World Occult User Guide

Chapter 248 Invitation from the Ancestral Spirits

When Apu sent the invitation to the ancestral spirit totem, Lin An was making a hammock while checking the newly included entries.

The Tiger Fish Tribe generously provided strong ropes, steel rings and large pieces of canvas cotton, which happened to allow Lin An to upgrade the straw mat on the ground to prevent the humidity, heat and mosquitoes from making it difficult to sleep at night.

After estimating the remaining materials, if the production process goes well, Lin An plans to promote the excellent invention of the hammock to the entire spotted lion tribe in the future.

The gifts from the Tiger Fish Tribe also have many uses and can greatly improve the quality of life of the Spotted Lion Tribe people.

On the other side, after Lin An's research, [Mvias] is of little use. Both abilities include transforming into a black raptor, one is to fly in the air, and the other is to increase strength.

The ability of [Moon Cleft Hare Lip] [Cleft Lip Syndrome Patient] consumes one "Farming God" and one "Dream Lord" to designate 10 people, causing their upper lip to be split open, reducing the individual's balance, coordination and Hearing cannot be cured by ordinary means.

However, Lin An values ​​​​more the second ability of [Moon Split Hare Lip], [Listen to the Heart of Believers].

This mystery consumes a "God of Farming" to activate and lock on a target. Whenever the distance between this person and Lin An is no more than one thousand meters and he thinks of anything related to Lin An, he can hear the individual's voice.

Although there are many restrictions, only one person can be designated, which is not as good as the large-scale telepathy that Shuzi Sister Beaver has that is fully enabled. This is the first time Lin An has received the "Mind Reading Skill" entry.

Without further ado, seeing the dusty Apu coming towards him, Lin An quickly cast [Listen to the Heart of a Believer] towards the [Moon Split Hare Lip] deity.

The barley and other grains turned into shadows of the altar and disappeared in front of Lin An. As the incense ashes dispersed, a clear voice sounded directly in his brain.

"Today I perfected the legend of Lord Ancestor Spirit and told it to the Tiger Fish Tribe. I'm really awesome."

This is obviously what Apu feels.

The next moment, the system's beep and Apu's report sounded at the same time.

"You are always happy to experiment with new items, and your curiosity about the occult has attracted the medium 'Knowledge Seeker' x1."

"Lord Ancestral Spirit, the envoy of the Tiger Fish Tribe wants me to hand this thing over to you."

"I will try to complete the origin of Lord Ancestor Spirit tonight. I always feel that there are still some holes in my story."

The three alternating echoes gave Lin An a headache for a moment. Fortunately, the system's broadcast was a one-time event. When Apu started to explain the origin of the stone, he stopped thinking.

Taking the flat stone, Lin An glanced at the words carved on it.

Its writing method is cumbersome and completely different from the daily Barbatos language that Lin An mastered with its 21 letters. It is probably similar to the relationship between English and Latin.

Apu was also illiterate, so he went to the elder to seek answers.

"Kishi means 'soul' in traditional Bantu language," she explained. "This stone is saying to you, 'Enter the dream of the dead.'"

"Sounds like a Hongmen Banquet." Lin An mused, "Ms. Fulami, how much do you know about the Ancestral Spirit Totem organization?"

"Mr. Tulf, after all, I am not an ancestral spirit. I have never attended one of their gatherings. I can only tell you some information I heard from various places."

The elder tore open the packaging of a box of Pocky and put the chocolate bar into his mouth.

"In addition to the Karu Mermaid, there are five Ancestral Spirit Totems from different medium-sized tribes. They live in different areas along the Kuba River. They are far away from the Spotted Lion Tribe and usually have almost no intersection."

"The only thing worth paying attention to is that the totem only has one member who does not belong to any tribe. It is said that this person wandered here from Kinshasha. He may have been a general, a vendor in the market, or a businessman."

"In short, he is the founder of the 'Ancestral Spirit Totem'. His original intention seemed to be to unite various tribes, but for some reason he gave up halfway. People from the Tiger Fish tribe said that his behavior became more and more weird, and he eventually became a madman."

Probably due to the increase in the pollution level of "Comes", he gradually lost his mind. Lin An thought.

After asking the great elder some news about the ancestral spirits and other tribes, Lin An gained a deeper understanding of the location and personnel layout of the rain forest.

The closest Bantu city to the rainforest is Mbambuka, which is about five or six hours’ drive from Kinshasa.

The city is very desolate and the only news that has been reported by the international community is the widespread Ebola outbreak in previous years.

No wonder my father allowed me to integrate the "Lamp Goddess" here with peace of mind. I'm afraid even aristocratic families are not willing to wade into the muddy waters here.

In addition to the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] mentioned by the Tiger Fish Tribe, they may be one of the extended forces of the Flanders Kingdom in Bantu.

After getting the information, Lin An took advantage of the situation and made some money with the elder.

"Ms. Folami, where did you learn French?"

"At the University of Brussels, I studied a bachelor's and master's degree in water resources engineering, and also took French and Dutch." The elder said with a little pride and nostalgia, "Where is Mr. Tulver?" High position?"


Lin An's words were stuck in his throat, and he remembered that he had applied for a gap year when he left.

Not only that, after the opening of chakras, the battle between Adelia and the lawful family, and the destruction of the out-of-control mystics, Ann Arbor University may have disappeared.

The cruel reality gradually became clear, and Lin An realized that he only had a high school diploma.

Not even as good as a tribesman in the rain forest who was nearly fifty years old.

Three years of college were in vain, and I felt lonely while studying.

Facing the expectant and curious eyes of the great elder, Lin An twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "I am studying for my undergraduate degree."

"You're younger than I thought."

"the same as you."

The degree is also surprisingly high. Lin An thought.

"Although the children in Misulu call me grandmother, they are not my real granddaughters and grandchildren, but the children of my nephew. I am unmarried and have no children." The great elder raised Pocky to him, "Sir, come on A chocolate bar?”

"No need, Ms. Fulami." Lin An waved his hand, "Actually, I still have a question. Do you know about the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce]?"

The great elder narrowed his eyes, and a flickering light flashed through them.

"Know a thing or two."

"What kind of organization is that?"

"Their group is headquartered in the port of Antedur, and the chairman is a well-known Flemish philanthropist, a member of the World Association for the Protection of Animals, and an environmentalist. The person in charge of the [Red Poppy Chamber of Commerce] in Bantu is named Mariette Van ·Hofwegen.”


The hyena man feels something is very wrong in the nearest rainforest.

Ever since he was caught by Lin An for instigating tribal relations between the spotted lions and chimpanzees, the hyena men no longer dared to approach the activities of the spotted lion tribe for fear of being captured by Rigel Tulf.

However, he lost his relatives and tribe, and the only thing he wanted to do and could do was to use Da Wa to provoke wars between tribes.

After hiding in a tree hole for a while, the hyena man found a new target with the brewed ointment.

However, when he followed the same pattern and brought a bunch of puppets to control the tribe to kill their neighbors, two people with the same magical power as him always got there first.

The hyena people knew them, the bald Yadamu, the leader of the spotted lion tribe's hunting team, and the woman Apu of the gathering team. I don't know when they became "ancestral spirits."

Sometimes two people appeared together, sometimes only one person, but every time they were able to break up his offensive and defuse a battle that was about to break out, making the hyena man furious.

He did not dare to attack the two of them, for fear of being noticed by the spotted lion ancestral spirit, so he had to flee.

The hyena man couldn't figure out why Rigel Tulf could accurately grasp his movements, and why he allowed him to escape and plan the next provocation.

Until one day when he sneaked into a tribe that he had visited before, he overheard their tribesmen chatting.

"The last invasion of dark creatures from the underworld was really scary. There were roaring monsters everywhere, all of the types I had never seen before. I was so scared that my whole body became stiff and I almost lost my ability to think."

The hyena was delighted to know that they were discussing his raid.

Even if the spotted lion ancestral spirit sent people to stop him, he still brought lingering fear to these tribes.

But the topic changed, and the tribesmen chattered about the aftermath of the attack.

"Fortunately, Lord Karenga Mpungu took action. Otherwise, even if our tribe did not suffer heavy losses, we might still have misunderstandings with the tribes on the other side and have a fierce fight."

"That's right, thanks to Mr. [Forester], this group of evil underworld creatures were prevented from invading our mortal world."

“If only Karenga Mpungu were the spirits of our ancestors, then he would belong to our tribe.”

"Compared to the seven ancestral spirits who only care about their own family and don't care about other tribes, Lord [Forest Guard] is extraordinarily great. After all, he is the sun and moon who are dedicated to saving the entire rainforest and guarding the creation fire of the world."

"By the way, have you heard that the chimpanzee tribe sent several children to the spotted lion last time..."

"what happened?"

The eavesdropping hyena man's eyes widened and he couldn't believe his ears.

Karenga Mpungu?

Forest ranger?

Is this the ancestral spirit of the spotted lion - Rigel Tulver?

Is it him who caused this group of people to not only not be afraid of my attack, but instead happily discuss topics such as salvation, worship, and faith?

They should obviously live in fear of the puppet attacking again every day!

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through the hyena man's mind, and he understood the reason why the spotted lion ancestral spirit did not attack him.

Only after he created a war could Rigel Tulfo let his messengers appear in front of people, save the fearful tribesmen, and spread hope to them.

Damn it, all my actions have become his wedding dress! The hyena man was itching his teeth with hatred.

He rolled his eyes, lost in thought.

Although he is far away from the range of the Spotted Lion Tribe, he has been instigating war on one side of the Kuba River. Maybe when he reaches the other side, Rigel Tulfo won't be able to find him?

With a new plan in mind, the hyena man did what he said.

He swam across the fast-flowing, trickling Kuba River and landed on the unfamiliar land on the other side.

After walking aimlessly for a long time, the hyena man found a sparsely populated small tribe.

But he knew that whenever one tribe appeared, there were more tribes nearby.

Sure enough, the hyenas quickly located their target, a medium-sized tribe with about three to four hundred people living there.

He took advantage of his speed and sneaked into their warehouse without anyone noticing. He first had a hearty meal, and then placed the ointment neatly inside.

The aroma of palm wine attracted the tired hunting team. They did not drink it on the spot, but handed it to the chief. However, the latter could not bear it. When night came, he distributed it to the high-status leaders of the tribe. .

Thin hairs like spider webs spilled from the hyena man's eye-shaped hands and flowed into the puppet's body along with the wine.


The person who drank the ointment screamed in the sky uncontrollably, turned into a half-hyena with thick hair and stripes, and rushed into the rain forest with the hyena man.

What shocked the hyena people was that when these ferocious-looking monsters with blood-red eyes rushed into the small tribe, the group of people actually cheered and beamed with joy after being stunned for a short time.

"It's a monster smuggled into the underworld! It's Lord Karenga Mpungu's turn to favor us!"

"That's great. I thought Master Mpungu wouldn't care about the tribes on the other side of the river! He is indeed the guardian of the entire rainforest. He loves us together with the sun and moon!"

"Anyway, let us pray! And then wait for Lord Karenga's favor."

The smile did not disappear, but simply transferred from the hyena man's face to the faces of the tribesmen. The former stared blankly at them as they picked up their spears with high spirits and stabbed their puppets.

Not long after, Mvias arrived, skillfully picked up the puppets and hung them on the tree.

The hyena man who witnessed the whole process was speechless and choked. For some reason, at this moment he lost all interest in provoking war between tribes, and even had a trace of deep respect in his heart.

When the power gap is too large, resistance, jealousy and anger are like jokes played on the other side.

I heard that Rigel Tulver is recruiting messengers who have the potential to awaken Da Wa?

Did he want me to be one of the messengers from the beginning, so he deliberately didn't kill me? The hyena man thought silently, how about I capture a member of the spotted lion tribe to find out...

As he thought about it, everything fell silent, and a strange attraction enveloped the hyena man.

He raised his head suddenly, and white lights disappeared in an instant, and a beggar in ragged clothes, half blind, and disheveled hair appeared.

He was sitting on a boulder with strange "heads" placed on the ground.

The beggar's eyes were wandering. He seemed to be looking at the hyena man, and he seemed to be looking elsewhere through him. There was no luster in his eyes like glass beads.

"Who are you?" the hyena man asked warily.

"You bastards of the wolf-dog tribe, have you had enough trouble?" He said hoarsely, his voice more terrifying than a nightmare, "Tell me one last word. Forest ranger... is such a shameless claim." (End of Chapter)

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