoked a distant memory that was both true and false.

The sacrificial scene appeared again, and Lin Jingjing watched the figures walking neatly. They were clearer than the last time he saw them.

The moonlight above the head is pale and hazy, turning into a nebula that emits a strange luster.

It is dancing in a flowing manner, changing positions almost every moment, beyond the limits of human cognition, carrying the ethereal and buzzing sounds from outside the universe.

The nebula continued to rotate, and wave-like, indescribable beams of light illuminated the earth, so that the calm water boiled and the beautiful reeds swayed wildly.

Suddenly, under the sky that was about to give birth to something, illusory figures began to move.

Their hands held candles of different colors, and their respective colors slightly lit up the features of their faces.

The person holding a white and black candle wears a mask, and strange patterns outline the pattern of the human face.

The person holding the pink candle holds the scepter high, with countless birds surrounding his head.

The man holding the red candle spreads his wings like a bat and has big horns like an argali on his head.

The person holding the brown candle was wearing a green robe, with strange monsters surrounding his shoulders, like dragons and snakes.

The man holding the yellow candle wears a feathered headdress and holds a scimitar in his other hand as a weapon.

There are two people holding green candles, one of them shines like the sun, and the other is as elegant as the moon.

The person holding the purple candle looks like a tree, and the plants are like moss covering his body.

The person holding the golden candle held a heavy scripture book spread out, and the shadow of the six-pointed star was looming.

The person holding the brown candle has many hands, with dexterous fingers making different gestures.

The person holding the brown candle is almost completely naked, with a crown of olive leaves surrounding his head.

Among them, Lin An heard two voices that made him feel extremely familiar. The former was kind, and the latter was annoying. They came from two figures holding green and silver candles respectively, as if they wanted to communicate with him.

But he couldn't understand, so he had to wait and watch.

The sacrificial ceremony continued in a perfect manner, but the ending came to mind, and Lin An knew that they had failed.

The next moment, the candlelight rose, and the endless and vast nebulae in the sky dropped a strange singing voice. The melody was like a misty dream, and the deep door was pushed open.

Ethereal chords are played, and each section is filled with cadences from the universe and celestial bodies.

The otherworldly singing gradually faded away until it stopped, the flow of nebulae dissipated, and then the entire sky was torn apart by a strong light.

Its color does not belong to the spectrum of this planet, but it radiates unusually intensely across the entire earth.

Immediately afterwards, heavy rain fell from the sky.

When Lin An saw the figures holding candles again, they were all lying on the ground, lifeless.

More and more rain fell, first submerging the basin, then the plains, and finally the waves swallowed up the mountains. The floods surged and life died. The whole world was gray and silent, with only death and nothingness.

In an instant, a lonely figure walked out.

He has perfect body proportions, long snow-white hair, eyes with a deep color and a changeable luster, and an indifferent posture, almost expressionless.

He turned a blind eye to the disaster sweeping the world and took out his notebook.

"Did you fail? It seems that next, I need to focus on researching the technology that belongs to this planet..."

As he spoke, he turned his head as if he was aware of it.

This face is very similar to Lin An, but his eyes are deep, and the ethereal and illusory light changes with every breath he takes, sometimes radiant, sometimes dark and gloomy.

Everything around him was empty and hazy, and the illusion shattered into an ancient and extremely real dream.

Lin An woke up.

Before he opened his eyes, he felt an extremely warm breath wrapping his body, coming from a title that should have been the most reassuring.


"Ah, my Ann."

Hearing her noble and moving call, Lin An raised his head in a daze and met a pair of beautiful opal-like eyes, belonging to the woman who haunted him in his dreams, Adelia Hughes.

She was holding Lin An in her arms with her arms, maintaining the posture of Michelangelo's Pieta marble statue, letting his head rest on her chest and his body resting on her knees.

Curly black hair was scattered around Lin An's neck, and the rich smell of perfume emanated.

The early morning bell of the city hall rang in the distance, echoing solemnly in the gloomy city of Dietrich, heralding the arrival of a new day.


The sound echoed muffledly in the New Tower of Babel.

"Today is April 1st." Adelia said gracefully, "Happy Easter, my dear." (End of this chapter)

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