World Occult User Guide

Chapter 244 Determining the Name of God

"Them? They count a ball!"

Misuru gritted his teeth after hearing the hyena man's words.

"Why do they ask us to be content with the status quo? Since we are human beings, we should engage in a protracted and great struggle to reverse our destiny!"

"If you can't completely change the Bantu pattern, what qualifications do you have to refute them?" said the hyena man. "Who doesn't talk big words, clamoring for reforms and choices, but gives up halfway, what's the difference between a warlord and a warlord?"

"At least I have the determination to fight."

The hyena man stopped arguing with Misuru and ended with a few sneers.

Taking advantage of the tit-for-tat confrontation between Mi and Mi, Lin An asked Meyer Mezzo to tell the story of "The Loggers" again.

Similar to what Misulu said, this man once killed the former neighbors of the spotted lion tribe, causing the latter to have to move into a remote rain forest to survive.

Although Misulu insists that they are Flemish, Lin An is not completely convinced.

The Great Elder repeatedly mentioned that the "Lumberjack" had black hair, black eyes, and a temperament and demeanor that were somewhat similar to him.

The peoples of the lowlands are not like this.

In fact, the more Lin An came into contact with Misulu and the two women, the more strange he felt.

They made him feel very close, whether it was their expressive habits, the way they spoke or their inadvertent little movements, they all made him feel familiar.

This specialness is limited to the three Misulu siblings, and is one of the reasons why Lin An decided to take root in the spotted lion tribe.

Lin An asked the two women if they had come into contact with any strange antiques before. Meyer hesitated and hesitated to speak; Mezzo said in a strange tone.

"In my dream, I saw two shadows in the darkness. Through the desperate and heavy twilight, their hands were holding each other. The light of the stars and the moon penetrated the lifeless earth, like ten thousand golden bottles pouring out from the universe. out."

Mezzo's description is so wild and confusing that it's confusing.

I also heard a familiar riddle in Nanzhou...

Lin An thought of Brother Lu Zi and sighed in his heart, so he had to give up temporarily.

At this time, several tribesmen asked them to leave the hut and prepare for the inheritance ceremony at night.

The lives of the people of the Spotted Lion tribe are busy. Fishing, hunting, collecting, storing food and other tasks require their own hands. Almost all their energy is spent just to meet the needs of food and clothing.

Today is the day when Misulu becomes chief, Lin An observes the busy crowd.

Women are processing chunks of sour and chewy turtle meat; men are gathering firewood and decorating the grounds of the tribal center.

Coming to a corner, Lin An glanced at the hyena man.

I didn't want people from the spotted lion tribe to ask more questions, so I never inquired about the identity of the hyena man.

"Your father's point of view is very interesting." Lin An said.

Different from when he confronted Misulu, the hyena man's tone now was not so harsh.

"Wanderer, I am the son of the chief of the Wolfhound tribe, Ed Caban Moni Wolfhound."

The Great Elder told Lin An that Chief Wolfdog was the first mysterious person in the rainforest. He took advantage of the radiation of "Comes" to expand the power of the tribe. He fell into madness due to the increase in pollution levels, and his whereabouts are unknown ever since.

The Wolfdog tribe, which had lost the presence of the mysterious man, was besieged by the other tribes and fell apart.

"Actually, I don't know what they mean." The hyena licked his lips, "I only know that once I provoke a war between the two tribes, Dad will come to see me."


It turned out that the third mysterious person Lin An saw this morning was the chief of the Wolf Dog Tribe.

After the tribe died out, the hyena people began to wander in the jungle until they awakened "Dawa".

With his father's experience, he studied his new abilities calmly and gradually mastered the mysterious technique of [Bultonkin].

When he uses it to control other people one day and suddenly finds them fighting each other, his father wandering in the forest will be attracted.

"Sometimes I don't know where to go. I'm homeless and have nothing to do." The hyena man's tone revealed a bit of the young man's confusion, "Now that things have happened, I just want to see my dad, and he It can only appear in the middle of a war.”

"How many misunderstandings have you provoked between tribes so far?"

"Three times." The hyena man waggled his short tail, "Because dad is my only relative who is still alive."

"May I ask how old you are this year?"

"Eleven years old."


After listening to the story of this "War Emperor", Lin An had mixed feelings.

He thought the hyena people were secretly planning some earth-shattering conspiracy, but he didn't expect it was just a child missing his father.

Although behind this simplicity is unspeakable ignorance.


Are you referring to the Flemish people?

It is really sophistry to say that given the situation in Nanzhou, people should not receive education and the best way to deal with it is to be stupid.

The hyena man observed Lin An's face and followed him step by step to observe the work of the spotted lion tribe. When he approached two soup vessels weaved from leaves, he suddenly took out a glass bottle from the cloth strip around his waist.

"If you don't mind, would you like to try the specialty of our wolf-dog tribe, Ao Gao Lu?"


"A delicious wine." The hyena man opened the lid, and the strange smell of alcohol filled the air. It smelled quite inferior, but it made the people around him stare straight. "This is purified and fermented raffia palm sap. Dad used to drink it. ”

Lin An wrapped a drop of it with airflow, tasted it a little, and understood what it was.

The popular name in Eagle Country is generally its Western name, Akpeteshie palm wine, while in Nanzhou, it is called gógóró, which is pronounced like "Ao Gao Gao Lu".

Barbatos, your command of the language is imperfect...

Why are there words that are purely transliterated?

"Lord Ancestor Spirit, can you share it with us?"

The aroma of the wine attracted many people. They looked eagerly at the bottle in the hyena man's hand and kept swallowing and spitting.

"That's all I have." The hyena man turned to Lin An and asked for his opinion, "Sir, if you want to give it to everyone, you can only add more water."

"Then prepare a few more cups." Lin An waved his hand, "Tonight is an important day for Misulu to succeed the chief, so there must be no shortage of drinks."


The tribesmen cheered endlessly, but they did not catch the cold light flashing in the eyes of the hyena man.

As night falls, the soft moonlight sweeps through the vapor canopy covered by the rainforest. Under the tranquility, the spotted lion tribe is in full swing carrying out the chief's succession ceremony.

The bonfire was burning brightly, lighting up the surrounding area. The flames danced on people's faces, casting shadows of varying shades.

The drums made of wooden stakes have a deep and powerful sound, like a vibrant heartbeat; Mezzo and Meyer sing along with the beat, their voices are loud and passionate, and the lyrics have a happy and sacred atmosphere.

The diviner of the road is a knocking beetle,

It climbed up the road and passed here.

Followed closely by birds and beasts of all kinds,

These beasts have long been forgotten and become hieroglyphics carved on tree trunks.

The vicissitudes of the trees collapsed; just as they nourished the world,

In exchange for the ultimate fate of returning to the earth.

Men and women gathered around the campfire, singing and laughing, dancing to the simple rhythm of drums, beating the beat with their hands, dancing vigorously and passionately.

As the bonfire rose, Misulu, smeared in palm oil and painting intricate patterns with plant fuels, emerged from the chief's hut and shouted aloud as he joined the dance.

There were always men dancing with him, but no one was his opponent.

Misulu jumped all the way in front of the great elder. He half-crouched down and raised his head in front of the crowd. The great elder helped him put on a finely carved tortoise shell mask.

The natural texture of the tortoise shell and the special paintings of Nanzhou made Misulu look like a savage beast from ancient times. He turned around and shouted impassionedly to everyone.

"Since the day we were born, all of us have been fighting some kind of struggle! The reason why we fight is to let our souls move towards the place where they belong without leaving a trace of regret."

Misuru took a deep breath and raised his arms.

"People, I want to lead you to fight for future honor, and now is the time!"

He looked around excitedly, but found that not everyone's eyes were focused on him, and most people were staring closely behind him.

Misulu turned around and saw Lin An, wearing an animal skin garment belonging to the former chief, rising above the burning flames like an ethereal god.

The processed turtle meat and mutton provided by the Grinder's Bone floated beside him, like a messenger and gift from God.

As the air flow rolled, these ingredients were controlled by a pair of invisible hands and rolled over the flames, with grease dripping and sizzling.

"O fellow tribesmen of spotted lions, I am your ancestral spirit, [Forester] Kalunga Mpungu; my breath can be seen everywhere where the soul's mysterious and secular connections are connected."

Mpungu means "Messenger of the Gods" in Bantu language. Lin An's alphabetical name can also be translated as "The Incarnation of the Karenga Line", and "Forest Ranger" is his online name.


Lin An's display of power was obvious to all, and coupled with his holiness and illusion floating above the firelight, the tribesmen were in high spirits, thinking that this title was a perfect fit, and cheered in unison.

Controlling the Philosopher's Stone, Lin An distributed the cooked food to them.

After finishing the ceremony of being enshrined by the spotted lion tribe, Lin An returned to the ground, and Misuru suddenly came to greet him.

He felt unhappy that the once-in-a-lifetime chieftain's ceremony had been upstaged, but then he thought about it, people cannot compare with gods, so he patted Lin An on the shoulder.

"Lin, the Kuba River witnessed our ceremony. From now on, I am the chief who rules the tribe, and you are the great ancestor spirit. We live together, hate together, love together, and the blood flows together. This is the relationship between relatives. oath."

The fire cast an uncertain light on Misulu's tortoise shell mask. His black eyes were sincere and bright. The inexplicable sense of intimacy came back. Lin An hesitated for a moment and nodded subconsciously.

"Then, the oath will be effective." Misulu raised his palms, "I swear that in the depths of my most secret thoughts, I will never have the slightest hostility towards you, including now and in the future. Because we are relatives connected by blood."

He still wanted to say something, but the bald man from the hunting team and the woman who managed the women rushed over with eager steps. They signaled Misulu with their eyes and wanted to talk to Lin An alone.

"Then I'm going to eat first."

Although a little disappointed, Misulu left with a wink, and the two people immediately reported to Lin An.

"Lord Ancestral Spirit, just as you predicted, those prisoners who drank the anointing dew turned into half-human, half-wolf monsters and followed some kind of call and ran into the jungle!"

Thank you to Xingyu Xingchen, Sunset AA, LoYhOmE, Erzhoumuyuanwang, Haoye, and Winged Tiger for your monthly votes. Thank you for your recommendation votes and subscriptions.

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